Part 30 (1/2)
S. CORONPUS, DC. Leaves less divided, with narrower lobes; _pods not notched at the apex, tubercled_.--At ports, R. I. to Va., etc. (Adv.
from Eu.)
Pod short, 2-jointed across, fleshy, the upper joint separating at maturity; each indehiscent, 1-celled and 1-seeded, or the lower sometimes seedless. Seed erect in the upper, suspended in the lower joint. Cotyledons obliquely acc.u.mbent.--Seaside fleshy annuals. Flowers purplish. (An old Arabic name.)
1. C. Americana, Nutt. (AMERICAN SEA-ROCKET.) Leaves obovate, sinuate and toothed; lower joint of the fruit obovoid, emarginate; the upper ovate, flattish at the apex.--Coast of the Northern States and of the Great Lakes. July--Sept.--Joints nearly even and fleshy when fresh; the upper one 4-angled and appearing more beaked when dry.
23. RaPHa.n.u.s, Tourn. RADISH.
Pods linear or oblong, tapering upward, indehiscent, several-seeded, continuous and spongy within between the seeds, or necklace-form by constriction between the seeds, with no proper part.i.tion. Style long.
Seeds spherical and cotyledons conduplicate, as in Bra.s.sica.--Annuals or biennials. (The ancient Greek name from ?a?, _quickly_, and fa???, _to appear_, alluding to the rapid germination.)
R. RAPHANiSTRUM, L. (WILD RADISH. JOINTED CHARLOCK.) Pods necklace-form, long-beaked; leaves lyre-shaped, rough; petals yellow, turning whitish or purplish, veiny.--A troublesome weed in fields, E. New Eng. to Penn.
(Adv. from Eu.)
_Herbs_ (when in northern regions), _with cruciform flowers, but 6 or more not tetradynamous stamens, a 1-celled pod with 2 parietal placentae, and kidney-shaped seeds._--Pod as in Cruciferae, but with no part.i.tion; seeds similar, but the embryo coiled rather than folded. Leaves alternate, mostly palmately compound.--Often with the acrid or pungent qualities of Cruciferae (as in _capers_, the flower-buds of Capparis spinsa).
1. Polanisia. Stamens 8 or more. Pod many-seeded, not or scarcely stipitate.
2. Cleome. Stamens 6. Pod linear, many-seeded, long stipitate.
3. Cleomella. Stamens 6. Pod very short, rhomboidal, few-seeded, long-stipitate.
1. POLANiSIA, Raf.
Petals with claws, notched at the apex. Stamens 8--32, unequal.
Receptacle not elongated, bearing a gland behind the base of the ovary.
Pod linear or oblong, veiny, turgid, many-seeded.--Fetid annuals, with glandular or clammy hairs. Flowers in leafy racemes. (Name from p????, _many_, and ???s??, _unequal_, points in which the genus differs in its stamens from Cleome.)
1. P. graveolens, Raf. Leaves with 3 oblong leaflets; stamens about 11, scarcely exceeding the petals; style short; pod slightly stipitate.--Gravelly, from Conn. and W. Vt. to Minn. and Kan.
June--Aug.--Flowers small (2--3” long); calyx and filaments purplish; petals yellowish-white.
2. P. trachysperma, Torr. & Gray. Flowers larger (4--5” long), the stamens (12--16) long-exserted; style 2--3” long; pod sessile; seeds usually rough.--Iowa to Kan. and westward.
2. CLEME, L.
Petals entire, with claws. Stamens 6. Receptacle somewhat produced between the petals and stamens, and bearing a gland behind the stipitate ovary. Pod linear to oblong, many-seeded.--Our species a glabrous annual, with 3-foliolate leaves, leafy-bracteate racemes, and rose-colored or white flowers. (Name of uncertain derivation, early applied to some mustard-like plant.)
1. C. integriflia, Torr. & Gray. Calyx 4-cleft; petals with very short claws, leaflets narrowly lanceolate to oblong; bracts simple; pod oblong to linear, 1--2' long, the stipe as long as the pedicel.--Minn. to Kan.
and westward; N. Ill. Flowers showy; 2--3 high.