Part 11 (1/2)

She mumbled something she hoped was semi-intelligible.

”Now that we're somewhere dark, let's get this blindfold off you. Too much sensory input while in deep subs.p.a.ce isn't good, so I left it on until we were out of the bright lights.”

The cloth loosened and then Master Brent pulled it off. She blinked, looking around at the dark room but not making out anything except large lumps she was sure were other couches.

Master Brent tucked her more firmly against him and brushed the hair away from her face.

”I know you're still flying, but I want to make sure you're all right. Take stock of your body and let me know if you're having any discomfort.”

With effort she got her brain to cooperate, and she focused on her body. For the most part she felt amazing. Boneless and wonderfully spent. The only discomfort she sensed at all was from her abdominal muscles. Several very hard and her bucking her hips as she begged for more had given her probably the most comprehensive ab workout of her life.

She rubbed her wrists expecting to feel pain or even raw spots like she had every other time she'd been restrained, but while there were a few spots of soreness where she'd thrashed against her bonds, she was sure there wouldn't be any marks from this tomorrow.

Part of her grieved for that. She would have treasured them. Soft marks that would take several days to fade and would also remind her of this magical night with Master Brent.

She swallowed hard to make sure she could speak. ”I'm all right, sir.”

He tapped her softly on the tip of her nose. ”Sandra. It took you quite a while to take stock, so what have you left out? I decide what's important or not in this realm, remember?”

She nodded. ”Yes, sir. My abs are going to kill me later. I was expecting my wrists to be sore like they have in the past, but they're fine.”

”Any discomfort from the a.n.a.l play?”

She thought about it for a moment and then shook her head. ”No, sir. Just a sort of wonderfully well-used feeling. Once I recover, I think I'd like to try some more.”

He chuckled. ”Fair enough. I think I've created a monster. We'll discuss that as soon as you come down from subs.p.a.ce.”

Before she could feel any disappointment that he wouldn't discuss it with her now, her thoughts drifted off again, back into the strange euphoria that had so completely captured her mind and body.

She wasn't sure how long she floated before she became aware of the world around her again. As her body slowly settled back to planet Earth she cuddled against Master Brent, enjoying his gentle touches and his softly spoken words. When she finally felt more normal, she slowly sat up and smiled until her face ached. Now that she wasn't flying and her eyes had adjusted, she could make out the couches and furniture even in the soft light coming from around the closed door.

A few other couples sat on couches similar to this one, which surprised her since she hadn't heard them come in. But then she hadn't noticed being gathered up at the end of that intense scene either.

Or...they might have been here when Master Brent brought her in. She didn't think she would have noticed an entire crowd of people at that point.

Subs.p.a.ce indeed.

Master Brent studied her critically, his handsome face shadowed and striking in the darkened room. ”Are you all right?”

She nodded. ”Yes, Master Brent. Thank you. For everything.”

”My pleasure, Sandra. Absolutely, my pleasure.”

She shook herself as she realized Master Brent had never come during their play. Or at least that she knew about. After all, she didn't even remember the end of their scene.


He tipped his head to the side, considering her. ”What is it, Sandra?” Concern laced his deep voice.

”I would like you to have some pleasure too. You gave me the most amazing night of my life, and I don't want to leave you frustrated. Can I take care of you?”

He smiled, a soft expression stealing over his face. ”Tonight was about you. Your first scene here at Club Desire, and your first experience with subs.p.a.ce if I'm not mistaken.”

She pursed her lips and tried again. ”You asked me if I was all right with intercourse during or at the end of scenes...and-”

”Yes, I did. And that will definitely come in time. But you've had enough intense sensations for one evening. I think it's time for a shower and a good night's sleep. Do you want to go up to the guest room, or would you like me to take you back to Mich.e.l.le's?”

Disappointment washed through her that he hadn't offered to let her stay with him, or at the very least offered to stay with her in the guest room upstairs. But she had to admit that she would probably fall asleep on him in the first five minutes anyway. She shook her head. ”I'm exhausted, but I think I should probably go back to Mich.e.l.le's.”

She couldn't make out Master Brent's expression in the murky light, but she hoped he was at least a little disappointed. Tomorrow was Sunday and she didn't think too much was going on around here, but she didn't know for sure. She shrugged.

”Oh, I nearly forgot to mention this.” He skimmed his knuckles across her cheek, leaving a trail of warmth that seemed to burrow deep inside her chest. ”If you don't have plans for Monday morning, I know someone who is looking for an office manager. I can come by and give you a ride if you're interested.”

Her breath caught. She definitely wasn't used to being taken care of, and she was afraid it was a very dangerous thing to get too comfortable with. She would come to rely on it and then it would break her heart when it stopped. She mentally shook herself and focused on answering. ”Thank you, Master Brent. I would appreciate that. What time should I be ready?”

He took her hand in his and squeezed lightly. ”I'll pick you up at eight o'clock.”

She leaned over and brushed a kiss against his cheek. ”Thank you, Brent,” she said, purposely leaving off the honorific. This action was outside their D/s relations.h.i.+p and she wanted him to know she appreciated it in that light.

He squeezed her shoulder and placed a kiss on top of her head, a gesture that squeezed her heart and made her fight a silly grin that tried to curve her lips.

”Let's go upstairs, get your things, and I'll drive you home.”

- Brent stumbled through the front door of his suite and closed and locked the door behind him. His body still burned with pent-up need from the intense scene with Sandra.

He toed off his shoes and stripped off his clothes, tossing them away to land wherever they would. When he was naked, he headed to the shower to cool his raging l.u.s.t.

He reminded himself again forcefully that he needed to go slow with her no matter how much he wanted to plunge inside her willing body until they were both gasping and spent. Instead, he had done his duty by her and given her the night of euphoria she both wanted and needed. He needed to help heal the wounds of the past, both the ones he knew about and those he could only guess at. One day he would remove those shadows of fear that slipped into her gray gaze now and then.

If he ever met her first Dom, Scott, he would have some words for the man about not fully training Sandra and showing her the power a sub wielded in the D/s relations.h.i.+p. If he'd done that properly, she would have built up enough self-esteem and confidence that she might not have been easy prey for Diego.

White-hot anger flashed through him as he thought about Diego.

The b.a.s.t.a.r.d had better hope if they did meet that Brent was sane enough in that moment to only hand him over to law enforcement.

It was criminal to use the position of a Dom to inflict abuse of any type, and it sent renewed fury burning through Brent's gut as he briefly pictured using Diego the way he had used his Wing Chun wooden practice dummy down in his dojo. A quick glance into the bathroom mirror showed him wearing a predatory and slightly evil-looking smile.

As much as he would like to teach Diego a lesson, he didn't want to kill him...Well, he actually did, so it wouldn't be a good idea to be given that chance since he wasn't so sure he wouldn't take it.

He stepped under the cold spray of the shower, wincing against the sudden temperature change but welcoming the distraction from his thoughts.

Coming in from the Arizona summer night, his body had adjusted to a temperature in the low 90s, so the cold water was a shock to his system.

However, even with that, his c.o.c.k remained hard and ready for Sandra. He really shouldn't be surprised. He had fantasized about having her laid before him like a banquet since he'd first seen her his freshman year in high school. So to finally have her there had been well as making him feel both honored and frustrated as h.e.l.l.

He hadn't quite known in high school that he was a Dom, or that his fantasies clearly reflected that. But looking back, it would have been all too clear if he'd known what to look for at the time. Luckily in college, Mason had recognized him as another Dom and introduced him to the lifestyle. That one interaction had changed his life forever, and he would always be grateful even though he and Mason didn't always agree on how to run their clubs.