Part 7 (1/2)
He winced. She had no idea how close he'd come to losing his agent gig last year. The thought sobered his unrelenting attraction to her. ”You wanted to talk to me about something?” His clipped tone left no room for any more ribbing.
A groove drew her eyebrows together. She handed him a neatly folded piece of paper he hadn't noticed she held. Their fingers brushed and he had the urge to grab her hand and bring her flush against him. ”Sophie asked me to give this to you. It's a note to Zane and she'd like you to give it to him right before the ceremony.”
Bryce looked briefly down at the note. ”Did you read it?”
”Of course not. And you'd better not either. It's private.”
”Got it. Tell Sophie I'll be sure he gets it.”
”Thanks.” She swayed like she couldn't decide if she wanted to stay or go. ”See you tomorrow.”
”You going back to the house?” Jesus. His mouth had entirely disconnected from his brain.
”Where else would I go?”
He shrugged. If he opened his mouth again who knew what would come out. Honor made him completely forget himself.
She studied him like she held a magnifying gla.s.s up to his head and was seconds away from discovering every detail inside his gray matter. A smile bloomed across her face. Yep. Seconds. ”You're wondering if I'm going to meet Aiden.”
”The guy's had more hookups than a global satellite.”
Honor cracked up. ”Sounds like he'd be perfect then. The last thing I want is a relations.h.i.+p.”
”It is?” he asked surprised.
Further down the patio a couple of teenage boys joked around and tossed a football across the pool, running and bouncing around the perimeter.
”Payton wanted the white picket fence. I don't. But just so you know,” she leaned closer, ”I told Aiden no thanks. Not because I wasn't tempted, but because...”
Somehow Bryce had moved closer, too, and little s.p.a.ce separated him from Honor under lights nestled in the palm trees around them.
”Because the girls are waiting for me.” She gazed at the gla.s.s surface of the pool. ”Besides, he's staying in town for a few extra days so there's still time to make something happen. If I want.”
In his periphery, Bryce noticed one of the teenage boys had gotten closer to where he stood. Two seconds later, the football came flying, its trajectory in perfect line with Honor's unsuspecting face.
”Look out!” Unthinking, Bryce pushed Honor out of harm's way. And right into the swimming pool.
She cursed and landed in the water with a large splash.
Bryce shot his arm out and caught the football with one hand. The kid across the pool shouted ”sorry” while the other one apologized more than once as he retrieved the ball from Bryce.
Honor broke the surface of the water, reached for the edge, and scowled up at him. ”What was that?” she demanded.
”Sorry, lady,” the kid said. ”My friend threw the football at you by mistake.”
Her attention moved to the teen. ”Oh. I didn't ...” she trailed off and looked back at Bryce. ”It's okay.”
Bryce kept his eyes on Honor's and knelt, vaguely aware of the boy running off. ”How's the water?”
”Tango keeps it heated so it's not bad.”
”I'm sorry. Probably should have intercepted instead of shoved.” d.a.m.n, she looked pretty wet. His thoughts raced back to them getting caught in the sprinklers and how he'd wanted to kiss her.
”Quick thinking isn't one of your virtues, huh?”
Back to the teasing and he liked it. ”Guess not.” At least not where she was concerned. She tossed every thread of logic he possessed into complete disarray.
”Help me out?” She gave him her hand.
He took it and catching him off guard, she pulled him right into the water, head over feet. Her laughter rang in his ear as he went under.
”Oops,” she said when he popped to the surface. Her grin was about the best shape of happy he'd ever had the pleasure of being close to. ”You really should have seen that coming.”
”Goes back to that quick thinking thing.” He made like he was swimming toward the concrete edge, but instead grabbed her by the waist and tugged her under.
Then he kicked away from her, treading water in the middle of the deep end. His clothes made it a little tougher than usual to keep afloat, but he managed. Honor sputtered and flailed when she came up for air. She sent him a man-eating glare, said ”This is war,” and swam straight for him.
He backstroked out of her reach, but the girl could swim. She caught his ankle and pulled him under.
Twisting and swimming full tilt, he made it to the shallow end before he let her catch him again. She palmed his shoulders and pressed down but he didn't budge. She tried again, lifting out of the water this time. Her s.h.i.+rt clung to her skin, giving him a view of her rounded b.r.e.a.s.t.s and pert nipples. His mouth watered.
He wanted to touch and lick and suck and see if her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were as sensitive as he'd imagined they were since getting a quick preview all those months ago.
So lost in thoughts of her s.e.xy body, he didn't see the splash coming. Water went up his nose. He choked and coughed before wiping the smirk off her face with his own splash.
They paddled water at each other like two kids until a very loud, very deep, ”Ahem,” caught their attention.
Tango, ex-NFL linebacker and owner of the inn loomed above them, thick arms crossed over his chest. ”Pool hours are over you two.” He walked away, towels on the ground where he'd stood.
Bryce looked at Honor at the same time she looked at him and they burst into laughter. He couldn't remember the last time he'd laughed so free and easy with a woman. Like nothing else mattered at the moment.
She swam to the side. He followed, reality hitting him as the one big flaw in this escapade set in.
”We've got a problem,” he said, coming up beside her.
”We do?” The lilt of her cheerful voice hinted at other shenanigans and he wanted to know what other mischief she'd gotten into.
He took the note from Sophie out of his pocket and placed it on the ground.
”Oh, c.r.a.pity, c.r.a.p, c.r.a.p,” Honor muttered. Her lids briefly closed, her shoulders dropped. ”It's my fault. Hopefully Sophie doesn't mind writing another one and I'll get it to you tomorrow.”
”Partners in crime, Honor. Tell Sophie I'm just as much to blame.”
Soft, surprised eyes met his, like no one had shared blame with her before. And her quiet nod of thanks knocked the wind right out of him.