Part 57 (1/2)

-- 2. _Styles filiform, not glandular at base; inflorescence cymose._

[*] _Style terminal; achenes glabrous; stamens 20; herbaceous perennials, with rather large yellow flowers._

[+] _Leaves pinnate._

6. P. Hippiana, Lehm. Densely white-tomentose and silky throughout, the upper surface of the leaves a little darker; stems ascending (1--1 high), slender, branching above into a diffuse cyme; leaflets 5--11, cuneate-oblong, _incisely toothed at least toward the apex, diminis.h.i.+ng uniformly down the petiole_; carpels 10--30.--N. W. Minn., and westward.

7. P. effusa, Dougl. Tomentose throughout, with scattered villous hairs; stems ascending (4--12' high), diffusely branched above; leaflets 5--11, _interruptedly pinnate, the alternate ones smaller_, cuneate-oblong, _coa.r.s.ely-incised-serrate or dentate_; carpels 10.--W. Minn. to Mont.

and Col.

[+][+] _Leaves palmate, of 3 or 5 leaflets; tomentose or villous._

8. P. argentea, L. (SILVERY CINQUE-FOIL.) Stems ascending, paniculately branched at the summit, many-flowered, white-woolly; leaflets 5, wedge-oblong, almost pinnatifid, entire toward the base, with revolute margins, green above, white with silvery wool beneath.--Dry barren fields, etc., N. Scotia to N. J., west to Dak. and E. Kan. June--Sept.


9. P. frigida, Vill. Dwarf (1--3' high), tufted, villous when young; leaflets 3, broadly cuneate-obovate, deeply 3--5-toothed at summit, nearly glabrous above; flowers mostly solitary, small, on very slender stems; bractlets and sepals equal.--Alpine summits of the White Mts.


[*][*] _Style lateral; purple petals (shorter than the broad calyx) somewhat persistent; disk thick and hairy; achenes glabrous; hairy receptacle becoming large and spongy._

10. P. pal.u.s.tris, Scop. (MARSH FIVE-FINGER.) Stems stout, ascending from a dec.u.mbent rooting perennial base (--2 long), glabrous below; leaves pinnate; leaflets 5--7, oblong, serrate, lighter colored and more or less p.u.b.escent beneath; flowers few in an open cyme; calyx (1' broad) dark purple inside.--Cool bogs, N. J. to N. Ind., Ill., Minn., and northward. (Eu.)

[*][*][*] _Style attached below the middle; achenes and receptacle densely villous; woody perennials._

11. P. fruticsa, L. (SHRUBBY CINQUE-FOIL.) _Stem erect, shrubby_ (1--4 high), much branched; _leaves pinnate, leaflets 5--7_, crowded, oblong-lanceolate, _entire_, silky, usually whiter beneath and the margins revolute; _petals yellow, orbicular_.--Wet grounds, Lab. to N. J., west to Minn., northern Iowa, and north and westward. June--Sept.


12. P. tridentata, Ait. (THREE-TOOTHED C.) Stems low (1--10' high), rather woody at base, tufted, ascending, cymosely several-flowered; _leaves palmate; leaflets 3_, wedge-oblong, nearly smooth, thick, _coa.r.s.ely 3-toothed at the apex; petals white_; achenes and receptacle very hairy.--Coast of N. Eng. from Cape Cod northward, Norfolk, Ct.

(_Barbour_), and mountain-tops of the Alleghanies; also of the upper Great Lakes, and N. Iowa, Wisc., and Minn.

-- 3. _Styles filiform, lateral; peduncles axillary, solitary, 1-flowered; achenes glabrous; receptacle very villous; herbaceous perennials, with yellow flowers._

13. P. Anserna, L. (SILVER-WEED.) _Spreading by slender many-jointed runners, white-tomentose and silky-villous; leaves all radical, pinnate_; leaflets 7--21, with smaller ones interposed, _oblong_, sharply serrate, silky tomentose at least beneath; bractlets and stipules often incisely cleft; peduncles elongated.--Brackish marshes, river-banks, etc., New Eng. to N. J., N. Ind., Minn., and northward.


14. P. Canadensis, L. (COMMON CINQUE-FOIL or FIVE-FINGER.) _Stems slender and dec.u.mbent or prostrate_, or sometimes erect; _p.u.b.escence villous, often scanty; leaves ternate, but apparently quinate_ by the parting of the lateral leaflets; _leaflets cuneate-oblong or -obovate_, incisely serrate, nearly glabrous above; bractlets entire.--Dry soil; common and variable. Apr.--July.--Often producing summer runners.


Calyx flattish, 5-cleft, with 5 bractlets. Petals 5, linear-oblong, minute. Stamens 5, inserted alternate with the petals into the margin of the woolly disk which lines the base of the calyx. Achenes 5--10; styles lateral.--Low and depressed mountain perennials; included by some in Potentilla. (Dedicated to _Dr. Robert Sibbald_, professor at Edinburgh at the close of the 17th century.)

1. S. proc.u.mbens, L. Leaflets 3, wedge-shaped, 3-toothed at the apex; petals yellow.--Alpine summits of the White Mts., and northward. (Eu.)


Calyx-tube inversely conical, contracted at the throat; limb 4-parted with as many alternate accessory lobes. Petals none. Stamens 1--4.