18 RNG: Texan In Another World - V2.5 - Whats that Smell (1/2)
The House made so much gold on the first full day than they even imagined. Texas Hold'em was a winning attraction, It paled when compared to music and dancing girls however.
”Okay, we have to get some more things done this week to ensure we don't have too many problems. First, What I want is to use the money we got from last night to hire more people. If we had more tables, we would have made even more money.” Mike explained some of the more finer details to the girls and got ready to look for carpenters and workers for his next expansion.
Mike had won the piece of property, His next order of business was to create a Hotel. His only obstacle was a small house that was between his two buildings and the next property.
All of them hugged the wall, If mike could obtain the house in the middle then he would have all the space he needs to create a strip of his very own. Mike would run the city in less than a month if he went unabated
”Hi.” Mike knocked on the door and a burly man came to answer.
”What is it?” The man looked like he hadn't worked in a while but he was pretty large, Mike had to actually look 'up' to see the mans face.
”I'd like to offer you a Job.” Mike dropped the idea of buying the house, but thought of another way.
”But, I also want to buy this house. I can build you a new one in its place, but I want the land.” Mike thought he was slick but the man simply motioned to close the door.
Mike shouted ”I can pay you right now.”
The door stopped.
”Pay? me.” The large man apparently didn't understand what Mike had said until the word pay came up.
”Yes, here is gold. I will make you a new house, but you will work for me. I pay you every day.” Mike brought out a few hundred gold and passed it to the man. The coins fell through his big fingers and he bent down to pick them up. Mike could smell the man, It was rank.
'I gotta get this guy a bath or something' Mike thought to himself.
”Yes. Boss. Where.” The big guy probably only ever had one type of job.. enforcer or meat shield.
”This way.” Mike walked the big guy back to the house and brought him to the back yard.
”Will you get in the water, you smell bad. You need to be clean.” Mike watched the man climb into the water. The sun kept it rather cool and he didn't seem to mind it. Mike would have to clean out the tub, The water was already getting murky. Mike pulled out the water crystal and started to hose down the lumbering giant.
”What is your name?” Mike asked with patience, he was trying not to gag on the odors that were assaulting him.
”Wreck-time, Rectum, wrecked'um” The toothy giant smiled and spat out what sounded like his name, but it all sounded horrible.
”Okay. Boss has a new name for you, since those are not good names.” Mike got a bristle broom and started to scrub at the huge man in his tub.
”I'm gonna call you Harry.” Mike thought it was a good name, He did sort of resemble a Sasquatch but not really.
”Ha-R iii” Mike listened as the toothy giant tried saying his new name.
”HARRIE! HARRY, HARHE, HARRY” Harry was trying but he had something wrong with him, mike wasn't sure but he would investigate it sometime soon.
Mike used the crystal to rinse the giant Harry again. ”Okay.” get up and dry off. I'm going to measure you. Stand still.”
Mike pulled out a spool of string and measured Harry, He couldn't have his front door man to look and smell like a sewer. ”Okay, now. Sit down by the door in front of the Casino, Vella will keep you company until you know what to do.”
Vella understood what Mike was explaining when he started, waving him off to get something else to wear, she charmed the giant and had him move a bunch of things around. Vella wasn't sure that Harry would do what she asked immediately, so she didn't bother chancing it. Soon, the backyard was in chaos again.
It had been a little over a day or two since the yard was flooded and outside in the back yard, the pit still remained. Vella grabbed a large shovel and passed it to Harry.
”Sweetie!, I need you to dig this yard real deep until Mike gets back, okay.” Vella spoke loud enough for him to hear clearly and then walked back inside to get ready.
Harry didn't have much of a willpower before, but now he was completely without. Digging like his life depended on it, several objects were unearthed during his excavation. Mike had only wanted to test his powers and had dug up Vella's Rock, but now more rocks appeared and in a lot of shapes.
When Vella saw the rocks being brought out from the ground she paused.
”What are these?” Vella walked up and touched each rock. There was something inside giving off energy in all of them. It was rather strange but no matter how much power she dumped into the rocks nothing happened.
”I don't understand!” Vella pounded on one rock and reduced it to powder.
”NO!” Vella was grief stricken. If she was in that rock, she'd be dead now. Thinking to not touch anything more Vella saw Harry pulling another object from the ground, but it was a string of things. A string of dead prisoners dangled off the chain, their preserved corpses were sealed in the mud below.
Vella was surprised to still see muscle fiber on the bodies, usually after such a long time of decomposition the bodies would have fallen apart.
”I wonder why these are here.” Vella picked up one length of the chain that connected the 40 some odd prisoners in a row. The bodies all had battle armor, and personal effects. Most of which had also deteriorated in the muck.
The few rings that came from the bunch were indeed storage rings, Vella pocketed them for later. If they were lost before their contents were discovered it could be a great loss of fortune.
Harry kept digging, and eventually found a small passageway. Vella came out to see when he broke through and called out for assistance. Harry, even charmed, still did not like being underground.
”GET! ME! OUT! OF! HERE!” Harry called out and Vella went closer to look. She could see Harry shoulder deep in a pit that had opened up below him.
He hadn't fallen into some ancient sewer system, there would have at least been a rancid smell. No, Harry had fallen into a tunnel but couldn't grab his way out, the soil around the entrance was mostly slick mud.
Vella offered to help and approached from the air. She thought she could lift the giant with her current body, She was very wrong.
The moment that Harry laid his hands on her, she could feel herself losing power and started to fall from the sky. Harry let go just in time to avoid slapping her into the mud.
'Che.che.che.', Vella shook her legs and flapped her wings again before running into the house to get some more help.