Part 110 (1/2)

6. P. rotundiflia, L. _Leaves...o...b..cular, thick, s.h.i.+ning_, usually shorter than the petiole; scape many-bracted (6--12' high), raceme elongated, many-flowered; _calyx-lobes lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate_, acutish, with somewhat spreading tips, _one half or one third the length of the_ roundish-obovate rather spreading (chiefly white) _petals; anther-cells nearly blunt_.--Damp or sandy woods, throughout the continent, south to N. Ga. Exhibits many varieties, such as, Var.

INCARNaTA, DC., with flesh-colored to rose-purple flowers, and triangular-lanceolate calyx-lobes. Cold woods and bogs, N. Eng. to Minn., and northward.--Var. ASARIFLIA, Hook., with oblate or round-reniform leaves, and shorter ovate calyx-lobes; petals flesh- or rose-colored (rarely white). With same range.--Var. ULIGINSA, Gray, with short broadly ovate calyx-lobes, subcordate to obovate dull leaves, and rose-colored or purple flowers. Same range. (Eu.)


Calyx 5-parted. Corolla ovate, urn-shaped, 5-toothed, persistent.

Stamens 10; anthers 2-celled, awned on the back, opening lengthwise.

Style short; stigma 5-lobed. Capsule globose, depressed, 5-lobed, 5-celled, loculicidal, but the valves cohering with the columella. Seeds very numerous, ovoid, tapering to each end, the apex expanded into a broad reticulated wing many times larger than the body of the seed.--A stout and simple purplish-brown clammy-p.u.b.escent root-parasitic herb (1--2 high); the wand-like stem furnished towards the base with scattered lanceolate scales in place of leaves, above bearing many nodding (white) flowers, in a long bracted raceme. (Name from pte???, _a wing_, and sp???, _seed_, alluding to the singular wing borne by the seeds.)

1. P. Andromedea, Nutt.--Hard clay soil, parasitic apparently on the roots of pines, from W. New Eng. to N. Penn., N. Mich., and westward; rare.


Calyx of 5 oblong-lanceolate acute scale-like sepals, erect, persistent.

Corolla persistent, bell-shaped, rather fleshy, 5-lobed, slightly 5-gibbous at the base. Stamens 10; anthers much shorter than the filaments, fixed near the summit, awnless; the two sac-shaped cells opening at the top. Capsule ovoid, 5-celled, with a short and thick style, and a large 5-angular stigma. Seeds innumerable.--A low and smooth brownish plant, 3--4' high, with the aspect of Monotropa, scaly-bracted, the flowers several in a terminal spike, at first nodding, flesh-color, with the fragrance of violets. (Named for the late _L. D. von Schweinitz_.)

1. S. odorata, Ell.--Woods, parasitic on the roots of herbs, Md. (near Baltimore) to N. C. April.


Calyx of 2--5 lanceolate bract-like scales, deciduous. Corolla of 4 or 5 separate erect spatulate or wedge-shaped scale-like petals, which are gibbous or saccate at the base, and tardily deciduous. Stamens 8 or 10; filaments awl-shaped; anthers kidney-shaped, becoming 1-celled, opening across the top. Style columnar; stigma disk-like, 4--5-rayed. Capsule ovoid, 8--10-grooved, 4--5-celled, loculicidal; the very thick placentae covered with innumerable minute seeds, which have a very loose coat.--Low and fleshy herbs, tawny, reddish, or white, parasitic on roots, or growing on decomposing vegetable matter like a Fungus; the cl.u.s.tered stems springing from a ball of matted fibrous rootlets, furnished with scales or bracts in place of leaves, 1--several-flowered; the summit at first nodding, in fruit erect. (Name composed of ????, _one_, and t??p??, _turn_, from the summit of the stem turned to one side.)

-- 1. MONOTROPA proper. _Plant inodorous, 1-flowered; calyx of 2--4 irregular scales or bracts; anthers transverse, opening equally by 2 c.h.i.n.ks; style short and thick._

1. M. uniflra, L. (INDIAN PIPE. CORPSE-PLANT.) Smooth, waxy-white (turning blackish in drying, 3--8' high); stigma naked.--Dark and rich woods, nearly throughout the continent. June--Aug. (Asia.)

-- 2. HYPoPITYS. _Plant commonly fragrant; flowers several in a scaly raceme; the terminal one usually 5-merous, the rest 3--4-merous; bract-like sepals mostly as many as the petals; anthers opening by a continuous line into 2 very unequal valves; style longer than the ovary, hollow._

2. M. Hypopitys, L. (PINE-SAP. FALSE BEECH-DROPS.) Somewhat p.u.b.escent or downy, tawny, whitish, or reddish (4--12' high); pod globular or oval; stigma ciliate.--Oak and pine woods, from Canada to Fla., west to Oregon. June--Aug. (Eu.)


_Low perennial herbs or suffruticulose tufted plants, glabrous or nearly so, with simple leaves, no stipules, regular 5-merous flowers (except the 3-celled ovary), stamens adnate to the corolla and sometimes monadelphous (those opposite its lobes when present reduced to staminodia); pollen simple; loculicidal capsule and seeds of_ Ericaceae.--Flowers solitary or racemose. Style 1, with 3-lobed stigma.

Distinguished from the Ericaceae chiefly by the insertion of the stamens upon the corolla.

Tribe I. DIAPENSIEae. Dwarf woody evergreens, with small entire crowded coriaceous leaves. Staminodia none; filaments adnate to the campanulate corolla up to the sinuses; anthers 2-celled. Calyx conspicuously bracteolate. Flowers solitary.

1. Pyxidanthera. Flowers sessile on short leafy branchlets. Anther-cells awn-pointed at base, opening transversely.

2. Diapensia. Flower (or at least fruit) on a scape-like peduncle.

Anther-cells blunt, obliquely dehiscent.

Tribe II. GALACINEae. Acaulescent, with creeping rootstocks sending up long-petioled evergreen leaves, and a 1--several-flowered scape.

Staminodia present.