Part 15 (2/2)
He loved being able to say that. He thought back to all the times in high school and even since that he wished he could hold Sandra in his arms, just like this. But after she'd turned him down in high school...
He frowned as that day came back to him. He had finally gotten up the nerve to ask her to the school dance. She had been polite but had turned him down. When she'd raised that beautiful gray gaze to his, he'd seen fear, which had haunted him all these years. But he knew it wasn't him that had put that fear in her eyes, but the possibility of him finding out about her deep, dark secret at home, and her being punished for it. She'd been an abused child, scared and hurting. Since he hadn't known and had been reading into the situation from his own past, he'd taken it as the ultimate rejection of him.
While he could feel sympathy for Alice Barry losing her husband and being left with a child to raise alone, he couldn't understand her turning against that child and becoming an abuser.
Brent had sent Dexter a quick email after leaving the restaurant with Sandra and asked his friend if he would be able to find out if Sandra's parents were still in the area.
When Brent and Sandra returned to Club Desire and Sandra was getting ready before their scene, Brent had taken a few minutes to touch base with Dex to find out what he had learned.
Never able to leave any puzzle with pieces unmatched, Dex had found more than Brent had hoped. Alice Barry still lived in the area, in the same house Sandra had lived in while in high school. Dex had also found that Mark Barry, Sandra's father, now lived in Houston with his third wife and her two children from a previous marriage. He had abandoned the woman he'd left Alice and Sandra for, along with his newborn son, a few years after leaving Phoenix and his family here.
Rage had burned deep in Brent's gut at the thought of any man treating his families so callously. Mark Barry wasn't a true man in Brent's book. And apparently not in Dex's, since Dex had only half-jokingly asked if Brent would like Mark Barry to suddenly be caught in the middle of an FBI sting or a very extensive tax audit or two.
Brent had told Dex quite plainly that he would much prefer just beating the man to a pulp, and hoped he never got the opportunity because he didn't know if he would be able to stop.
Dex just shook his head and told Brent that he wasn't worried about him killing anyone in cold blood, even for revenge. It would be a self-defense situation or Brent defending someone he cared about that Dexter predicted would tip Brent into murder.
Brent couldn't say that Dex was wrong. He had always hoped he wouldn't be able to kill someone in cold blood. But because of his experiences as an outcast, he was extremely protective about those he cared for, so he could definitely see himself taking a life in protection of one of them.
Chapter 16.
Sandra watched as Master Brent and Master Dex demonstrated several self-defense techniques. They both looked so graceful and yet powerful at the same time. Sandra knew she should be paying attention to the different moves they were explaining and demonstrating, but all she could concentrate on was Master Brent.
He was a study in masculine beauty, and since she'd had all of those hard muscles concentrated solely on her this afternoon she was mesmerized. She had a quick flash of how amazing he had most likely looked pumping into her and sending her soaring. She had already been too far gone in subs.p.a.ce to notice many details, but now that she could see each muscle ripple as he kicked, blocked, and punched in beautiful symmetry with Master Dex, she began to wonder about some of those tantalizing details. Especially her voyeuristic side.
When Master Brent f.u.c.ked her this afternoon while she was draped over the tall spanking bench, did he push down his pants so his very muscular a.s.s could be seen, each thrust inside her displaying the beautiful play of muscles she saw now? She hadn't felt his leather pants slapping against her folds, so she didn't think he'd fished his c.o.c.k through his fly. But then again, she hadn't been paying attention to anything but the amazing sensations she'd been drowning in.
Besides, Master Brent was so...she settled on ”cultured” for lack of a better way to describe him...that she couldn't see him doing anything so common. She tried to picture Master Brent sitting on a dirty couch on a Sunday afternoon drinking beer, farting and scratching his b.a.l.l.s while watching TV, and she nearly giggled.
It just wouldn't compute.
”Sandra?” She jumped, and her cheeks heated both at being caught daydreaming and at the clear amus.e.m.e.nt in Master Dex's voice. There were only three other students in the cla.s.s, although Dex had told her there were usually around ten.
Some type of national job fair was going on at Arizona State University today, so several of Master Dex's usual students hadn't been able to attend tonight. Which made it harder for Sandra to hide when her mind wandered.
Master Dex gave her a kind, understanding smile. ”Why don't you come up here with me and we can go over some basics? The other ladies have already had three or four sessions, so Master Brent can work with them while you and I go over some things to get you started.”
Disappointment arrowed through her that Master Brent wouldn't be working with her, followed swiftly by a sharp twinge of jealousy toward the three women who would be receiving his attention. But she firmly reminded herself that she would probably learn much more from Master Dex. She followed him to the other side of the room and returned Master Brent's encouraging smile as they pa.s.sed each other.
When Master Dex turned toward her she smiled up at him, marveling again at how tall he was. He truly was a gorgeous man, but he wasn't Master Brent. Although he had amazing arms and shoulders-muscled and defined without going overboard-and a very nice a.s.s that flexed wonderfully under his snug jeans with every step. She was glad no one had called her on watching Master Dex's every step across the room. But what woman wouldn't have watched in her situation?
”All right, Sandra. The purpose of self-defense is for you to defend yourself long enough to get the h.e.l.l out of there.” He smiled, making his dark brown eyes twinkle. ”And the first rule of self-defense is that there aren't any rules. If you are being threatened in any way, you do what you have to do to break away and run. Understand?”
