Part 10 (1/2)
She did a quick internal check before she answered. No tight stomach or sensation of nausea to give her pause. ”Yes, Master Brent.” She met his gaze squarely. ”I do trust you. Fully. I just need to take your advice and stay in the moment and allow the new memories we make here tonight to erase the old ones.”
A sense of rightness and sweet relief slid through her as she said the words. She knew that was exactly what she needed to do, and she was eager to get started.
Master Brent smiled down at her, the intense need in his expression sending zings of antic.i.p.ation along every nerve ending.
”Do you have any new safe words for this evening?”
”No, sir. I'm used to red and yellow, so I'll continue to use those for now.” She was proud that her voice sounded confident and didn't waver. Maybe she could overcome the past after all.
”Good.” He picked up a blue cloth off the table near the bed and brought it close to trail across her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
It was cool and silky against her skin and left a wave of gooseflesh in its wake that sent a wonderful wash of arousal through her.
The cloth was a deep blue, the same color as the crop top she'd just taken off. She glanced up into Master Brent's eyes and smiled. Yes, blue was definitely her favorite color. Maybe it was a sign of great things to come?
”I was wondering why you'd chosen blue for the cloth,” she said, surprised when her voice came out sounding husky and low.
Master Brent brushed some stray hair away from her face, the sweet gesture sending warm comfort and rea.s.surance through her. ”I remember how well blue accentuated your skin and hair when I saw you last night-especially as I watched you on camera.”
His words made her breath catch as she pictured Master Brent watching her with her fingers in her core on a monitor in his office.
His warm hand trailed across her stomach and then higher to brush over her right nipple, which ripped a gasp from her throat. Her nipples had always been one of her biggest erogenous zones.
He pulled his hand away and she glanced up to look at his face, only to have something block her vision. The cloth settled across her eyes and he guided it around her head, nudging until she lifted her head so he could tie it in the back.
She made a ”hmmm” of approval in the back of her throat. She trusted Master Brent with this, and only looked forward to what he would do with her while she was deprived of her sight. If anyone else tried this it would send nausea and swirling fear into the pit of her stomach, but the only thing in the pit of her stomach right now was the heavy weight of arousal.
She rested her head back against the pillow and Master Brent adjusted it so she wasn't lying directly on the knot from the blindfold. She was touched by the sweet gesture and the thought for her comfort.
His fingers closed around her wrist and he lifted it, slowly stretching her arm up over her head until he guided her fingers around what felt like a smooth wooden dowel that she knew was attached to the headboard.
As he repeated this with her other arm, she thought back to scenes she'd seen where subs were strapped down to bondage beds. Most of them had been fun and teasing, and she'd enjoyed watching them. Even the rougher ones had turned her on; her only fear about them was that they might give Diego ideas along those lines. She'd been sure when she left New York that she would never want to be tied up and at the mercy of any man ever again, but now here she was, waiting impatiently to see where Master Brent would take her.
Next he fastened restraints around her wrists, trapping her arms in place, stretched over her head, and keeping her hands in position where she gripped the dowels. The soft leather restraints were snug but not too tight.
Diego had preferred metal manacles, so tight they bit into her skin and sometimes drew blood.
She slammed the door on that thought as soon as the first p.r.i.c.kle of unease tried to sneak through.
This was Master Brent. Not Diego. She would never be at Diego's mercy again.
She heard Master Brent move away and then some rustling near the table where he was most likely digging things out of his bag. She stiffened instinctively before reminding herself that she trusted him to take care of her.
”Stay with me, Sandra.” Master Brent's deep voice reached out to her and caressed her in deep, intimate places she really wanted him to touch in reality.
”Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.”
Silence fell for a long moment and then something sc.r.a.ped across her nipple, making her jump. It wasn't an uncomfortable sensation; in fact when it came again it shot a delicious, electric sensation straight to her core.
When it came a third time it startled a gasp out of her, and she squeezed her thighs together as her p.u.s.s.y began to throb, begging to be filled.
She breathed deep, her head lolling to the side as she absorbed the sensations. A long moment later she realized it wasn't going to happen again and disappointment settled in her gut.
She relaxed her muscles, blowing out a long breath, and then something brushed over her hip, startling a squeak out of her. She tensed again trying to antic.i.p.ate where the next touch would come from, but Master Brent varied his touches and would wait until she'd given up and let her guard down to begin them all over again.
Each touch, along with the uncertainty of when and where the next would come from or what texture it would bring, heightened her senses and gave this a decidedly erotic air. The low murmurs of the group gathered to watch ratcheted up her arousal as well.
The fist of need inside her pelvis tightened to an uncomfortable point, and while she couldn't wait to come and relieve that pressure, the process of this teasing and slowly building her up was wonderful, and she was reluctant for it to end.
She loved to watch, but she knew she'd better be careful or she'd find that she was also something of an exhibitionist. She laughed at the thought, earning a soft tap on her chin from Master Brent.
”I'm being much too playful if you're laughing rather than gasping or moaning right now.”
Without warning, his rough hands gripped her panties and ripped them off.
Sharp arousal careened through her, startling a strangled scream from her throat. The sudden need to come and come now slammed into her. She thrashed against her restraints, desperate to see Master Brent's expression and to beg him to let her come.
But then his large hands pushed her thighs apart, and she was surprised when his body settled between them.
Was this it? Was Brent going to f.u.c.k her?
Antic.i.p.ation soared and her mouth went dry.
He pushed her thighs farther apart and his hot breath feathered against her wet folds.
She caught her breath, braced for whatever came next.
When his hot tongue laved her center and sensation shot through her in a searing rush, she screamed.
She couldn't help it.
When she'd heard subs scream in the past she thought they were just being dramatic, but if they'd experienced anything like this, she now understood.
Brent licked her again, this time dipping his tongue deep between her folds and sucking one of her l.a.b.i.a inside his mouth to nip and tease. Explosions of sensation ricocheted through her body, sending her careening out of control.
She bucked against his face until he cupped her a.s.s in his hands, lifting her enough where he could control her movements. ”You taste amazing, Sandra. I only had a small sample in the elevator yesterday, but tonight I will eat my fill.”
Another gasp and she forced herself to stop struggling and squirming. She concentrated on relaxing, and let her thighs fall open as far as they would go, shamelessly begging him to fulfill those words.
He didn't wait. He immediately started to mercilessly pleasure her, sucking, nipping, licking, and nuzzling, but her o.r.g.a.s.m still hovered out of reach. Frustrated and aching, she tightened her grip on the dowel, yanking it repeatedly as if that small burst of violence would push her over the edge. When it didn't, she yanked harder.
”I can feel how close you are, Sandra. We're just getting started. Are you ready to come for me? To let me taste your sweet o.r.g.a.s.m?”
”Yes, sir!” she shouted as she braced her feet against the bed, trying to gain purchase in the swirl of intense sensations ripping through her.
One of Master Brent's hands released her a.s.s, but the other held her up easily as he continued his onslaught.