Part 34 (1/2)

=Whitelocke, Bulstrode.= 1605-1676. Historical writer. His Memorials of Eng. