15 To Collec (2/2)

Zephyria lucabear 24890K 2022-07-19

(Sidenote: the rarity of her collection of 17 Super-Rare sOr exceeded that of 1 Ultra-Rare sOr.)

”Store” Aloe commanded.

The Case opened up completely to reveal 16 orb slots, to which they flew towards and settled in respectively. The box then elevated to a level where Aloe could comfortably observe her expanded arsenal in all its glory, before being shut manually and held by her side.

”This'll do, thank you.” she voiced to Ryan, before retreating back to the couch. She pulled her Case close and rested upon it. She had instantly recognised that it was of similar material to Tedi, so it made for a decent pillow.

Speaking of the flufferino, at that very moment Tedi floated gently into the hall. On her back was seemingly a heap of baggage, of which she gently laid down. These were taken from the lobby at the Palace before the throne room meeting, each containing all of their personal belongings they chose to bring along.

”Ah, she's arrived!” Ryan declared. ”Let's get you guys settled into the palace :).”

Ryan gestured at them to retrieve their bags, and led them out of the facility towards the mansion.

This was a rather unnecessary route as the facility and mansion were directly connected, so he could have just led them through the hall they were in. But Ryan wanted to see their faces react to it's uniquely grand aesthetic, for he personally found it quite nice.

As they reached the front of the palace Ryan and Tedi gracefully brought their arms out in unison.

”I present to you, the Shiba Inn-u!”

Complete silence. Taking the longer route was so not worth it.

Hikari had already seen been here, so this wasn't anything new.

Gale was severely unimpressed with the joke and cringed at the sound of it.

Yami was half asleep and so didn't pay much notice, whilst Aloe was completely asleep and so didn't pay any. (Yami kindly carried her bags whilst she rested upon her Case).

Xero wouldn't express his adoration in front of the others and Amber was too busy beating him up because of it.

At least Elektra was visibly fascinated, as she gazed upon the most beautiful structure she had seen in her entire life. She turned to Ryan with huge puppy eyes and an innocent smile.

”Much waw. :3”

Ryan smiled back at her with both genuine appreciation and mild affection.

”Such good. c:”

Tedi stood there blankly, arms still gloriously stretched out. ”Very amaze.”