Part 17 (2/2)
13. North Platte River.-Good road pa.s.sing the bridge, where there is a blacksmith's shop and store, also a military station and a mail station. At two miles from camp the road crosses the river on a good ford with rocky bottom. The wood, water, and gra.s.s are abundant.
23. Red b.u.t.tes, on the North Platte.-Road is very hilly, and in some places sandy; Willow Spring, where there is gra.s.s and a little wood. Good wood, water, and gra.s.s at camp. Mail station here.
11. Sweet Water Creek.-Road leaves the river at the Red b.u.t.tes, and strikes over the high rolling prairie. Good gra.s.s and water, but little wood at camp.
15. On Sweet Water Creek.-Road a blacksmith's shop and store at the bridge six miles from camp, and at 2-1/2 miles from the camp it the ”Devil's Gate” and a mail station. The Sweet Water here runs between two perpendicular cliffs, presenting a most singular and striking appearance. Take wood at the Gate for camp. Good gra.s.s and water at all places on Sweet Water Creek.
20. Sweet Water Creek.-Road muddy after rains, and some bad ravines to cross. Wood, water, and gra.s.s of the best quality at camp.
12. Sweet Water Creek.-Road runs along the valley of the Sweet Water, where there is plenty of wood and gra.s.s in places, but little wood at the camp noted.
8. On Sweet Water.-Road good; no wood; gra.s.s abundant.
20. On Sweet Water.-Road good; no wood.
17. Strawberry Creek.-Little wood; gra.s.s and water abundant. Road leaves ”Sweet Water,” and ascends a very long hill which is very rocky.
20-1/4. South Pa.s.s.-Road crosses the dividing ridge, and strikes the Pacific Spring, where there is excellent water and good gra.s.s if many cattle have not pa.s.sed, in which event the traveler had better continue on down the creek which issues from the spring. Sage for fuel; no wood.
15-3/4. Dry Sandy Creek.-Gra.s.s scarce; no wood; some sage and greasewood; water brackish, but drinkable; road good. Here the traveler should send ahead and have the best spots of gra.s.s found, as it is very scarce throughout this section. Sublett's Cut-off turns off here for Soda Springs and Fort Hall. Take the left for Fort Bridger and Salt Lake City.
15. Little Sandy Creek.-Gra.s.s in spots along the creek bottom, and some fuel.
18. Big Sandy Creek.-Gra.s.s in detached spots on the creek, and little fuel.
21-1/2. Green River, Upper Ford.-Gra.s.s and fuel on the river.
7. Green River, at the Lower Ford.-Good gra.s.s and fuel below the ford. Ferry in time of high water. Mail station and grocery.
16. Black's Fork.-Good gra.s.s and fuel.
7. Ham's Fork.-United States bridge, no toll. Good gra.s.s and fuel.
12. Black's Fork.-Road forks at the crossing of Black's Fork, both roads leading to Fort Bridger. This itinerary is upon the left-hand road, which crosses Black's Fork two miles from Ham's Fork.
13. Smith's Fork.-Good camps along Black's Fork at any place, but the road leaves the stream for several miles. Wood, water, and gra.s.s at the confluence of Black's and Smith's Forks.
18-1/4. Fort Bridger.-Good camps above and below the fort. Military post, mail station, and store.
Muddy Creek.-Good gra.s.s, wood, and water. Gra.s.s short after many trains have pa.s.sed. It is then necessary to go up the creek to find good gra.s.s. Road a fine spring 3 miles back.
19. Bear River.-Good camps, with wood, water, and gra.s.s.
Good ford, except in very high water. Sulphur Creek two miles back.
19. Red Fork.-In ”Echo Canon,” two miles below Cashe Cave, good gra.s.s and fuel; water plenty.
19-1/4. Weber River.-Good gra.s.s, wood, and water. Mail station. United States bridge for high water; no toll.
5-1/4. Spring Branch.-Good camp. Road leaves the river, and takes the left into a valley.
9. Bauchmin's Creek.-Road crosses over a mountain, and descends to the creek, where there is a good camp.
14. Big Canon Creek.-Road crosses Bauchmin's Creek 13 times in 8 miles, then ascends the mountain along a small creek, which is well wooded and good gra.s.s.
6. Emigration Creek.-Road leaves Canon Creek, and crosses the two mountains, which are very steep and long. Gra.s.s and wood before crossing the ”Little Mountain.”
10-1/4. Great Salt Lake City.-Forage can be purchased here, as well as most of the articles the traveler may require, at high prices. There is no camping-place within two miles of the city. It is best for those who encamp with animals to cross the Jordan River, or to stop near the mouth of the canon before entering the city.
Total distance from Fort Leavenworth to Salt Lake City, 1168 miles.
V.-From Salt Lake City to Sacramento and Benicia, California.
Miles. From Salt Lake City to 18. Hait's Ranch.-Good road, and gra.s.s abundant until Bear River is crossed.
17-1/4. Ford on Weber River.-Good road, and gra.s.s abundant.
15. Point of Mountain.-Spring water warm but pure.
12-3/4. Box Elder Creek.-Excellent water; gra.s.s and fuel abundant in the canons.
23. Ferry on Bear River.-Four miles above the usual crossing. Excellent gra.s.s.
3/4. West Bank.-Gra.s.s not good on the west bank.
6. Small Spring.-Cross Bear River below the mouth of the Mallade.
17-1/2. Blue Springs.-Water and gra.s.s scarce, and of poor quality.
21-1/4. Deep Creek.-Heavy sage, but good gra.s.s on the right of the road, near sink.
20-1/2. Cedar Springs.-Good gra.s.s on the hills, with fine water and wood; rolling country.
10. Rock Creek.-Plenty of gra.s.s to the left of the road; good camping-place.
14-1/2. Raft River.-Good camp.