18 RNG: Texan In Another World - V2.5 - Whats that Smell (2/2)

The two bears and the girls came out to see what the problem was. Mike was going to be home soon with more things they needed, they couldn't let the place be a mess. In a wondrous combined effort they came up with an idea.

Tying some ropes together the lowered one end to the Giant, and the other end was held by the Dragoons on one end and the rest of the group in the middle. With a collaborated hauling motion, Harry was finally free. he was muddy again, but it was better than being stuck.

”How did this happen, and why was he digging in the first place?” Mona and Cara were looking at Vella with suspicious eyes.

”I wanted to surprise Mike. So I had him help me dig, who knew there was something else down there besides me.” Vella scoffed a little and then flew over to look at the hole. Inside there was a very clean pathway, except where the cave in had occurred.

Thinking little else, Vella flew inside to take a look. When she did, she back ran out with a quickness.

”We have to get Mike, I don't know what to make of this.” Vella wasn't going to let it ruin things, but it was important he have a look.

Mike was still out getting things, He had stopped by a tailor for a new Hat. It was time he got one that was a bit fancier and from this world. The tailor was already interested in the design behind it, so recreating it was going to be tricky but probably worth it. Mike made a list of the things expensive hats were usually made from and the Tailor got very excited at possibilities.

Mike also left an order for the uniforms, but It could take several days to the entire order filled. Having nothing to do besides shop, Mike made his way with his dragoon to the docks and passed out a flier.

'Get Rich, take your chances. Visit Lone Stars Casino in the northwest side of the city near the soon to be Stars Hotel.' The fliers went out to at least one of each boar crew and soon there was talk about what they were doing later in the day. Many of them wanted to see what chances existed.

Mike had some success with his having Vella deal blackjack and decided it was time he taught the others. On his return to the Casino he saw his new giant friend sitting in the same position he was in when he left, however Harry was filthy again.

”What happened Harry?” Mike asked if he was okay and Harry only had one thing to say.

”Ask flying lady.” Harry gave mike all the information he needed.

”VELLA!” Mike wasn't mad, but he literally spent time getting that big guy cleaned up.

”Yea, who knew.” Vella walked Mike to the back yard and he saw the cavern/tunnel entrance.

Mike apologized and used his energy to dry the ground, he was clean and didn't want mud everywhere. After a few moments, the ground was hardened a bit and mike could walk on it without fear of slipping into muck.

Thinking about it before he dove right in, mike cast a light spell on a nearby pebble and threw it in.

The pebble fell nearly 45 feet. The inside of the tunnel was definitely not small, it was a phenomenon that Mike had to investigate. Mike couldn't just ignore his Casino, so he decided to cover the hole and come back to it.

”Sorry, I've just had some weird things happening today, and I've got to get this big guy cleaned up.” Mike laughed and started casting the cleaning spell on the giant.

”Why didn't I think of this earlier.” Mike tossed the clothes he had made to Harry and had him change into the security outfit he had made.

Mike felt it was already really intimidating to have such a large guy standing guard outside, but with a black T-shirt that had the word 'SECURITY' written across its front Mike felt like he wouldn't have to explain at all. The diaper looking cloth that was hung around Harry's waist was rancid to say the least so mike just incinerated it after Harry changed into the new pants. The tailor said that they were made from good materials, so Mike had given him a nice tip and a free game token he had made.

Mike only passed out a few of them and he wouldn't accept them after this week so it didn't matter how badly they were crafted.

”Well.. lets get inside Vella. I've got a few things to pass out.”

Mike liked the way the inside of the Casino was turning out. He was gone and people had been working, He expected to see scaffolding or something left behind but most of the work had already been completed.

”They work fast.” Mike stared in awe at the craftsmanship. There were tiny bears and lions and other beasts that Mike couldn't identify all over the place. Where ever surfaces were cornered, a carving was either in the corner or right around it. The best part was that no one was still around working, so mike and the girls could open up at the stroke of noon.

”Everything seems to be ready, but you said you had some things to pass out.” Jodi came up and kissed Mike on the neck.

”We can open the doors when you're ready.” Cara walked up in a new sleek dress and touched his chest while spinning around. The dress hid her tail a bit which made her all the more attractive.

”We need a place for people to use as a bathroom.” Rissa pointed out a huge flaw. Mike wasn't lost on the concept, He had a bathroom, It was not nice to clean up. Thankfully he had the cleaning spell, but he couldn't constantly be cleaning up after guests.

”We can work on that before we open, there is still 30 minutes. I can at least make it so that men can relieve themselves without issue.” Mike knew how to make a latrine, but it was never fun for women to squat over a hole. Mike wanted to find a plumber, but knew that pipes weren't a thing on this world. Mike went outside and cleared a hole that drained outside of the wall.

”Man, this is low brow...” Mike kicked at the dirt a bit to make sure it wasn't going to collapse and returned back inside.

The guests were standing outside waiting to come inside, The sun was high in the sky and no one wanted to be in it for no good reason. Mike took note of the lack of shade, he figured coming up with a canopy entrance would fit the Casino's of old pretty well. Sticking to the theme of Vegas and Texas, Mike burned the shape of Texas into the doors and seat backrests. It added a sense of class for the guests when they finally started to pour inside the Casino.

”Okay.” Mike passed another, better deck of cards over to Vella.

”Do you're best to win Vella. Its a competition.” With a wink, Mike sent Vella into enthusiastic mode.

”Beat me in winnings be tonight, and I'll give you a solo run.” Mike liked the way Vella had an easily provoked response rate, but he worried about her in the long run. What would happen when someone provoked her in the wrong way.

”You're on!” Vella shuffled the cards and spread them out like she had been doing that for years.

Mike gulped a bit and wondered why she was holding back before. Feeling played, he didn't give up and started dealing another table for Hold'em. The girls were about to go up on stage and Harry had been taking entrance fees. Not a single person dared to get on Harry's bad side. The music was pumping and after their first set of songs, the girls took a break to help the guests with more Tea and refreshments.

Mike was considering about selling dabs, but he had no way for others to smoke it. While Dealing cards, occasionally he would take a Dab and release its fragrance into the room. Each and every time, the crowd would relax and become physically more able. Mike even watch some of the scars on people's faces at the table start to clear up.

'What the fuck' Mike stared at the changes of the people in front of him and thought maybe he was hallucinating, but then someone else noticed that their vision was getting better. All chaos started to break loose as people were wondering how they were getting better just by sitting nearby.

Everyone grew hungry. Mike put the Dabs away and played it off like he didn't know what was going on, he had some investigating to do.

”Winner! Congratulations.” Mike passed the winnings over and dealt another hand.

Rissa walked up and caressed his chest, ”you doin okay over here?” Sitting on his lap, the table was instantly jealous. Mike wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big kiss before he stood up.

”We can get back to that later on.” Mike smiled and watched the players closer.