Part 18 (1/2)
22-1/2. Goose Creek Mountains.-Gra.s.s, wood, and water abundant; rough and mountainous country. Road from Fort Bridger comes in here via Soda Springs.
17-3/4. On Goose Creek.-Rough, broken country, with a good road, which runs along the creek for several miles.
28-1/2. Head of 1000 Spring Valley.-Road runs over a rolling, barren section, with but little water except on the river far to the right.
25-3/4. 1000 Spring Valley.-Meadow gra.s.s; good fuel scarce. Camps can be found at short intervals along the road.
14. Head of Humboldt River.-Fine camping-places, and road generally good, running over a rolling country.
23. Slough of the Humboldt.-Extensive bottoms of good gra.s.s.
20. Humboldt River.-Along the entire course of the Humboldt good gra.s.s is found in the bottoms. The road, which follows the bottom, is hard and smooth, but can not be traveled in seasons of very high water, as the bottom overflows. It is then necessary to take the road on the bluffs, where the gra.s.s is scarce. The river, when not above a fording stage, can be forded at almost any point, and good camps can be found at short intervals. There are spots along the river bottom where alkaline ponds are frequent. These are poisonous to cattle, and should be avoided by travelers. It is well along this river not to allow animals to drink any water except from the river where it is running.
20. Humboldt River.-The foregoing remarks apply for every camp on the Humboldt River.
22. Humboldt River.-Good camps along the Humboldt Valley.
23. Humboldt River.
13-1/2. Humboldt River.
16-1/2. Humboldt River.
25. Humboldt River.
13-3/4. Humboldt River.
24. Humboldt River.
24-1/2. Humboldt River.
20-1/4. Humboldt River.
18-3/4. Humboldt River.
13-1/2. Humboldt River.
18-1/4. Lawson's Meadows.-The road here forks, the left going by the Carson Valley and Sacramento route, and the right via Goose, Clear, and Rhett lakes, Applegate's Pa.s.s of the Cascade Mountains, into Rogue River Valley, Fort Law, Oregon Territory, Yreka, Fort Jones, Fort Reading, and Sacramento River.
33-1/2. On Humboldt River.-Gra.s.s and water poor all the distance to the Sink of the Humboldt.
19-1/2. Sink of Humboldt River.-The water at the Sink is strongly impregnated with alkali; the road generally is good. Travelers should not allow their stock to drink too freely of this water.
26. Head Sink of Humboldt.-Road good.
45. Carson River.-Road crosses the desert, where there is no water for stock, but there is a well where travelers can purchase water for drinking. This part of the road should be traveled in the cool of the day and at night. Gra.s.s good, also the water.
2. Carson River.-Good bunch-gra.s.s near the road.
30. Carson River.-26 miles of desert; poor gra.s.s.
14. Eagle Ranch.-Good gra.s.s and water.
13. Reese's Ranch.-Good gra.s.s and water.
12. Williams' Ranch.-Very good water and gra.s.s.
15. Hope Valley.-Road rough and rocky.
3. Near Sierra.-Good camp, with water and gra.s.s.
7. First Summit.-Road rough and rocky; good water; gra.s.s scarce.
2. Second Summit.-Road mountainous and very steep; snow nearly all the year.
10. Lakes.-Good camp.
12. Leek Springs.-Good gra.s.s near the road.
10. Trader's Creek.-Gra.s.s and fuel scarce.
12. Sly Park.-Gra.s.s and fuel near the road.
Forty Mile House.-Water plenty; gra.s.s scarce.
Sacramento Valley.-Water plenty; purchase forage.
Sacramento City.-Water plenty; purchase forage.
Total distance from Salt Lake City to Benicia, 973 miles.
At the Big Meadows, 23 miles from the Sink of the Humboldt, travelers should make a halt of a day or two to rest and recruit their animals and to cut gra.s.s for crossing the desert, as this is the last good camping-place until reaching Carson River. The ground near this place is boggy, and animals should be watered with buckets. The camping-ground here is on the right bank of the river, and about half a mile to the left of the main road. The water is in a slough, near its head, where will be found some springs which run off a short distance, but soon sink.
The road across the desert is very sandy, especially toward the western extremity. Twenty miles from the Sink of the Humboldt there are four wells. About half a mile east of the mail station the road leading to the wells turns to the right, where water can be purchased for from one to two s.h.i.+llings for each man and beast.
At 9-1/2 miles beyond the mail station, on the desert, a road turns off from the main trace toward a very high sandy ridge, and directly upon the top of this ridge is the crater of an extinct volcano, at the bottom of which is a salt lake. Upon the extreme north end of this lake will be found a large spring of fresh water, sufficient for 1000 animals. From thence to ”Ragtown,” on Carson River, is three miles.
I would advise travelers, when their animals become exhausted before reaching this water, to take them out of harness and drive them to this place to recruit. There is some gra.s.s around the lake.
This desert has always been the most difficult part of the journey to California, and more animals have probably been lost here than at any other place. The parts of wagons that are continually met with here shows this most incontestably.
VI.-From Great Salt Lake City to Los Angeles and San Francisco, California.