Part 6 (1/2)

”Sure thing,” Bryce said, the words ringing hollow. His world had never felt smaller and he didn't feel sure about anything.

Chapter Four.

”You guys are spoiling me,” Sophie said, a glow on her face. She sat on the edge of the guest bedroom bed hugging the short, cozy pink sweater robe to her body. ”Thank you.”

”Every bride needs an official getting ready robe,” Julia said.

”Especially because from the moment you wake up tomorrow you're going to be photographed,” Sophie's cousin and maid of honor, Emma said. ”The moms are planning to capture everything.”

Sophie scrunched up her nose. ”I'm happy my mom and Zane's mom like each other so much, but they're like a tag team from My Fair Wedding.

Honor bounced onto the bed next to Sophie. ”That's better than a tag team from Bridezillas.”

”True. I can't believe I'm getting married in twenty-four hours.” Sophie glanced over at the wedding dress hanging on the back of the guest bath door. Honor kept looking at the simple, but elegant gown with beading on the bodice, too.

”Believe it, Fifi.” Emma gave Sophie a quick hug. ”And you're going to be the prettiest bride ever, ever, ever. Now finish up in here while Julia and I go pick up dinner.”

”Take one of the guys with you,” Sophie said. She and Zane had planned a casual dinner for the wedding party and a couple of Zane's friends from out of town.

”Stop worrying. We've got it,” Emma said as she and Julia left the room, closing the door behind them.

Honor stood. ”Okay, let's finish packing your suitcase and then we'll make sure you've got everything ready for the big day.”

Sophie laid the robe to the side and got up. Her arms wrapped tightly around Honor. ”Thank you so much.”

”You don't need to thank me, Soph.” Honor squeezed her friend back. ”I'm happy and honored to be a part of this.”

”I do need to thank you.” Sophie pulled back. ”If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here right now.”

”What are you talking about?”

”Zane wouldn't have noticed me if it wasn't for your help and encouragement. From the minute you met me, you took me under your wing, and I'll never forget how kind you were. You're the first true friend I've ever had and I love you.”

”I love you, too.” Honor embraced her again. ”And Zane so would have noticed you. He's a smart guy.”

”Thank you for saying that.” Sophie smiled and moved to the dresser to pull a small wrapped box out of the top drawer. ”This is for you. Just a little something extra to tell you how special you are to me.”

”Soph. You didn't need to do that.”

”I know. Open it.”

Honor tore into the token of friends.h.i.+p that meant more to her than she could say. When she saw what lay inside the box, emotion clogged the back of her throat. A silver bracelet with an infinity charm. She and Payton had worn similar bracelets as a symbol of their forever friends.h.i.+p. Honor had tucked both away when Pay died.

Staring at the piece of jewelry now, she blinked several times. She'd lost Payton and been given Sophie a few months later. No one could ever replace Pay, but maybe the universe was looking out for her.

”I love it. Thank you.” She took the bracelet out of the box and put it on.

”You're welcome.” Sophie beamed and twirled to her suitcase. ”Now let's finish this up so I can mark it off Emma's checklist. She'll have my b.u.t.t if we're not done before she gets back.”

”She does like cracking the whip,” Honor said. ”But that's because she wants everything to be perfect for you.”

”I know. But all I need is Zane.”

Honor sighed. Everyone could feel the love Sophie and Zane had for each other. ”Then let's speed this up so we can have a celebratory drink.”

Sophie raised her eyebrows.

”I promise it will go down so smooth, you'll want a second one.” Honor had been there for Sophie's first alcoholic drink and well, spewing had been involved.

”You still might want to keep your distance,” Sophie joked.

It only took a few minutes to finish Sophie's packing and line up all her wedding day accessories. They went downstairs and found Zane's friend Aiden in the kitchen.

”Hi Aiden. Where is everyone?” Sophie asked.

”On the beach. They'll be back in a few.” He moved his attention to Honor, his gaze keeping for longer than casual interest. The other night he'd tucked toilet paper where it didn't need to be tucked, too.

”That means you two get the first shots.” Honor grabbed the stuff she'd brought earlier to make drinks for everyone.

Aiden moved to her side, his arm deliberately brus.h.i.+ng hers. ”Need some help?”

”How are you with a knife?”

He grinned. ”I'm good with everything.” She just bet he was.

”Cut these lemons for me?” She put the produce bag in front of him. While he got busy cutting, she combined vodka and hazelnut liqueur and shook up the first batch of chocolate cake shots. She poured sugar into a bowl to dip the lemons in.

The three of them chatted and joked until Honor had three shot lined up in a row. ”Okay, so you drink this, then follow it up by sucking on the sugared lemon, and it tastes exactly like chocolate cake.”

”Seriously?” Sophie said.

”Yes. You ready?” Honor picked up her shot. ”On three.” Sophie and Aiden lifted their cups in one hand and a slice of lemon in the other. ”One, two, three.”

”Holy heavens! Chocolate cake is in my mouth,” Sophie trumpeted when finished.

”What's in your mouth?” Zane said, his voice echoing off the walls. He, Bryce, Danny, Mark, and two other surf friends of Zane's entered the kitchen.

Bryce locked eyes with hers.

Sophie spun around and wrapped her arms around Zane's neck. ”Taste.” And he did, with a kiss that lasted until Danny cleared his throat. At least she thought it was Danny since Bryce had her caught with his dangerous, dark eyes.

Aiden angled his head down so his mouth almost grazed her ear. ”I'm all for taste tests in case you were wondering.”

Honor blinked free of Bryce and turned to look at Aiden. ”I wasn't, but I might be now,” she whispered. Aiden had one night stand written all over him.

”We need another round,” Sophie declared, spurring Honor back into action.