Part 16 (1/2)

2.29. Council Grove.

7.97. Elm Creek.-Water generally.

8.06. Diamond Spring.

1.42. Diamond Creek.

15.46. Lost Spring.-No wood.

9.25. Mud Creek.-Water uncertain; no wood.

7.76. Cottonwood Creek.

6.16. Water Holes.-Water generally; no wood.

12.44. Big Turkey Creek.-No water.

7.83. Little Turkey Creek.-Water uncertain; no wood.

18.19. Little Arkansas River.

10.60. Owl Creek.-Water generally in holes above and below crossing.

6.39. Little Cow Creek.-Water only occasionally.

2.93. Big Cow Creek.-Water holes, 10 miles (estimated). Water uncertain; no wood.

18.24. Bend of the Arkansas.

6.66. Walnut Creek.

16.35. p.a.w.nee Rock.-Teams sometimes camp near here, and drive stock to the Arkansas to water. No wood.

5.28. Ash Creek.-Water above and below crossing, uncertain.

6.65. p.a.w.nee Fork.-Best gra.s.s some distance above crossing.

From p.a.w.nee Fork to the lower crossing of the Arkansas, a distance of 98-1/2 miles, convenient camping-places can be found along the Arkansas; the most prominent localities are therefore only mentioned. A supply of fuel should be laid in at p.a.w.nee Fork to last till you pa.s.s Fort Mann, though it may be obtained, but inconveniently, from the opposite side of the Arkansas. Dry Route branches off at 3-1/2 miles (estimated). This route joins the main one again 10 miles this side of Fort Mann. It is said to be a good one, but deficient in water and without wood.

11.43. c.o.o.n Creek.

46.58. Jackson's Island.

5.01. Dry Route comes in.

10.05. Fort Mann.

25.34. Lower Crossing of the Arkansas.-The Bent's Fort Route branches off at this point. For the distances upon this route, see next table. A supply of wood should be got from this vicinity to last till you reach Cedar Creek.

15.68. Water-hole.-Water uncertain; no wood.

30.02. Two Water-holes.-Water uncertain; no wood.

14.14. Lower Cimarron Springs.-No wood.

20.00. Pools of Water.-Water uncertain; no wood.

19.02. Middle Springs of the Cimarron.-No wood.

12.93. Little Crossing of the Cimarron.-No wood.

14.10. Upper Cimarron Springs.-No wood. Pools of water, 7 miles (estimated). No wood.

19.05. Cold Spring.-A tree here and there in the vicinity. Pools of water, 11 miles (estimated). Water uncertain; no wood.

16.13. Cedar Creek.-M'Nees' Creek, 10 miles (estimated). Water indifferent and uncertain; scant pasture; no wood. Arroyo del la Sena, 2-1/2 miles (estimated). No water.

21.99. Cottonwood Creek.-No water. Arroyo del Burro, 5 miles (estimated).

15.17. Rabbit-ear Creek.-10 miles (estimated), springs. Round Mound, 8 miles (estimated). No water; no wood; no camping-place. Rock Creek, 10 miles (estimated). Grazing scant; no wood.

26.40. Whetstone Creek.-Spring; no wood. Arroyo Don Carlos, 10-1/2 miles (estimated). Water, etc., to the left of the road.

14.13. Point of Rocks.-Water and gra.s.s up the canon, just after crossing the point; scattering shrub cedars on the neighboring heights.

16.62. Sandy Arroyo.-Water uncertain; no wood. Crossing of Canadian River, 4-3/4 miles (estimated). Grazing above the crossing; willows.

10.05. Rio Ocate.-Wood 1/3 of a mile to right of road; gra.s.s in the canon. Pond of water, 13-1/2 miles (estimated). No wood.

19.65. Wagon Mound.-Santa Clara Springs. Wood brought from the Rio Ocate. Rio del Perro (Rock Creek), 17-1/2 miles (estimated).

21.62. Canon del Lobo.-Rio Moro, 3-1/2 miles (estimated). Rio Sapillo, 1 mile (estimated). The Bent's Fort Route comes in here.

18.00. Las Vegas.-Forage purchasable.

13.05. Tacolote.-Forage purchasable. Ojo Vernal, 5 miles (estimated). No gra.s.s to speak of.

14.00. San Miguel.-Forage purchasable; no gra.s.s.

21.81. Ruins of Pecos.-Grazing very scant. Cottonwood Creek, 4-1/2 miles (estimated). Water uncertain; no gra.s.s.

13.41. Stone Corral.-No gra.s.s.

10.80. Santa Fe.-Forage purchasable; no grazing.

III.-Camping-places upon a road discovered and marked out from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to Dona Ana and El Paso, New Mexico, in 1849. By Captain R. B. Marcy, U.S.A.

Miles. Fort Smith to 65. South Fork of the Canadian.-The road from Fort Smith to the South Fork of the Canadian follows the same track as the road to Albuquerque and Santa Fe, and by reference to the tables of distances for that road the intermediate camps will be found.