Part 14 (2/2)

He seemed to know every spot that would spike her arousal, and he exploited them mercilessly until she squirmed and bucked as much as the bench and her bindings would allow. Arousal built and burned deep inside her belly more intensely with every pa.s.sing second.

When Master Brent's hands closed over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she whimpered. He pinched her nipples and rolled them between his fingers, ripping a long moan from her throat. She couldn't get enough. She had to have more. She thrashed against her bonds, her body on fire and craving.

He stopped and straightened, making her whimper again. ”Please, sir, I need to come. Please don't stop.”

He kissed the top of her head. ”Don't worry, Sandra. We are far from done. You'll be soaring in subs.p.a.ce quickly enough. And I have to make sure I give enough attention to these beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s of yours.” He tweaked her nipples one last time before he walked around the table and rummaged inside his toy bag, leaving arousal singing through her and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s feeling even more heavy and full than this position would warrant.

She turned her head until she could see him. As he came back toward her he held something cupped in his hand, but she couldn't tell what.

”I brought something that I think will enhance our play.” He opened his fingers and a long silver chain with what looked like blue sapphires on it spilled out. He held up the two ends so she could see the soft-looking black loops that fed into a scroll of silver metal.

”It's called a slider nipple chain. It doesn't have clips on the end like a lot of nipple clamps. The black loops can be snugged around your nipple at any intensity we need for the scene. These are never meant to be painful.” As he finished speaking, he cupped one breast in his hand and then pinched the nipple between his large fingers.

She gasped, a hot surge of arousal rus.h.i.+ng through her.

”Your nipples are so wonderfully responsive, I would be remiss if I didn't use them to your advantage during scenes.” He tweaked her nipple a few more times and then rolled it between his fingers again. She arched into his touch as her c.l.i.t throbbed, and her breathing hitched.

She looked down to watch Master Brent slip the soft black loop over her hard nipple and then slide the silver base up to snug the loop around the throbbing nub. Master Brent didn't give her time to get used to the new sensation before he gave her other breast the same treatment.

He was right. Her nipples had always been very sensitive, which was one reason she had always been leery of nipple clamps. But these were anything but painful. She was touched that Master Brent had taken the extra effort to find something that would work well for her. Club Desire definitely operated much differently than her old club, and it would be interesting at some point in the future to talk to her sub friends from New York about the differences.

”How do those feel?” Master Brent asked her as he gently tugged on the chain that ran between her nipples, which sent a delicious jolt of pleasure through her and pulled a long, low moan from her throat.

She swallowed hard to make sure she could speak. ”They're fine, sir. Not too tight and no pain.”

”Good.” He leaned down to brush a kiss over her lips and nip her bottom lip before he pulled back. ”The idea of these is to bring blood flow to the area and keep it there. That makes them more sensitive, and will keep your arousal ratcheted higher.” He flicked the chain, making her gasp at the delicious sensation that speared through her nipples. ”Trust me, Sandra. We can adjust them as the scene progresses and you begin craving more. Just like you saw with the light swatting, as your endorphins start firing, you may need more stimulation to give you the same result.”

”Yes, sir.” She smiled as she dropped her head to look down at the pretty silver chain winking with blue sapphires that ran between her dark pink nipples.

Master Brent let go of the chain, and she gasped against the intense stab of arousal that shot through her as the full weight of the chain fell and tugged against her captured nipples.

Master Brent smoothed his hand over her back. ”Are you all right?”

”Yes, sir. I just didn't expect...” She trailed off, unable to finish as her thoughts scattered.

”I will always take care of you and lead you to your pleasure. I want to take you higher than you've ever been. To teach you how much pleasure your body is actually capable of.” He traced her slit with his finger, teasing by inserting just the tip so she arched as much as she could, trying to take more. But even though every cell of her body now craved an earth-shattering o.r.g.a.s.m, there was something else she wanted.

”Sir? What about your pleasure?”

Master Brent moved behind her and cupped both globes of her bare a.s.s, kneading the skin there and making her buck against the table. ”I gain pleasure by giving you pleasure. Don't ever worry about me, Sandra. That's not your job in this dynamic.”

His hands left her and she heard him move around the bench and take something else from his toy bag. She had only a few seconds to wonder what it was when the blue blindfold settled over her eyes and was firmly tied behind her head. Her thoughts tried to flow back to the scene she'd watched her first night here-the woman with the rope wrapped around her torso plumping up her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her arms suspended over her head.

She hoped to be comfortable in a scene like that someday. As long as it was with Master Brent. She forced her thoughts back to the present and adjusted her stance now that he had finished preparing her.

She heard him rummaging inside his toy bag again and antic.i.p.ation tingled over her entire body, where every inch of her skin was still sensitized from his very thorough attentions.

