Part 15 (1/2)

Between Cayetano Mountains and the San Juan River-Sierra de la Plata, or Silver Mountains, in the distance.




No. Page I. From Fort Smith, Arkansas, to Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico. By Captain R. B. Marcy, U.S.A. 257 II. From Fort Leavenworth to Santa Fe, by the way of the upper ferry of the Kansas River and the Cimarron 260 III. Camping-places upon a road discovered and marked out from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to Dona Ana and El Paso, New Mexico, in 1849. By Captain R. B. Marcy, U.S.A. 263 IV. From Leavenworth City to Great Salt Lake City 266 V. From Salt Lake City to Sacramento and Benicia, California 273 VI. From Great Salt Lake City to Los Angeles and San Francisco, California 277 VII. From Fort Bridger to the ”City of Rocks.” From Captain Handc.o.c.k's Journal 279 VIII. From Soda Springs to the City of Rocks, known as Hudspeth's Cut-off 282 IX. Sublet's Cut-off, from the junction of the Salt Lake and Fort Hall Roads 282 X. From Lawson's Meadows, on the Humboldt River, to Fort Reading, via Rogue River Valley, Fort Lane, Oregon Territory, Yreka, and Fort Jones 283 XI. From Soda Springs to Fort Wallah Wallah and Oregon City, Oregon, via Fort Hall 285 XII. Route for pack trains from John Day's River to Oregon City 288 XIII. rom Indianola and Powder-horn to San Antonio, Texas 288 XIV. Wagon-road from San Antonio, Texas, to El Paso, N.M., and Fort Yuma, California 289 XV. From Fort Yuma to San Diego, California 292 XVI. From El Paso, New Mexico, to Fort Yuma, California, via Santa Cruz 294 XVII. Peak and ”Cherry Creek,” N.T., via the Arkansas River 295 XVIII. From St. Paul's, Min., to Fort Wallah Wallah, Oregon 302 XIX. Lieutenant E. F. Beale's route from Albuquerque to the Colorado River 307 XX. Captain Whipple's route from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to San Pedro, California 308 XXI. From Fort Yuma to Benicia, California. From Lieutenant R. S. Williamson's Report 315 XXII. A new route from Fort Bridger to Camp Floyd, opened by Captain J. H. Simpson, U.S.A., in 1858 317 XXIII. From Fort Thorne, New Mexico, to Fort Yuma, California 318 XXIV. Lieutenant Bryan's Route from the Laramie Crossing of the South Platte to Fort Bridger, via Bridger's Pa.s.s 320 XXV. Wagon-route from Denver City, at the Mouth of Cherry Creek, to Fort Bridger, Utah 323 XXVI. From Nebraska City, on the Missouri, to Fort Kearney 326 XXVII. From Camp Floyd, Utah, to Fort Union, New Mexico. By Colonel W. W. Loring, U.S.A. 327 XXVIII. Wagon-route from Guaymas, Mexico, to Tubac, Arizona. From Captain Stone's Journal 333 I.-From Fort Smith, Arkansas, to Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico. By Captain R. B. Marcy, U.S.A.

Miles Fort Smith to 15. Strickland's Farm.-The road crosses the Poteau River at Fort Smith, where there is a ferry; it then follows the Poteau bottom for ten miles. This part of the road is very muddy after heavy rains. At 14 miles it the Choctaw Agency, where there are several stores. There is the greatest abundance of wood, water, and gra.s.s at all camps for the first 200 miles. Where any of these are wanting it will be specially mentioned. The road through the Choctaw settlements for about 150 miles, and corn and supplies can be purchased from these Indians at reasonable rates.

11. Camp Creek.-Road crosses a prairie of three miles in length, then enters a heavy forest. The camp is on a small branch, with gra.s.s plenty in a small prairie about 400 yards to the left of the road.

12. c.o.o.n Creek.-Road through the timber, and is muddy in a rainy season.

12. Sans Bois Creek.-Prairie near; some Choctaw houses at the crossing.

14. Bend of Sans Bois Creek.-Indian farm.

15. South Fork of Canadian, or ”Gain's Creek.”-Road traverses a very rough and hilly region. There is a ford and a ferry upon the creek. Indian farm on the west bank.

12. First ford of Coal Creek.-Road crosses over a rolling prairie, and at four miles the Fort Was.h.i.+ta road turns to the left.

Second ford of Coal Creek.-Indian farm.

4. Little Cedar Mountain.-Very rough, mountainous road.

6. Stony Point.-Very rough, mountainous road.

5. Shawnee Village.-Several Indian houses.

14. Shawnee Town.-Road several small prairies. Indian settlement; store on opposite bank of Canadian River, near the camp.

21. Delaware Mountain.-Road over a very beautiful country, with small streams of good water frequent, and good camps. It crosses small prairies and groves of timber.

5. Boggy River.-Road a country similar to that mentioned above.

3. Clear Creek.-Road turns to the right near a prominent round mound. Beautiful country, diversified with prairies and timbered lands.

7. Branch of Topofki Creek.-Beautiful country and fine roads.

9-1/2. Cane Creek.-Excellent camp.

5. Small Branch.-Road about two miles from the old ”Camp Arbuckle,” built by Captain Marcy in 1853, since occupied by Black Beaver and several Delaware families.

11-1/2. Mustang Creek.-Road runs on the dividing ridge between the waters of the Was.h.i.+ta and Canadian, on a high prairie.

17-1/2. Choteau's Creek.-Road on the high prairie opposite Choteau's old trading-house, and leaves the outer limits of the Indian settlements. Excellent road, and good camps at short distances.

11-3/4. Choteau's Creek.-Road runs up the creek; is smooth and good.

12-3/4. Head of Choteau's Creek.-Road runs up the creek, and is good.

17-1/4. Branch of Was.h.i.+ta River.-Road runs over an elevated prairie country, and a small branch at six miles from last camp.

5-3/4. Branch of ”Spring Creek.”-Good camp.

16. Head of ”Spring Creek.”-Road traverses a high prairie country, is smooth and firm.

13. Red Mounds.-Road runs over a high rolling prairie country, and is excellent.

5. Branch of Was.h.i.+ta River.-Good road.

15-3/4. Branch of Canadian.-Road continues on the ridge dividing the Was.h.i.+ta and Canadian rivers; is smooth and firm.

17-3/4. Branch of Was.h.i.+ta River.-Road continues on the ”divide.”

18. Branch of Canadian.-Road continues on the divide from one to four miles from the Canadian.

19. On Canadian River.-Good road.

16. Little Was.h.i.+ta River.-Good road; timber becoming scarce.

13. Branch of Canadian.-Good road.

17-1/2. Antelope b.u.t.tes.-Road runs along the Canadian bottom, and in places is sandy.

14. Rush Lake.-Small pond on the prairie. No wood within half a mile; some buffalo chips; poor water.

16. Branch of Was.h.i.+ta River.-Good road on the divide.

10-1/4. Dry River.-Road descends a very long hill, and crosses the dry river near the Canadian. Water can be found by digging about a foot in the sand of the creek. Good gra.s.s on the west bank.

17. Branch of Canadian.-Road winds up a very long and abrupt hill, but is smooth and firm.

22-1/2. Timbered Creek.-Road over a very elevated prairie country, and descends by a long hill into the beautiful valley of Timbered Creek.

11-1/2. Spring Branch.-Good camp.

14. Spring Branch.-Good camp.