Part 15 (1/2)
She heard the quick sound of a ripping foil packet and bit back a moan, not daring to hope that she would finally feel Master Brent buried inside her.
Before she could think too much more about it, or even wonder, he stepped close behind her and traced the tip of his c.o.c.k up and down her soaking slit.
She arched into him, hyperaware of the plug still deep inside her a.n.u.s. She had always wondered what it would feel like to be filled in both places at once. She was about to find out and couldn't wait.
She tried to breathe through the sudden impatience, hoping Master Brent didn't make her wait too long, when he pushed forward even farther, sliding inside her deliciously slowly, bit by bit, stretching her. He grabbed her hips in both hands and leaned his large body over hers, which only added another layer of amazing sensations to those already churning through her.
”Are you all right? Sometimes the sensation of being filled both a.n.a.lly and can be a bit overwhelming. 'Yellow' if I push too fast for you and you need some time to let your body catch up.” He skimmed his hand over her lower back and the top of her a.s.s, a touch that was probably meant to be soothing but only ratcheted her arousal higher.
She adjusted her feet as best she could with the spreader bar holding them apart, trying to push up on her toes to take him faster, but without much success.
”Green, sir. Please. Green, green.”
Master Brent laughed, and gave her a firm swat as he slid farther inside her.
She gasped as his body b.u.mped lightly against the base of the plug, seating it more firmly, which reignited all those sensitive nerve endings and added to the building maelstrom.
Master Brent leaned over her, sliding slowly deeper, but not yet fully. He was larger than she was used to. Both longer and thicker, and she reveled in the wonderful feeling of being filled and stretched. She let herself go, drowning in incredible sensations that continued to swamp her.
”Are you with me, Sandra?”
”Yes, sir.” She tried to bring herself back to the moment, but it was like wading through thick mud to even form a coherent thought.
- Brent took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. Taking the appropriate time to let Sandra's body sing with each new sensation was slowly killing him, when all he wanted to do was bury himself deep and f.u.c.k her hard until they were both boneless. But he had to make this right for her. There would be time later, once she was more used to everything, when he could turn off his tightly reined control and just take her. But for now, he would give in to his own raging demons only enough to send her flying.
”Take a deep breath, Sandra, and hold it.” He smiled as she did as she was told. She learned quickly.
”When I say 'now,' blow out your breath, relax, and then breathe normally. But don't forget to breathe.” He waited a few long beats to build her antic.i.p.ation. ”Now!” When he felt her relax and heard the soft sound of her blowing out her breath, he leaned forward so he could reach the beautiful sapphire nipple chain he'd given her. He waited a few moments until she relaxed under him again and then simultaneously pulled gently against the chain and slid deep, burying his c.o.c.k inside her and b.u.mping the plug firmly with his body.
Exquisite sensations thundered through him, threatening his control as Sandra shouted, her body shuddering and quaking with her o.r.g.a.s.m.
Loosening his reins, but not releasing them, he started a slow rhythm of pus.h.i.+ng inside her sweet, tight body and then retreating, only to start all over again. He still held the ends of the long nipple chain in one hand so that it tugged against her sensitive b.r.e.a.s.t.s with each movement.
A steady stream of sounds rose from Sandra. A combination of moans, gasps, and other sounds that showed she was soaring in subs.p.a.ce already. But he wasn't finished with her yet. She had come a long way in just this one scene, and he wasn't about to waste the momentum when he could show her a little more of what her body was capable of.
Since the spreader bar between her ankles kept her legs apart and her lovely p.u.s.s.y and a.s.s spread for him, he allowed himself the indulgence of slipping his free hand into her thick, blond hair and pulling her head up just enough so he knew the added sensations would gallop through her along with the rest. And the fact that it made his b.a.l.l.s tighten against his body reminded him that he needed to maintain a little control and distance. It wasn't time to let himself go.
Her body shuddered under him again as another o.r.g.a.s.m hit her, and he pumped into her harder, pulling on both the nipple chain and her hair to increase the sensations. Her body tightened around his c.o.c.k so hard he nearly came, but he clenched his teeth and fought it back.
When she slowly loosened around him and only the soft after-quakes of Sandra's o.r.g.a.s.m remained, he let go of her hair and decided it was time to finish the scene. He had taken her far enough for one day, but that didn't mean he couldn't ensure she would soar once more.
Noticing she hadn't seemed oversensitive to him thrusting inside her and b.u.mping the plug, he pulled the nipple chain taut but not too tight, smiling when she shouted his name.
He allowed himself to pound inside her, although not as hard or as fast as he craved. Not yet.
