Part 195 (1/2)

22. Milium. Awn none. Flower small, ovoid, without callus.

[+][+] Fruiting glume thin and membranous; outer glume smaller or minute.

23. Muhlenbergia. Flower mostly hairy at base, the glume mucronate or awned.

24. Brachyelytrum. Rhachis produced into a bristle above. Outer glumes very small, the flowering one long-awned. Stamens 2.

[*][*] Flowering glume awnless or short-awned, loosely embracing the grain, thin, the lower glumes complicate carinate; spikelets in dense spike-like panicles, the rhachis not produced.--PHLEOIDEae.

25. Heleochloa. Awns none. Spikes short and scarcely exserted.

26. Phleum. Glumes somewhat truncate, mucronate or short awned. Spike cylindric.

27. Alopecurus. Lower glumes united at base, the flowering awned on the back. Palet none. Spike cylindric.

[*][*][*] Glumes membranous, the lower rarely strongly complicate, the flowering with a dorsal awn or awnless; spikelets variously panicled.--AGROSTEae.

[+] Flowering glume 1- (rarely 3-) nerved, awnless; grain loosely enclosed or naked.

28. Sporobolus. Culms wiry or rigid. Leaves involute.

[+][+] Flowering glume 3--5 nerved, mostly awned; grain enclosed.

[++] Rhachis not reduced above the single flower.

29. Agrostis. Spikelets in an open panicle.

30. Polypogon. Empty glumes long-awned. Panicle spike-like.

31. Cinna. Spikelets flattened, in a loose panicle. Palet 1-nerved.

Stamen 1

[++][++] Rhachis bearing a rudimentary second flower or short bristle (except in species of n. 33).

32. Apera. Flowering glume bifid, awned. Panicle very loose and delicate.

33. Calamagrostis. Flowers hairy-tufted at base. Glumes membranaceous.

Palet thin.

34. Ammophila. Spikelets large. Flowers hairy tufted at base. Glumes and palet chartaceous.

Tribe VII. AVENEae. Spikelets 2--several-flowered, panicled, the rhachis or base of the flowers often bearded; upper flower imperfect or rudimentary (except in n. 37). Flowering glume bearing a twisted, bent or straight awn on its back or below the apex.

[*] One of the flowers staminate only.

35. Arrhenatherum. Lower flower staminate, long awned; middle flower perfect, nearly awnless; the upper rudimentary.

36. Holcus. Flowers 2, the lower perfect, awnless, the upper staminate, awned.