When his hand settled over her lower back she couldn't help but moan. Her body was screaming, both for Master Brent and for release. But she also knew that if she behaved and gave up control to Master Brent he would take care of her. He had proven that so far, and deep inside her gut she knew he would continue to do so.

Something slick traced up her slit to settle over the tight pucker of her a.n.u.s and she gasped. If the a.n.a.l play he had in store for her today was anything like last time, or even more intense, she would definitely be flying in subs.p.a.ce very soon.

A little more pressure and the tip of something slick and smooth slid inside her a.s.s. As it slowly advanced it felt huge, and she stiffened.

Master Brent immediately stopped what he was doing, although the invasion didn't retreat. He ran his hand over her lower back in soothing circles. ”Just relax. There's a tightening reflex that you should breathe through. The sensations will be intense, but shouldn't be painful. Once the plug is in fully it will be nothing but pleasurable relief.”

She concentrated on the plug, and now that Master Brent's words had calmed her and she was relaxing, it was starting to be pleasurable, and she wanted more.

He continued speaking, apparently thinking she needed more time to relax. ”This kind of invasion is new and different for the body. You need to get used to this before we can work you up to having your a.s.s penetrated by a c.o.c.k.”

”I'm ready, sir. Please. I need more.”

He didn't make any sound, but she had the distinct impression she had amused him.

”Breathe and relax, Sandra. This is only the first one, and the only one for tonight.”

She hoped he meant the only one in her a.s.s. She was still hoping he would f.u.c.k her p.u.s.s.y. She did as he instructed and blew out a slow breath, forcing her muscles to loosen.

The invasion edged forward again. She breathed in and out slowly as she felt stretched wider and wider.

The starter plugs she had seen were pretty small, yet she had heard from other subs that they all felt as wide as the Grand Canyon when they were first used.

”Do you like that, Sandra?”

She opened her mouth to answer when Master Brent reached forward and gently tugged on the nipple chain. A sudden jolt of bliss speared from her nipples down through her to her aching c.l.i.t and her a.n.u.s, which was now beginning to demand more attention.

”Yes, sir. I hadn't realized how much I could enjoy a.n.a.l play until our last session. I would love to feel your beautiful c.o.c.k there.”

The pressure increased, sliding the very welcome intrusion in a bit farther. She arched into the sensation, begging for more.

”We'll take it slow. Plugs are a good way to ease into more serious a.n.a.l play. We don't want to hurt you, and being able to relax the muscles enough for that to happen while your body instinctively works to tighten around the invasion takes getting used to.” He slid it in a little farther and she stiffened against the bench and yanked against the bonds around her wrists as her body instinctively tightened around the plug. She concentrated on relaxing into the intense sensations that added to the vortex of need building inside her. ”Please, Master Brent. I need to come.”

”And you shall, my dear. Very soon.” He laid one large, hot hand over her lower back and slid the plug in slowly deeper with the other. ”Breathe,” he reminded her. ”Only a little more to go.”

She obediently inhaled and made sure she was breathing normally as intense sensations a.s.saulted her. The plug was obviously tapered, stretching her wider as it went deeper. She concentrated and relaxed as much as she was able but the sensations were becoming more uncomfortable, almost painful. She trusted Master Brent, but she didn't like this anymore.

She took a deep breath, ready to yellow, but then the bulb slid all the way in, the base seated firm against her a.s.s cheeks, and relief flooded through her. Even with it fully inserted, her body tried to tighten and push against the invasion, and she had to breathe deep and ease into the new feeling of being filled there. But it definitely didn't hurt anymore. After a few minutes she was able to fully relax, and her body began to crave more once again.

Brent swatted her a.s.s cheek, surprising her and making her body immediately work to expel the plug again. She forced herself to relax, and she found that it was easier this time now that she knew what to expect.

”I'll send you home with a few starter plugs so you can practice and play with them on your own, but don't go too fast.” He rubbed more soothing circles over her lower back as he spoke. ”I also have some lube that works well with them that I'll send with you. You obviously enjoy the sensations, and we'll work up to me burying my c.o.c.k deep inside your lovely a.s.s.”

Brent firmly tapped on the plug and Sandra cried out, her body flus.h.i.+ng with heat.

One large finger traced her wet slit and she cried out again. ”We've gotten your body to a point where it's extremely sensitive to new sensations. The perfect place to dive off into subs.p.a.ce.” Definite satisfaction as well as antic.i.p.ation laced his deep voice. ”Are you ready to fly, Sandra?”

Tears p.r.i.c.ked at the backs of her eyes, although she was far from sad or hurting. ”Yes, sir,” she answered, earning a light, playful swat from Master Brent that sent more wonderful arousal rus.h.i.+ng through her, although not yet enough to make her come. ”Please, sir. Please let me come.”
