Part 2 (1/2)
Brent only smiled. ”You're correct, Jake isn't a Dom. In fact, he's pretty vanilla for the most part. But he's excellent at administration and security, and I hired him for those traits. He does a great job, and I pay him well, so it's a good situation for both of us.”
She chewed her bottom lip. ”I'm sorry, it's really none of my...”
He held up a hand, interrupting her. ”Sandra. I told you to ask me anything, and I meant it. If there's ever something I can't or won't answer, I'll let you know.”
She nodded, and wished she'd never let her mouth and brain have free rein. They had always gotten her into trouble. ”To answer your other question,” Master Brent said slowly, ”I live here on the property, and we have a fully staffed kitchen. I rarely leave except for occasional business, or to reacquaint myself with the real world.”
He turned toward the elevator panel, inserting his key before hitting the b.u.t.ton for Bas.e.m.e.nt 2.
Excitement flooded through her. Bas.e.m.e.nt 2. She would meet the staff and the other members and find out if she fit in. She hoped she would feel welcomed here. She missed the feeling of inclusion and belonging that she'd had in New York before Diego had destroyed the life she'd built there.
She caught herself nibbling on her bottom lip-a nervous habit-and put a stop to it. ”Master Brent?”
”Hmm?” he said without opening those sensual lips.
”The bas.e.m.e.nt dungeons seem to be a bit higher on the kink scale than the one on the main level-the one where I was watching while waiting for Jake. Is that to ease people in as they adjust to the higher levels of kink?”
He nodded, amus.e.m.e.nt dancing in his gaze. ”The dungeon on the main level is mostly used for Dom training, sub training, people trying out new low-level kinks, or attending a munch to see if they're interested in the lifestyle. Or if they are interested in joining Club Desire. It's distinctly different from the other levels. Most of the more edgy kink goes on in Bas.e.m.e.nt 2, and the extreme in Bas.e.m.e.nt 4. My office, where we met, is on level 4, not to be confused with Bas.e.m.e.nt 4.” He grinned. ”Also on level 4 are my personal suite of rooms, the public dining areas, and the pool and spa.”
Sandra tried to picture where everything was and frowned as her picture came up with a flaw. ”Don't you have members frequently walking into your office off the elevator? Doesn't that get distracting?”
His sensual lips curved and he met her gaze. ”My office and my personal suite are reached by two separate elevators that aren't for public use. They require special access, so I have complete privacy in both of those areas if I want it.”
The last four words burned along her skin like an erotic promise. With the timbre of his voice and insinuation of his words, her nipples hardened and the sensitive flesh brushed against the silky material of her bra, which now felt like sandpaper.
”How often do you want it?” She froze, her muscles suddenly tight as her brain registered the words that had poured from her mouth. Embarra.s.sment flared and she had a sudden urge to run, but then common sense caught up, reminding her she was in an elevator and had nowhere to run to, so she locked her knees and purposely raised her gaze to see Master Brent's reaction.
His eyes flashed fire, and electricity arced between them, tingling along Sandra's skin, igniting every nerve ending and making her stare down at his straining erection. At the sound of him sucking in a breath she bit her tongue to keep from licking her lips, or shamelessly plastering herself against him.
Master Brent cleared his throat, which only seemed to amp up the electrical current zinging between them, but did help her tear her gaze away from that very hard c.o.c.k so she could look up into his eyes again.
”It's been a while since I've wanted to...have my privacy invaded. But I might need to rethink that.”
It was Sandra's turn to suck in a breath as she drowned in the fiery promise blazing in Master Brent's eyes.
The elevator doors whooshed open on Bas.e.m.e.nt 2, startling Sandra. She raised her chin and clenched her fists, firming her resolve as if she were going into battle. This was the start of her new life here in Phoenix, and it would go well. She chanted that silent mantra as she followed Master Brent out onto the brightly lit floor.
Out here she did hear the sound of floggers, paddles, and even flesh hitting flesh, and she couldn't help but flinch as long-ago memories tried to rise up to haunt her.
When would she be able to get past this? It had been ten years, and even now Sandra could feel the stinging sensation burning across her cheek and the fiery stab of betrayal slicing her heart.
Master Brent took her hand, distracting her and pulling her back from the past. ”Why don't I introduce you around first? The locker room is this way.” His speculative look told her he hadn't missed her reactions, and that he was concerned.
d.a.m.n. She wanted to fit in, not stand out.
