Part 10 (2/2)
In the final version () Turin and Hunthor were only part way up the further side when Turin said that they were wasting their strength in climbing up now, before they knew where Glaurung would cross; 'they halted therefore and waited'. It is not said that they descended from where they were when they ceased to climb, and the pa.s.sage concerning Turin's dream 'in which all his will was given to clinging' reappears from the draft text. But in the revised story there was no need for them to cling: they could and surely would have descended to the bottom and waited there. In fact, this is what they did: it is said in the final text (Unfinished Tales, p. 134) that they were not standing in Glaurung's path and that Turin 'clambered along the water-edge to come beneath him'. It seems then that the final story carries an unneeded trait from the previous draft. To give it coherence I have emended () 'since they were not standing right in Glaurung's path' to 'since they were not right in Glaurung's path', and 'clambered along the water-edge' to 'clambered along the cliff'.
These are small matters in themselves, but they clarify what are perhaps the most sharply visualised scenes in the legends of the Elder Days, and one of the greatest events.
OF HURIN Names that appear in the map of Beleriand are followed by an asterisk.
Adanedhel .
'Elf-man', name given to Turin in Nargothrond.
Aerin .
A kinswoman of Hurin in Dor-lomin, taken as wife by Brodda the Easterling.
Agarwaen .
'Bloodstained', name taken by Turin when he came to Nargothrond.
Ainur .
'The Holy Ones', the first beings created by Iluvatar, who were before the World: the Valar and the Maiar ('spirits of the same order as the Valar but of less degree').
Algund .
Man of Dor-lomin, member of the outlaw band that Turin joined.
Amon Darthir*
A peak in the range of Ered Wethrin south of Dor-lomin. A peak in the range of Ered Wethrin south of Dor-lomin.
Amon Ethir .
'Hill of Spies', a great earthwork raised by Finrod Felagund a league to the east of Nargothrond.
Amon Obel*
A hill in the midst of the Forest of Brethil, on which was built Ephel Brandir. A hill in the midst of the Forest of Brethil, on which was built Ephel Brandir.
Amon Rudh*
'The Bald Hill', a lonely height in the lands south of Brethil, abode of Mim. 'The Bald Hill', a lonely height in the lands south of Brethil, abode of Mim.
Pa.s.s leading down from Taur-nu-Fuin at the western end of Ered Gorgoroth. Pa.s.s leading down from Taur-nu-Fuin at the western end of Ered Gorgoroth.
Androg .
Man of Dor-lomin, a leader of the outlaw band that Turin joined.
'Gasping Dust', the great plain north of Taur-nu-Fuin, once and named 'Gasping Dust', the great plain north of Taur-nu-Fuin, once and named Ardgalen Ardgalen, but transformed into a desert by Morgoth in the Battle of Sudden Flame.
Angband .
The great fortress of Morgoth in the North-west of Middle-earth.
Anglachel .
Beleg's sword, the gift of Thingol; after its reforging for Turin named Gurthang Gurthang.
Angrod .
Third son of Finarfin, slain in the Dagor Bragollach.
Anguirel .
Eol's sword.
Aranruth .
'King's Ire', Thingol's sword.
Arda .
The Earth.
Aredhel .
Sister of Turgon, wife of Eol.
Arminas .