Part 1 (1/2)
My Obsession.
by Ca.s.sie Ryan.
Chapter 1.
Sandra's blood raced through her veins as she approached the large double doors of the very elite Club Desire, set high on Camelback Mountain in Paradise Valley, Arizona.
Her old dungeon in New York had looked like an office building compared to this semi-gothic castle that had seemingly erupted out of the desert mountainside. The explosions of stars scattered across the dark sky behind it only added to the effect.
Even the energy surrounding this place exuded s.e.x and kink like musky perfume lacing through the tang of creosote and desert night. If she hadn't come here willingly, she might feel like a fairy princess being lured to her doom. If she were very lucky, it would be an erotic doom.
She smiled at the thought and forced her attention to the man standing just to the side of the large double doors. As she approached, he gave her the same head-to-toe perusal that most men did.
She mentally shrugged. After all, this was a s.e.x club, not a YMCA. Here it wasn't rude to peruse a stranger like that.
The man was attractive and well muscled, but from the way he carried himself she could tell he wasn't a Dom. Maybe an employee who was a kink enthusiast?
”Good evening. How may I help you?” His voice confirmed her opinion. Not that he wasn't masculine; he definitely was. But Doms had a certain air about them, a certain underlying arrogance and presence that laced their every word and action, in or out of the dungeon. A description that most Doms would balk at. And something that this man lacked.
Sandra rolled her eyes at her inner monologue and gripped the envelope in her hand a little tighter until the sound of the crumpling paper made her stop. She hesitated for a long moment, trying to find something coherent to say. She finally settled on, ”I'm here to pet.i.tion for members.h.i.+p?” She held up the crumpled envelope, locking her knees against the urge to leave.
She'd just run from New York to the familiar city where she'd grown up. She'd risked dredging up old, painful memories to come here, so she refused to run again.
She would rebuild her life here, and wouldn't let anyone tell her otherwise. Now she had to figure out how to make that happen, and how to keep her resolve strong while she did.
The man held out his hand and she placed the envelope on his open palm. She'd never even broken the seal, so she wasn't sure what her old Dungeon Master had written. He'd only told her that if she ever wished to join this particular dungeon he knew the owner, and he had given her a written recommendation.
Now that she'd handed it over, curiosity burned inside her to know what he'd said about her. But it was too late to ask for it back now.
”Please, come inside.” The man opened one of the large doors, and a welcome wall of cold air hit them. ”We're a few months from when the summer nights are nearly as hot as the days, but it's still a bit warm out here.”
He motioned her inside and down a hallway to a comfortable waiting area surrounded by large windows that looked out over the main floor of the dungeon. Or at least she a.s.sumed this was the main floor. There were few bas.e.m.e.nt levels in Phoenix.
Sandra took a chair that gave her the best view of the floor and the play currently in progress. She was alone in the waiting area, so she shamelessly leaned closer to the gla.s.s to soak up all the erotic details of the scenes before her.
Wet heat flooded her core. She definitely missed this.
Sandra had discovered she liked to watch-especially the things she was too much of a coward to try for herself, which seemed to encompa.s.s a lot so far. She hadn't really explored too many of the different kinks. At the New York club, she had made friends with the other subs and gotten comfortable with the idea of the overall lifestyle. From there it had been easy to meet a Dom she liked and begin to explore the lifestyle that way.
The play session directly in front of her involved a short, curvy woman wearing only a red thong with a matching red rope wrapped around her torso so that it lifted and plumped her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s-a push-up bra, bondage-style. Her arms were stretched high over her head, her wrists bound in the same red rope and attached to large rings, strategically placed for a myriad of kinks and purposes. She stood barefoot, balanced on the b.a.l.l.s of her feet since her arms were stretched so high, but the way she moved conveyed arousal and sensuality-anything but discomfort.
The skin of her shapely a.s.s was already striped with red marks from the leather straps of the flogger her Dom currently wielded.
The man stood with the confident stance of a Dom, dressed in black leather pants and a sleeveless vest. He held the flogger loosely, his hungry gaze devouring the sub before him, his hard c.o.c.k easily visible against the front of his tight pants.
His face held an intensity as the next blow fell, and Sandra clenched her jaw, waiting to hear the sound of leather hitting flesh. Too many years of surviving abuse from her mother had left her with a phobia of those types of sounds. But when the sound never came, she relaxed and enjoyed the flash of arousal spiced with adrenaline that spiked through her veins.