Master Brent led her into a large room that looked like a gathering hall rather than a locker room. There were couches, tables, televisions, vending machines, a refrigerator, and even a microwave. He guided her inside and the soft sound of '80s rock music washed over her, making her smile. She wondered briefly if it had been playing out on the dungeon floor too. But then she hadn't been aware of any sounds out there except the crack of different toys, and even hands, hitting flesh.
She startled when Master Brent took her chin between his fingers and raised her face just enough so he could capture her gaze.
”Why don't we sit awhile, and then we can resume our tour?”
She shook her head, almost desperately. She didn't want to sit. Didn't want to talk about this. Didn't want to see his sympathy or his pity about Diego, and definitely didn't want him curious about her past and her many fears that past had caused. ”I'd rather we keep going, if you don't mind.” She sucked in a quick breath. ”This doesn't look like a locker room,” she countered, trying to change the subject.
Master Brent continued to watch her, those blue eyes seeming to take in everything around him for future study. ”The locker room is through that door.” He gestured toward the back of the room and she turned to see the door he meant. ”Aftercare is there.” He nodded to the right, and she obediently followed his gaze to a door with a large window in the top half showing a darkened room with several mysterious shapes she a.s.sumed were couches and chairs.
”We'll go into each in a minute. This main room is something of a staging area. People can meet each other here before or after scenes, or hang out and be social. We do have a very social atmosphere at Club Desire.”
He pointed to a door off to their left. ”There's a full list of the official meet-ups posted there by the door, and there are a few that may interest you.” He guided her over to the list and scanned one large finger down the page past munches, members.h.i.+p information tours, and several things that made her smile, including ”Switches for Sus.h.i.+.”
She reached out to tap that one and sent Master Brent a questioning look.
His expression turned mischievous and he took his time answering her. ”They actually do meet up at a local sus.h.i.+ restaurant and talk about the ins and outs of being a switch.” He chuckled. ”Get your mind out of the gutter, woman. Where do you think we are, a kinky s.e.x club?”
His mirth was infectious and she couldn't help but laugh with him. She shrugged. ”I really hope so-otherwise this is the weirdest karaoke bar I've ever been to.”
He laughed again. She really loved his playful manner and could envision how that would insinuate itself into a scene with him.
”Master Mason said you enjoyed friends.h.i.+ps with many of the subs in New York. Several of our subs have a regular meeting each Wednesday evening. I don't think they have a Subs for Sus.h.i.+ meeting, but I do seem to recall them having a penchant for desserts during their meetings.”
An ”mmm” sound escaped before Sandra could stop it, earning her another wide smile from Master Brent.
”I'll definitely make a note of that meeting.” And she would. She wasn't sure why she'd bonded so well with the subs back in New York even with all of her issues. Her roommate had told her that under all the fears she truly was a sub; she just needed to find her true self under all the ”stuff” life had piled on top.
Sandra wondered if that was true. It would explain her strong reaction to a Dom like Master Brent, and her immediate draw of friends.h.i.+p to most of the subs she'd ever met.
She turned, not surprised to find him watching her again. He always seemed to be watching her. She just wasn't sure why.
Sandra knew she was attractive. Since middle school when she'd started developing before all the other girls, men had always taken long looks at her, most often centering on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s or her a.s.s. There was something about the intense way Master Brent watched her, though, often focusing on her face and not her body, that made this different. But that still didn't explain why a man like Master Brent would continue watching her. Maybe he thought she was unstable? A laugh bubbled up before she could stop it.
Great. Now he'll know I am. I've removed all doubt.
He smiled at her in question and she shrugged, hoping he didn't pursue it.
He didn't, but he did continue watching her with that inscrutable gaze.
”Back here is the locker room,” he said as he led her to the other door past several people chatting, laughing, or flirting.
He must have noticed her gaze because he cleared his throat. ”No s.e.x play of any type is allowed here in the meeting area. There are plenty of areas for that, so this is a play-free and s.e.x-free zone. It allows people to have somewhere to go to unwind, or to gear up before heading out to the floor.”
At the ”pttthhhh” noise, Sandra turned to find an enormous Dom, with the smoothest brown sugarcolored skin she'd ever seen, rolling his eyes at Master Brent.
”Now Dexter, what kind of impression are you going to make on the new members?” Clear amus.e.m.e.nt and affection were in Master Brent's voice.
”Oh, I don't know, that you can be a pain in the a.s.s?” From the warmth in the man's manner, the affection was obviously returned.
”Rules are in place to help everyone feel more comfortable.”