Part 96 (1/2)
1. H. annuus, L. (COMMON SUNFLOWER.) Tall, rough; leaves triple-ribbed, ovate or the lower cordate, serrate; involucral scales broadly ovate to oblong, long-pointed, ciliate; disk usually 1' broad or more.--Minn. to Tex., and westward; long cultivated, and occasionally found in waste grounds.
2. H. petiolaris, Nutt. More slender, 1--3 high; leaves oblong- or ovate-lanceolate, smaller (1--3' long), mostly entire; scales lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, seldom ciliate; disk ' broad or more.--Minn. to Tex., and westward.
-- 2. _Perennials; receptacle convex or at length low-conical; lower leaves usually opposite._
[*] _Involucral scales loose, becoming squarrose, narrowly lanceolate, pointed (' long); disk usually purple or brownish; leaves linear, 1-nerved._
3. H. orgyalis, DC. Stem glabrous, tall, very leafy; leaves mostly alternate, linear to filiform and entire, or the lowest lanceolate and serrulate; scales filiform-attenuate.--Dry plains, Mo. to Neb., south and westward.
4. H. angustiflius, L. Stem slender (2--6 high), usually scabrous; leaves long and linear, sessile, entire, with revolute margins; heads loosely corymbed, long-peduncled; scales acute or pointed.--Low pine barrens, N. J. to Ky., and southward.
[*][*] _Involucral scales closer, more imbricated, short, unequal and not foliaceous; leaves lanceolate to ovate, mostly opposite and 3-nerved._
[+] _Disk dark._
5. H. atrrubens, L. _Rough-hairy; stem slender_ (2--4 high), smooth and naked and forking above; _leaves thinnish, ovate or oval to oblong-lanceolate_, or the lowest heart-shaped (3--6' long), serrate, abruptly contracted into a margined petiole; heads small, corymbed; scales ovate, obtuse, ciliolate, appressed; rays 10--16; pappus of 2 fringed scales.--Dry soil, Va. to Ark., and southward.
6. H. rigidus, Desf. _Stem stout_ (2--6 high or more), simple or sparingly branched, rough; _leaves very thick and rigid, rough both sides, oblong-lanceolate_, usually pointed at both ends, nearly sessile, entire or serrate, the lowest oval; heads nearly solitary, pretty large; scales ovate or oblong, obtuse, or mostly acute, ciliate, appressed; rays 20--25, pappus of 2 large and often several small scales.--Dry prairies, Mich. to Ill., and westward.
[+][+] _Disk yellow._
7. H. laetiflrus, Pers. Closely resembling the last; leaves rather thinner; heads single or corymbed; scales rather fewer (in 2 or 3 rows), narrower and acute or mostly ac.u.minate.--Dry open places, Ohio to Wisc.
and Minn., and southward.--Rays showy, 1--2' long.
8. H. occidentalis, Riddell. Somewhat hairy, stem _slender, simple, naked above_ (1--3 high, sending out runners from the base), bearing 1--5 small heads on long peduncles; _lowest leaves oval or lanceolate-ovate_, entire or obscurely serrate, _roughish-p.u.b.escent beneath, abruptly contracted into long hairy petioles; the upper small and remote_; scales ovate to lanceolate, acute or pointed, sometimes ciliate.--Dry barrens, Ohio to Wisc. and Minn., and southward.
[*][*][*] _Involucre looser, the scales more ac.u.minate or elongated or foliaceous; disk yellow (anthers dark)._
[+] _Leaves all opposite, sessile, serrulate; p.u.b.escence rather soft._
9. H. mollis, Lam. Stem simple, leafy to the top (2--3 high); leaves ovate to lanceolate, with broad cordate clasping base, pointed; scales lanceolate, seldom exceeding the disk.--Dry barrens, Ohio to Iowa and southward.
[+][+] _Leaves mostly alternate and 3-nerved, soft-p.u.b.escent beneath, scabrous above; scales very long and loose, hairy; tips of chaff and corolla-lobes hirsute._
10. H. tomentsus, Michx. Stem hairy, stout (4--8 high); leaves oblong-lanceolate, or the lowest ovate, tapering at both ends, obscurely serrate, large (5--12' long), somewhat petioled; disk 1' broad; rays 12--16, about 1' long.--Rich woods, Ill.(?), Va., and southward along the mountains.
[+][+][+] _Leaves narrow, chiefly alternate, not 3-nerved, scabrous both sides; heads rather small; scales loose, attenuate._
11. H. grosse-serratus, Martens. _Stem smooth and glaucous_, 6--10 high; _leaves elongated-lanceolate_ or ovate-lanceolate, taper-pointed, sharply serrate or denticulate, acute or attenuate at base, _petioled_, often whiter and finely p.u.b.escent beneath; scales lance-awl-shaped, slightly ciliate.--Dry plains, Ohio to Dak., Mo., and southwestward.--Probably runs into the next.
12. H. giganteus, L. _Stem hairy or rough_ (3--10 high), branched above; _leaves lanceolate_, pointed, minutely serrate or nearly entire, green both sides, narrowed and ciliate at base, but _nearly sessile_; scales long, linear-lanceolate, pointed, hairy or strongly ciliate.--Var. AMBiGUUS, Torr. & Gray; leaves mostly opposite and closely sessile by an obtuse base; perhaps a hybrid with n. 17.--Low thickets and swamps; common. Heads somewhat corymbed; the pale yellow rays 15--20; roots often becoming tuber-like.
13. H. Maximiliani, Schrad. Resembling the last; stout, often simple, 1--10 high; leaves becoming rigid and very scabrous, entire or sparingly denticulate; heads rather large, usually short-peduncled, terminal and in the upper axils; scales longer attenuate, more rigid.--Prairies, Minn. to Tex.
[+][+][+][+] _Leaves all or most of them opposite, 3-nerved (faintly in n. 15)._
[++] _Heads very small (about 4” broad); rays 5--8; scales few, short, irregularly imbricated, the outer with spreading foliaceous pointed tips; stems smooth._
14. H. parviflrus, Bernh. Stem 3--6 high, with numerous slender branches above; _leaves thin, ovate-lanceolate, taper-pointed_, somewhat serrate, petioled, _rough above_, pale and p.u.b.erulent beneath; peduncles slender, rough; scales ovate and ovate-lanceolate, ciliate. (H.