Part 196 (1/2)

[*][*][*] Glume 3-nerved, the nerves (at least the mid-nerve) excurrent; spikelets few, in the axils of floral leaves.

54. Munroa. Low or prostrate much-branched annual.

[*][*][*][*] Glume 3- (rarely 1-) nerved, obtuse or acute, awnless; rhachis and flower naked.

55. Kleria. Panicle contracted. Spikelets 2--4-flowered. Glumes compressed-keeled, acute or mucronate.

56. Eatonia. Panicle slender, more or less dense. Spikelets 2-flowered.

Glumes very dissimilar, usually obtuse, the upper empty one enclosing the flowers.

57. Eragrostis. Spikelets flattened, 2--many-flowered. Glumes acute or acutish. Palet persistent.

[*][*][*][*][*] Glume 3--5-nerved, obtuse or abrupt-cuspidate; spikelet 3--5-flowered; upper sterile flowers convolute around each other.

58. Melica. Glumes 5-nerved or more, scarious, obtuse. Panicle simple or nearly so.

59. Diarrhena. Glumes 3-nerved, coriaceous, the flowering one abruptly cuspidate. Panicle loosely few-flowered.

[*][*][*][*][*][*] Flowering glume 5-nerved or more (sometimes obscurely so). Only the terminal flower abortive, or none.

[+] Glumes more or less strongly compressed and carinate (ventricose in n. 63).

60. Uniola. Spikelets broad, flat and 2-edged, in usually loose panicles. Glumes coriaceous, acute, the 3--6 lower ones empty.

61. Distichlis. Dicious. Spikelets large, flattened, in a close panicle. Empty glumes 2, acute.

62. Dactylis. Panicle contracted in 1-sided cl.u.s.ters. Glumes herbaceous, awn-pointed, rough-ciliate on the keel.

63. Briza. Spikelets heart-shaped, in lax panicles. Glumes roundish, ventricose, scarious-margined.

64. Poa. Spikelets small, flattened, ovate to lance-ovate, in a loose panicle. Flowering glumes membranous and scarious-margined, pointless, usually webby or p.u.b.escent toward the base.

65. Graphephorum. Spikelets compressed, in a loose panicle, the hairy jointed rhachis produced into a hairy pedicel. Glumes thin-membranous, faintly nerved, entire.

[+][+] Glumes convex on the back, not carinate (or somewhat so in n. 70).

66. Scolochloa. Spikelets subterete, in a lax panicle, the rhachis villous at the base of the flowers, ending in a naked pedicel. Glumes coriaceous, prominently 7-nerved, toothed at the apex. In water.

67. Glyceria. Spikelets terete or flattish. Flowering glumes scarious at the usually blunt summit, prominently 5--7-nerved.

68. Puccinellia. Mainly as Glyceria, but the glumes obsoletely 5-nerved.

69. Festuca. Spikelets terete or flattish. Flowering glume acute, pointed or awned at the tip, few-nerved. Styles terminal.

70. Bromus. Glume rounded or keeled on the back, mostly awned below the 2-cleft tip, 5--9-nerved. Styles scarcely terminal.

Tribe X. HORDEae. Spikelets 1--several-flowered, sessile on opposite sides of a zigzag jointed channelled rhachis, forming a spike. Empty glumes sometimes abortive or wanting. Uppermost flower imperfect or abortive.

[*] Spikelets single at each joint of the solitary spike.