Part 18 (1/2)
”Probable cause?” I repeated.
Werner sighed. ”Conspiracy to commit murder, for a start.”
”You think Suzanne and I conspired to kill Sampson?” Tunney asked. ”Why would we?”
”Miss Sampson is Broderick's sister,” Werner said. ”Consequently, he must have left everything to her.”
”So you don't have a will,” I asked.
Werner ignored me and focused on Tunney. ”Since you're dating Suzanne seriously, it follows that the two of you could have killed Broderick to get rich.”
Tunney chuckled. ”Suzanne and I are not dating at all. We've been over for some time. You're a little mixed up there, Detective.”
”Detective,” I said. ”Since I own the piece of real estate that matches Sampson's, I called the chain store and let them make me an offer. In doing so, I learned, right before the party, that Sampson had no choice but to sell. The IRS was breathing down his neck for tax evasion, and he didn't want to go to jail. Sampson died broke.”
Suzanne shrieked.
Werner regarded Tunney, who grinned, but he put Tunney and Suzanne in the squad car anyway.
Werner looked back at me. ”Stop sleuthing, Madeira. First chance you get, call the station with the seller's phone number for police follow-up. Now go away.”
My jaw dropped. ”Talk about grat.i.tude.”
”Ladybug, let's go, before he arrests you.”
”This isn't an arrest,” Werner called after us. ”I'm taking them in for questioning.”
He'd ruined my party, even if he did wait until he got outside. The windows were filled with the faces of curious partygoers.
Our guests speculated that Werner had been waiting to catch Tunney and Suzanne together, a theory that didn't hold water. Whatever his reason, why did he have to take them in at my party? Celebrating ended abruptly after that, and though I hated to see everyone go, an empty house meant more time alone with Nick.
Eventually, only Fiona and the family were left.
”Tricia said she'd planned to stay the night, Dad,” Alex said. ”And since Nick and I have to fly out early in the morning, is it okay if we stick with the plan?”
”Of course. Fiona's staying as well.”
I sighed. n.o.body had invited Nick. I walked him outside. On the front step, we resumed where we'd left off, his lips cool and hungry against mine, my fingers in the hair at his nape, my spirits lifting, my problems dissolving, until Aunt Fiona opened the front door, and we nearly fell into the front hall.
”I've been sent,” she whispered with a wink, ”though I'm not supposed to admit it. Use the keeping room stairs while your father's locking the back doors. He says Nick will ruin his suit climbing up the getaway tree.”
”Yes!” I grabbed Nick's hand, and we ran. Let the spontaneous combustion begin!
Too soon, dawn arrived, and Tricia and I were waving Nick and Alex off. ”Same a.s.signment, new location,” was all they said before they left. As the waiting limo disappeared, Tricia and I commiserated, compared notes, and she giggled.
”I guess you had a good night,” I said.
”Excellent and unplanned. Kelsey might be getting a new brother or sister. Don't worry,” she said. ”We discussed it first and decided it was a good idea.”
”I'll bet you did.” We went in arm in arm and met Fiona coming down beside Dad carrying Chakra and Kelsey.
”Oh, so now I know where you were all night, deserter cat.”
”Sleeping at the foot of Kelsey's crib,” Tricia said.
”Did they leave on time?” my father asked. ”I mean, did Alex leave-”
I kissed his cheek. ”Thank you, Dad.”
”Well,” he bl.u.s.tered, ”as Fiona said, your mother and I had been married for years by the time we were your age.”
”Hey, way to make a girl feel old.”
”Not old,” Aunt Fiona said. ”Grown up and able to make her own decisions.”
I checked the time. ”With only ten days till my grand opening, this grown-up has to open her shop by seven for the electricians, not to mention setting out stock.”
And I had to make sure that my resident ghost didn't materialize, speak up, and give the guy, or any of his men a stroke.
The only way to get forward in fas.h.i.+on is to return to construction.
”Dante,” I called when I got to the shop. He appeared, and Chakra and I screamed.
He shook his head. ”I rest my case.”
”Well, if I do that, think of the people who don't expect you to appear.”
”Like who?”