She thrashed under him, trying to tip her a.s.s up and take more of him. His beautiful Sandra was already craving more, and he would give it to her. He leaned forward, bracing his free hand against the bench next to Sandra's side, and started thrusting harder and faster, making sure he was. .h.i.tting the plug with each thrust. ”Are you ready, Sandra?”
She nodded frantically, most likely unable to speak at this point, but he had to be sure.
He clenched his jaw and forced himself to stop all movement.
She whimpered and a sob escaped before she bit out, ”Ready, sir. Please!”
He rewarded her by thrusting inside her hard, burying himself deep. He yanked on the nipple chain and gave in to his desire to pound into her. Her body greedily clamped around him, which caused delicious friction up and down his c.o.c.k and radiated down into his b.a.l.l.s. Thrusting inside Sandra was more than he had ever imagined. He loved the way her tight body accepted him and gripped his hard c.o.c.k.
His thrusts grew more frenzied, and delicious sounds of ecstasy spilled from her lips. When he couldn't hold off his own o.r.g.a.s.m any longer he smacked her a.s.s with his open palm, pulled on the nipple chain again, and thrust deep as his o.r.g.a.s.m thundered through him. A wave of endorphins. .h.i.t him in a tsunami and he braced his knees, as they almost buckled from the intense pleasure raging through him.
His shout seemed to trigger Sandra and she shuddered beneath him again, tightening around his softening c.o.c.k as she rode out her o.r.g.a.s.m.
When her quaking stopped he slowly straightened and pulled out of her, cleaning himself quickly and then turning to take care of his beautiful sub.
His sub. He loved being able to say that. He'd dreamed of her for so many years, but somewhere deep inside he had always thought it nothing but a dream whose time had pa.s.sed.
He had started to tell her the truth about himself several times before they got to this point, but tonight had gotten away from him. He raked his gaze over the beautiful woman laid out before him and chided himself for his weakness.
He hoped that when he told her who he was, it didn't ruin what they had already built. He needed to tell her soon. But right now she was in subs.p.a.ce and he had responsibilities.
Brent untied her and rubbed her ankles and wrists with the musky vanilla oil, smiling over the thought that with all her thras.h.i.+ng she would carry his rope marks for at least a few days.
When he was done taking care of Sandra, he rolled up the ropes and tucked them back inside his toy bag. She was still boneless and flying. Like he had after their last scene, he picked her up, tucked her against his chest, and carried her to aftercare.
The dungeon floor was only a little more full than when he'd come back to start the scene, but those who were out stopped what they were doing to turn and follow him with their gazes. He knew it wasn't because they'd never seen him coming out of playing a scene before, or even having to carry a sub who was still flying in subs.p.a.ce-although that last part was more rare. But he would be very surprised if it wasn't easily visible that Sandra meant much more to him than just a sub to a Dom. And that was very rare, at least for Brent.
He ignored their gazes or even muttered greetings as he made his way with Sandra into aftercare. Today they were the only two in the aftercare room, and he was content to cuddle her in his lap while she slowly floated back to Earth.
”Master Brent?” Her voice was sleepy, but he knew it was part of the normal process of coming down from subs.p.a.ce.
”I'm here, Sandra.” He brushed her hair away from her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead. ”Are you all right?”
She nodded. ”Better than all right, I think.” She scrunched up her face, and it made her look so d.a.m.n cute that he couldn't resist pressing another kiss to her forehead.
”What's wrong? Do you hurt anywhere?”
She nibbled on her bottom lip-a habit that always drove him insane by making him want to nibble on all parts of her. ”I think I lost it.”
He frowned, trying to figure out what she was talking about. He was surprised she was so susceptible to subs.p.a.ce. It wasn't a normal thing for everyone, and yet Sandra was flying high both times that they'd played. Granted, he had made sure to push her pleasure to the limits, but he was glad she was able to fly so high once again.
People in deep subs.p.a.ce often said things that made little sense until they came out of it, but he needed to make sure she wasn't trying to tell him something that he needed to take care of right now. ”What do you think you lost?”
She pursed her lips, her brow furrowing in concentration. ”Plug,” she finally said with much effort.
He couldn't help but smile. ”You didn't lose it. I took it out. It will be ready for you to take home with the others I got you, and the lube. Are you sore from our play? You need to ease into a.n.a.l play. Don't overdo.”
She shook her head sharply. ”Not sore. Loved it.” She nibbled her bottom lip again. ”Just didn't want to lose it.”
He cuddled her closer. ”Just relax and let me take care of you. At this moment you don't have to worry about anything. Let your mind drift and your body level. I'll be right here with you.”