Part 9 (1/2)

This guest room, as Brent had called it, was more luxurious than she was used to, but that didn't stop her from appreciating and enjoying it.

She raked a critical gaze over her reflection. The outline of her hard nipples was obvious through the comfortable blue crop top. That wasn't really a surprise. She had been thinking about Brent and their impending play session all day, which had kept her entire body on arousal overdrive.

She hadn't exaggerated when she'd told him that looking forward to tonight was a big part of what had gotten her through the aftermath of the call with Diego this morning. The antic.i.p.ation of feeling Master Brent's hands on her and what he would do to her filled her stomach with buzzing b.u.t.terflies, and not just a little bit of raging l.u.s.t.

Memories of the scene in the elevator had replayed in an endless loop inside her mind since it happened. Which had the unfortunate side effect of leaving her right on the edge of o.r.g.a.s.m. Not a comfortable sensation long term. She had tried to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e in the shower earlier and relieve her torment, but thoughts of when Brent had punished her for touching her c.l.i.t without his permission had both excited her and kept her from getting there.

She would have to be careful not to earn any more punishments tonight. She wanted Brent's c.o.c.k inside her in every way imaginable. And he had obviously zeroed in on that need and was going to use it ruthlessly to teach her how to be a good sub.

She couldn't be angry about it. She'd seen her old roommate punished with spankings from Master Mason. But then, Darla had loved being spanked. She also loved being flogged and a few other things that made Sandra cringe.

Darla had insisted that if Sandra would just give it a chance she would love impact play, too. But as soon as Diego realized it was a fear of Sandra's, he'd begun to torture her with it until she'd started to pull away and then run away.

His words on the phone this morning still stabbed icy fear through her veins, so she shook her head to try to dislodge the instant replay her mind kept rerunning.

”He can't touch me anymore,” she said aloud, hoping it was true. ”It's time to start a new life without him. And who knows, maybe with time and patience I'll see what Darla and all the other subs love so much about spankings and punishments.”

She looked at her doubtful reflection and shrugged. Only time and distance from her past would tell.

Right now it was time to go down to see Master Brent. Her blood raced, her c.l.i.t throbbed, and giddy antic.i.p.ation swirled through her. She couldn't wait to see what new experiences the night would bring.

When she arrived downstairs, she slipped into the locker room to look for Master Brent. She didn't see him, but Master Dex was there with another man who exuded Dom with every movement. He had sandy-brown hair and nicely tanned skin.

Add in Jake, and she was sure all the other Doms she hadn't even met yet, and d.a.m.n, this place was every woman's wet dream.

Both Master Dex and the man next to him were s.e.xy, with an air of authority and control that sent p.r.i.c.kles along her oversensitized skin, but neither of them was Master Brent. And that was the man her body and her mind craved right now.

Where was he?

”Taking in the scenery?”

Master Brent's deep voice behind her startled her and she whirled to face him. His words had held dark amus.e.m.e.nt, but she wasn't sure if she'd just unwittingly done something she would be punished for or not.

His lips were curved into a smile, and his blue eyes held a spark of mischief, which made her let out a welcome sigh of relief.

He reached out and traced her bottom lip with his thumb and she sucked in a breath as her arousal spiraled higher.

”Master Brent. You surprised me.” She was embarra.s.sed that her voice sounded so breathy. She had hoped to appear confident tonight, but apparently that wasn't to be.

”I a.s.sume you were looking for me?” He raised one dark brow, his smile and eyes still clearly showing he was amused and not angry.

She nodded quickly. ”Yes. I was. I am. Sir,” she added quickly as an afterthought.

Deep male laughter from across the room drew Master Brent's attention and that too-discerning gaze moved away from her toward Master Dex and the mysterious man with the sandy-brown hair.

”Let's introduce you to Master Logan before we head out to the floor.” He motioned toward the two men, indicating she should go first.

As she neared, Master Dex turned his attention toward her. ”Sandra. Come on over here, sweetheart.”

Sandra stopped in front of the two men, and Master Brent's warm presence settled beside her. When silence fell, the man held out his hand. ”I'm Master Logan. Welcome to Club Desire.” He smiled, taking his face from good-looking to striking and devastatingly handsome, and she couldn't help but smile back.

She took the offered hand. ”It's nice to meet you.” His grip was gentle but firm. A lot of men gripped hard when shaking hands with a woman; no doubt they thought it showcased their masculinity or something along those lines. But not Master Logan.

Up close she could see the definition of his chest under the soft-looking black T-s.h.i.+rt he wore, and his arms were sculpted and muscular, showing he definitely worked out.

If she weren't already so entranced with Master Brent she might be interested in playing with Master Logan. But all her thoughts and desires were for Master Brent, and she was impatient to get started.

”If you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I'm due out on the dungeon floor with Master Brent.”

Brent's low, rumbled laugh from beside her made her wonder what it would be like for him to make that sound while he was lying on top of her, his c.o.c.k buried deep inside her.

Before she realized it was going to happen, a small sound of need escaped her and split the quiet of the small group, shattering some of the tension.

Master Brent cleared his throat. ”As the lady said, she's due out on the dungeon floor. Enjoy your evenings.” He nodded toward the two men and placed his large hand on Sandra's back, guiding her out the door and onto the dungeon floor.

There were several scenes already in progress. Most of them mid- to high-level kink-or at least to her they were mid to high.

Master Brent guided her to the right until they reached a simple scene with a bondage bed, a spanking horse, and a toy bag sitting nearby on the table. A rush of moisture between her thighs showed her how ready she was for things to get started. She squirmed in a vain effort to relieve some of her pent-up arousal.

He gently turned her to face him and then leaned down to brush a simple kiss across her lips.

The sizzling warmth of the contact made her whimper. She didn't know how long she could hold out before she needed to come. She hoped that Master Brent wouldn't make her wait too long.

He pulled back and took her face in his large hands before he stroked one thumb over her bottom lip, leaving arousal sparking in its wake.

”Are you ready to play, my dear?”

The dark promise in his voice sent s.h.i.+vers marching through her. ”Yes, sir,” she forced out through trembling lips.

He sent her a concerned look. ”What's wrong, Sandra?” He ran both thumbs over her cheeks in a soothing rhythm.

”It's nothing, sir. Really.”

A slight frown creased his brow and his lips straightened. ”On the dungeon floor, Sandra, I decide what's nothing and what isn't. What's wrong?”

She swallowed hard, hoping this didn't get her into trouble before they'd even gotten started.

”I'm just so h.o.r.n.y, sir. I need to come badly, and I'm not sure I can wait.” She sucked in a breath and tried to slow down her swirling thoughts so she wasn't babbling like an idiot. ”I need you inside me. In every way possible. I need to come. To come until I'm totally spent and exhausted.” She held her breath, waiting for his reaction.

Master Brent gave one slow nod. ”When was the last time you did that, Sandra? Come until you were totally spent and exhausted?” Desire sparked in the depths of his very blue eyes. ”Where you were left shaking and floating in the stratosphere from the flood of endorphins and sensations?”

She shook her head, her thoughts spinning with the possibilities. ”Never, sir. I've heard other women talk about subs.p.a.ce, and I've read about it in novels, but I've never experienced it. I would really like to, though.”

He dropped his hands away from her face, feathering his fingers down her shoulders and arms. ”Did you m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e up in the room?” He pierced her with a long, searching look as if all her secrets could be easily read on her face, and since she was horrible at hiding them, they most likely were.

”Sandra, I didn't tell you never to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e or touch yourself. Just that during scenes or while we are playing you should wait to be given permission. Or you can ask permission during a scene. Is that clear?”