Part 109 (1/2)

2. R. viscsum, Torr. (CLAMMY A. WHITE SWAMP-HONEYSUCKLE.) _Branchlets bristly_, as well as the margins and midrib of the oblong-obovate otherwise smooth leaves; _calyx-lobes minute; corolla clammy, the tube much longer than the lobes_. (Azalea viscosa, _L._)--Swamps, mostly near the coast, Canada and Maine, to Fla. and Ark. June, July.--Var. GLAuc.u.m, Gray. Leaves paler, often white-glaucous underneath or on both sides, sometimes rough-hairy. N. Eng. to Va.--Var. NiTIDUM, Gray. Dwarf, with oblanceolate leaves green both sides. Mountains, N. Y. to Va.

[+][+] _Flowers appearing before or with the leaves._

3. R. nudiflrum, Torr. (PURPLE A. PINXTER-FLOWER.) Leaves downy underneath; _tube of the corolla scarcely longer than the ample lobes, slightly glandular_. (Azalea nudiflora, _L._)--Swamps, Canada to Fla., Ill., Mo., and Tex. April, May. The showy flowers vary from flesh-color to pink and purple. There are numberless varieties, some of them with 10 stamens.

4. R. calendulaceum, Torr. (FLAME-COLORED AZALEA.) Leaves hairy; _tube of the corolla shorter than the lobes, hairy_. (Azalea calendulacea, _Michx._)--Woods, mountains of Penn. to Ga. May. Covered just when the leaves appear with a profusion of large orange blossoms, usually turning to flame-color, not fragrant.

[*][*] _Flower-buds of fewer and early caducous scales; corolla irregular, with short or hardly any tube, anteriorly divided to the base; the limb equalling the 10 stamens and style._

5. R. Rhodra, Don. Young parts sparingly strigose-hairy (1--2 high); leaves oblong, pale, more or less p.u.b.escent; corolla hardly 1' long, purplish-rose-color, bil.a.b.i.ate, with the posterior lip 3-lobed, the anterior of 2 oblong-linear and recurving nearly or quite distinct petals. (Rhodora Canadensis, _L._)--Cool bogs, Newf. and N. Eng. to mountains of Penn.

-- 2. RHODODeNDRON proper. _Leaves coriaceous and persistent; stamens (commonly 10) and style rarely exserted, somewhat declined, or sometimes equally spreading._

6. R. maximum, L. (GREAT LAUREL.) _Leaves_ 4--10' long, very thick, _elliptical-oblong_ or lance-oblong, _acute, narrowed toward the base, very smooth_, with somewhat revolute margins; pedicels viscid; corolla bell-shaped, 1' broad, pale rose-color or nearly white, greenish in the throat on the upper side, and spotted with yellow or reddish.--Damp deep woods, rare from Maine to Ohio, but very common through the Alleghanies from N. Y. to Ga. July.--Shrub or tree 6--35 high.

7. R. Catawbiense, Michx. _Leaves oval or oblong, rounded at both ends, smooth_, pale beneath (3--5' long); corolla broadly bell-shaped, lilac-purple; pedicels rusty-downy.--High Alleghanies, Va. to Ga. June.

Shrub 3--6 (rarely 20) high.

8. R. Lapponic.u.m, Wahl. _Dwarf_, prostrate in broad tufts (6' high); _leaves_ (' long) _elliptical, obtuse, dotted_ (like the branches) with rusty scales; umbels few-flowered; corolla open bell-shaped, dotted, violet-purple; _stamens_ 5--10.--Alpine summits of northern N. Y. and N. Eng., to the Arctic Coast. July. (Arct. Eu. and Asia.)


Calyx 5-toothed, very small. Corolla of 5 obovate and spreading distinct petals. Stamens 5--10; anthers opening by terminal pores. Capsule 5-celled, splitting from the base upward, many-seeded; placentae borne on the summit of the columella.--Low shrubs, with the alternate entire leaves clothed with rusty wool underneath, persistent, the margins revolute; herbage slightly fragrant when bruised. Flowers white, small, in terminal umbel-like cl.u.s.ters from large scaly buds; bracts or scales thin and caducous. (??d??, the ancient Greek name of the Cistus.)

1. L. latiflium, Ait. Erect, 1--3 high; leaves oblong or linear-oblong (1--2' long), mostly ' wide, very obtuse; stamens 5--7; capsule oblong, acutish.--N. Eng. to Penn., Mich., Minn., and northward, in cold bogs and mountain woods.

L. PAl.u.s.tRE, L., with linear leaves, 10 stamens, and short-oval capsule, is found in Newfoundland and northwestward. (Eu.)


Calyx 5-parted. Corolla of 5 distinct obovate-oblong petals, spreading.

Stamens 10, exserted; anthers opening lengthwise. Style filiform.

Capsule 2--3-celled, splitting from the apex downward, many-seeded.--A low much-branched evergreen, with the aspect, foliage, etc., of the last genus, but the crowded leaves sometimes opposite, scarcely petioled.

Flowers small, white, in terminal umbel-like cl.u.s.ters. (Name formed of ?e???, _smooth_, and f?????, _leaf_.)

1. L. buxiflium, Ell. Shrub 6--10' high; leaves oval or oblong, smooth and s.h.i.+ning, 3--6” long.--Sandy pine barrens, N. J. to Fla. May.


Calyx 5-parted, nearly as long as the bell-shaped and deeply 5-cleft regular corolla. Stamens 5, not declined, included; anthers opening lengthwise. Style short. Capsule ovoid, 2--3-celled, many-seeded, 2--3-valved; valves 2-cleft from the apex; placentae borne on the middle of the columella.--A small depressed shrubby evergreen, much branched and tufted, smooth, with coriaceous opposite elliptical leaves, on short petioles, with revolute margins. Flowers small, white or rose-color, 2--5 in a cl.u.s.ter, from a terminal scaly bud; scales or bracts thick and persistent. (Named for _Loiseleur-Delongchamps_, a French botanist.)

1. L. proc.u.mbens, Desv.--Alpine summits of the White Mountains, N. H., and northward. June. (Eu., Asia.)


Calyx of 5 sepals, imbricated in the bud. Corolla of 5 distinct obovate-oblong petals. Stamens 10, often exserted; anthers arrow-shaped, erect in the bud, becoming inverted and opening by basal pores or short slits. Style slender, 3-cleft at the apex. Capsule 3-valved, 3-celled, many-seeded, enclosed in the calyx.--Shrubs or trees, with alternate serrate deciduous leaves, and white flowers in terminal h.o.a.ry racemes.