Part 17 (2/2)

”Whatever.” I shrugged, but knew how to handle my dad.

I mingled and talked, filled with angst over Suzanne cheating on Tunney. Even my sister-in-law, Tricia, and my six-month-old niece, Kelsey, were here to welcome me home.

Kelsey replaced me as Chakra's new favorite person, so wherever the baby went after that, so did Chakra.

After dinner, Dad asked me to cut the cake. Cameras flashed and everyone called for a speech.

I stood on a chair in the keeping room to be seen from other rooms. ”I hope I've thanked you personally,” I said, ”but if I haven't, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Not only for moving me in but for the clothes you left at my door. I have vintage treasures that will sell. If you see any that you donated for sale, tell me, so I can give you a discount on your first purchase.”

I cleared my throat. ”Among the donations, however-and I think you know this-are some items not quite designer vintage.”

Several people chuckled.

”Not to worry. I'm going to make them work like magic, anyway. Just not Vintage Magic. I'll use them to advertise the shop, so everything you've given me is made of gold, like your hearts.”

”How can you advertise with nonvintage?” Tunney, a late arrival, asked.

”Tunney! So glad to see you.” I blew him a kiss, then I noticed Suzanne beside him, and beside her, Werner.

Sc.r.a.p. I couldn't ignore Werner after sending Tunney a kiss, but we had a whole different relations.h.i.+p. ”Detective,” I said. ”Whatever it is, I didn't do it!”

Kinky retro, I saw his rare smile. Oh! I got a flashback: Werner laughing in the upstairs hall, me in his arms. ”Can somebody open a door? It's hot in here.”

”What are you going to do with the non-designer vintage?” Aunt Fiona asked, repeating Tunney's question.

”I'm having a scarecrow contest, and you're all invited to enter. The day after tomorrow, I'll have a table of freebie clothes to dress your scarecrows.”

Light chatter broke out.

”Think theme. You have days to put Mr. or Mrs. Scarecrow together. Judging will take place Sunday at two. Set up your scarecrows from nine to noon, and use the crossed wooden stands that you use on Christmas trees to hold them up. No pole holes in my new parking lot.”

Familiar laughter.

”Hang around or come back and look at everyone's scarecrows between twelve and two, have refreshments, stay for the judging, let the tourists enjoy them for the rest of the day, then pick yours up around dusk for your front yard. I'll publicize the event and the shop.”

”You're a smart girl, Miss Mad,” Tunney said.

I saluted. ”First prize, second prize, third prize”-I counted on my fingers-”are certificates to my shop. Three hundred, two hundred, and one hundred dollars.”

A cheer went up.

”So the old golf s.h.i.+rt with the bleach stain, the dress with blueberry jam are going to help me advertise.”

I could not look at Werner as people applauded. Too reminiscent of the police station fiasco.

”Who are the judges?” Sherry asked.

”That's a secret, or they'll gain twenty pounds from eating your bribery. You're the best. I am, in fact, supremely happy to be home among you, again. Thank you.”

I stepped down and the room buzzed. I went to Tunney as he introduced Werner to Suzanne Sampson.

Werner's stance became rigid as he greeted her, then he turned to me. ”I donated the bleached golf s.h.i.+rt.”

A joke after today? I never figured Werner for a good sport. ”I'll make good use of it.”

Tunney nodded. ”I wore the dress with the blueberry stain to my senior prom.”

Suzanne and I chuckled on cue.

Werner didn't. He watched the two uniformed policemen headed our way.


I'm not just selling clothes. I'm offering a world, a philosophy of life.

-RALPH LAUREN Werner rerouted the officers to the front door as if they shouldn't be there. And well they shouldn't. I'd rather not have my coming-home party ruined, thank you very much. If all our parties ended in some kind of police matter, as my sister's engagement party had, we'd get paranoid and stop partying.

As I released a breath because Werner opened the door to go, he stood aside for more guests to enter.

”Alex! Nick!” I shouted, and Tricia and I ran.

Nick hauled me up and into his arms, my feet not touching the floor. I'd never felt such elation. I hadn't realized I'd missed him so much. Lost in l.u.s.t, n.o.body else existed. Nick walked us into an empty back den, pulled me close, hands on my bottom, and pinned me to the wall. I laughed and wrapped my legs around him.

”I've lived for that laugh,” he said with a grin. He was safe. He and Alex were safe.

He gave me a welcome-home kiss to die for, all tongue and no breath. And I welcomed him home the same way.

”Ah, ladybug, if we're not on-again, I'm in a lot of trouble, here.”

I didn't have a chance to answer because Tunney shouted my name, and Nick swore beneath his breath.

When we got to Tunney, Werner was urging him and Suzanne outside.

Chakra jumped in my arms while I gave Nick an abbreviated explanation, and Nick came outside with me.

Werner stood by a squad car. ”I'm sorry about your party. I waited until we got outside.”

”You do have probable cause?” Nick asked.

”This is not an FBI matter.”