Unable to help herself, she reached up and pinched both of her nipples, hard, grinding against the chair to try to relieve the sudden throbbing in her sadly neglected body. As the flogger hit again, she stifled a soft moan and took a quick look around and behind her to make sure she was still alone. She grabbed the cloth of her knee-length peasant skirt and pulled it up so it was bunched around her upper thighs. She spread her legs as wide as the material would allow and slipped her fingers under the crotch of her lacy panties to pleasure herself.
The first touch made her bite her bottom lip, holding back the urge to moan.
When the Dom laid the flogger aside on a nearby table and approached his sub, Sandra stilled, wondering what he would do next.
Her stomach tightened in antic.i.p.ation until he laid a gentle hand on the woman's shoulder and leaned down to whisper something into her ear. Before Sandra could gauge the sub's reaction, the Dom grabbed the woman's thong with both hands and ripped it off, tossing the shredded material off to the side of their play area.
As a shudder ran along the sub's body, Sandra gasped at the sharp rush of adrenaline laced with excitement that stormed through her.
The Dom dropped his pants, kicking them away, allowing his hard c.o.c.k to spring free.
Sandra s.h.i.+fted, opening her thighs wider, sliding the crotch of her panties to the side and welcoming the cool air against her soaking center. She leaned forward and slid her first two fingers inside her p.u.s.s.y as far as she could, her internal muscles squeezing around them, while she still rubbed her c.l.i.t with her thumb. It wasn't enough, not nearly enough to satisfy her cravings.
Sandra felt a ping of jealousy toward the woman below, who was most likely about to be f.u.c.ked, and f.u.c.ked hard. It had been far too long since Sandra had enjoyed a real man's c.o.c.k. She didn't count her old Dom, Diego, since she hadn't enjoyed his rough play.
The Dom picked up a small packet off the table nearby that held his supply of s.e.x toys, recapturing Sandra's attention and saving her from past memories.
When he ripped open the package, Sandra licked her lips as he rolled on the condom, trying to imagine how that thick length would feel stretching her, filling her.
Antic.i.p.ation beat inside her along with her racing pulse, and for a moment, she could imagine herself trussed up with that rope, waiting to be f.u.c.ked by that Dom.
Sandra was shocked at her thoughts since she had never wanted to be tied up-trapped and helpless-before. Especially after her experiences with Diego. She enjoyed watching it, but this was the first time she had ever been able to imagine herself in that position without panicking.
She watched as the Dom stepped forward and slowly rotated his sub around to face him, the ring over her head swiveling easily to accommodate the change in position.
He leaned down and grabbed the back of both of her thighs, lifting her until she could wrap her legs around his waist.
Reaching between them, he positioned his c.o.c.k at her entrance and then leaned forward to kiss her and knead her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
The woman squirmed, trying to take more of his c.o.c.k, but he held her away, not allowing her much movement.
She bucked and nipped at his lips, seemingly in protest of his denial, but then he smacked her a.s.s hard.
Sandra braced for the sub's further punishment, but then the Dom grabbed her a.s.s in both hands and thrust inside, hard and fast.
Sandra blew out a breath as relief slid through her. The Doms in New York hadn't let the subs off so easily, even for such a small infraction. Maybe this place truly would be a better fit for her, both inside the Club and out.
The sub squirmed and arched, her head hanging back limply on her shoulders, her mouth open as if she were screaming or moaning as her Dom pounded into her.
Sandra's internal muscles clenched, begging for her p.u.s.s.y to be filled too. But instead, she could only rub her c.l.i.t harder and faster as she watched the action play out in front of her.
Her o.r.g.a.s.m hovered just out of reach and she scooted forward in the chair, desperate to reach her release, while moving her free hand to pinch her nipples, twisting until a hard zing ran between the two erogenous zones.
The sound of a throat clearing behind her broke the sensual haze surrounding her, and then she heard, ”Master Brent will see you now, miss.”
Sandra jumped like a guilty child, silently cursing the man for his poor timing as her elusive o.r.g.a.s.m slipped away.
She wondered how long he'd been standing in the doorway, but then decided she didn't care. After all, he wasn't under any delusions about why she had come here, so she tried not to be embarra.s.sed about enjoying the show-although she wished he would have given her a few more minutes.