She thought back to the times with both her mother and Diego when she wished she would have adopted that mentality. But she had always been too afraid of what the eventual punishment would be to try anything.
Master Dex must have read her expression because he added, ”If there are deeper or more long-term issues at work, then you find someone like myself or Master Brent to help you break away from that situation. But for a short-term, 'right-now' solution, use whatever means and methods are at your disposal to get away and run to somewhere safe.” He laid a large, solid hand on her shoulder and met her gaze as if he knew what kinds of thoughts and emotions all of this might bring flooding back.
”Once there, contact someone you trust who can help you. I'll give you my card at the end of our session that has my cell number and email on it. You can contact me day or night. I'm sure Master Brent told you the same thing. We take care of our own.”
She nodded lamely, wis.h.i.+ng she'd had people like Dex and Brent as a child, and even in New York, that she could have called.
She shook herself. Get a grip, Sandra! That's not your life anymore. This is.
”Yes, sir,” she answered, not sure if she'd missed a response somewhere along the way and wanting to err on the side of caution.
He laughed softly. ”While I appreciate the enthusiasm, we aren't in a scene, and you're not one of my subs.” He patted her gently on the shoulder. ”You are welcome, of course, to call me 'sir.' I definitely won't be offended.” One side of his mouth quirked into a charming smile. ”Since I am a Dom at Club Desire, my correct address is Master Dex, but only those who are my subs or those playing a scene with me are expected to answer me with the honorific of 'sir.' It's not that way in every dungeon, but that's how it is here at Club Desire.”
She swallowed hard before she tipped back her chin to look up at him. ”Thank you, Master Dex. At the dungeon in New York I would be punished for not answering with 'sir' or 'ma'am' to any Dom or Domme there. Even if they weren't members or if I didn't know they were a Dom.”
The muscles in Dex's jaw flexed and released as if he was grinding his teeth. ”I've heard a lot about Master Mason's dungeon. I might have to go and visit him when I'm out there on business next month.”
Sandra bit her bottom lip to keep from smiling. Nothing in Master Dex's tone was disrespectful or even questioning of Master Mason and his dungeon, but she had the distinct impression he had larger issues with how that place was run.
She knew Master Brent and Master Mason were friends, but Master Dex would only be a visiting Dom. She was sure any criticisms he offered wouldn't be taken well. She almost wished she could be there to watch. But she never wanted to step foot in that place again if she could help it. Too many bad memories now overshadowed the good ones.
Over the next hour Master Dex taught her the most vulnerable spots on both women and men, and how to best use them to break away and gain her freedom. She had also asked very specific questions about how to break out of holds and situations she remembered finding herself in during past experiences. She hadn't told Master Dex that's what they were, but she suspected he knew. Like Brent, Dex was extremely intuitive, and she doubted he missed much that went on around him.
He had her visualize situations where she might feel powerless, such as being caught in a dark alley with a stranger. Then he taught her in those situations how to gouge eyes, scratch faces, kick, and hit. He also showed her how to knee someone in the groin for maximum pain, and kick the side of someone's kneecap to pop it out of joint and disable the person long enough to get away. When she practiced those motions while visualizing Diego or even her mother, she felt a tiny slice of the pain that encased her heart crumble and fall away. A surge of confidence rose through her, making her feel powerful. It was very freeing.
She knew some quick visualizations and one self-defense lesson wouldn't be enough to fully protect her anytime soon, but it was a start.
By the time she gave Master Dex a quick hug, accepted his business card, and walked toward the elevator with Master Brent, she was feeling empowered and much more prepared to meet life, no matter what it held.
”Master Brent.”
Sandra stopped next to Brent as a pretty blond woman approached who had been in the group that he'd taught in the self-defense cla.s.s. She looked to be in her early forties and was pet.i.te and confident, but her body language didn't hold anything that made Sandra jealous.
”Valerie,” Brent said warmly as he took her hand. ”How are you today? I don't usually see you here on Mondays.”
Gary's old girlfriend, Valerie? Sandra's curiosity burned as the name registered in her memory.
Valerie blushed at Brent's attentions, and the added color and animation in her features took her from pretty to beautiful. Only up close did Sandra notice the tiny telltale signs that Valerie might be older than Sandra had originally thought. But even the faint lines next to her eyes and mouth only enhanced her beauty. Sandra hoped she aged as well as this woman.
Valerie shrugged in response to Brent's comment, which showed off her very muscular arms and shoulders through her sheer top. Sandra remembered how graceful and confident she had been practicing her self-defense moves.
”Oh, I'm sorry.” Valerie glanced at Sandra and then back to Brent. ”I didn't mean to interrupt.”
”No problem, Val.” Brent cleared his throat and looked at each of them in turn. ”Valerie, this is Sandra. Sandra is new to Club Desire, and this was her first night at Master Dex's self-defense cla.s.s.”
Valerie held out her hand and Sandra took it. ”It's nice to meet you, Valerie. I hope eventually I look as graceful doing all those moves as you did.”
Valerie laughed. ”I've been taking that cla.s.s for nearly a year now. You should have seen me when I started. I felt so sorry for poor Master Dex. I'm sure I drove him to distraction.”