Part 33 (2/2)
=Watts, Isaac.= 1674-1748. Religious poet. Author Psalms and Hymns, etc. While some of his verse is hardly more than doggerel, he sometimes rises to a lofty plane of expression. _See Life, by Milner, 1834._ _Pub. Ca. Hou. Rou._
=Waugh [waw], Edwin.= 181 Dialect poet. Author Lancas.h.i.+re Songs, etc.
=Webster, Mrs. Augusta.= 184 Poet. Author Dramatic Studies, Portraits, A Woman Sold, translations from Euripides, etc. Her verse is strong and original in tone. _See Stedman's Victorian Poets._ _Pub.
=Webster, John.= c. 1582-1638. Dramatist. Author of the tragedies of The White Devil, d.u.c.h.ess of Malfy, Guise, Devil's Law Case, Appius and Virginia, etc. W. is the greatest master of the terrible among Eng. dramatists. _See Dyce's edition 1830, and Hazlitt's 1857._ _Pub.
=Wesley, Chas.= 1708-1788. Hymn writer of note. _See Ward's Eng.
Poets, vol. 3._
=West, Gilbert.= 1705-1756. Theologian and poet. Translator of Pindar and author of the able treatise Observations on the Resurrection.
=Westcott, Brooke Foss=. 182 Theologian. Author Hist. Canon of the New Testament, Hist. of the Eng. Bible, The Bible and the Church, etc. _Pub. Har. Mac._
=Westwood, Thos.= 181 Poet. Author Beads from a Rosary, Quest of the Sancgreal, Berries and Blossoms, etc.
=Whately [hw[=a]t'l[)i]], Richard.= 1787-1863. Abp. Dublin. Essayist.
Author New Testament Difficulties, Political Economy, Logic and Rhetoric, etc. A thinker of logical but unimaginative powers. _See Life and Correspondence, edited by his daughter, 1864, and H.
Martineau's Biographical Sketches._ _Pub. Ca. Dra. Har. Sh._
=Whetstone, Geo.= fl. c. 1580. Dramatist. From his play Promos and Ca.s.sandra Shakespeare has drawn the story of Measure for Measure.
=Whewell [h[=u]'[e)]l], Wm.= 1794-1866. Philosopher. Author Hist.
Inductive Sciences, Plurality of Worlds, Hist. Moral Philosophy in England, Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, etc. _Pub. Apl. Har._
=Whiston, Wm.= 1667-1752. Theologian and mathematician. Author of A New Theory of the Earth, etc., and editor of Josephus. _Pub. Por._
=Whitaker, John.= 1735-1808. Historian. Author Hist. of Manchester, Mary, Queen of Scots, Vindicated, etc.
=White, Gilbert.= 1720-1793. Author of the Naturalist's Calendar and the delightful Nat. Hist. of Selborne. _See Buckland's edition, London, 1875._ _See Fraser's Mag., March, 1879._ _Pub. Har. Mac. Rou._
=White, Henry.= 183 Archaeologist and religious writer. Author Historical Memorials of the Savoy Conferences on Art and History, etc.
_See The Biograph, Aug. 1880._
=White, Henry Kirke.= 1785-1806. Poet. His verse is mediocre and crude. _See Life, by Southey._ _Pub. Apl. Hou._
=White, James.= 1804-1862. Historical writer. Author Historical Landmarks, The Eighteen Christian Centuries, Hist. of France, Hist. of England, etc. _Pub. Apl. Rou._
=White, Joseph Blanco.= 1775-1841. Miscellaneous writer. His Sonnet on Night is widely known and esteemed.
=Whitehead, Paul.= 1710-1774. Poet. Style witty and satirical.
=Whitehead, Wm.= 1715-1785. Poet. Of his seven indifferent dramas the best are Creusa and The Roman Father. _See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3._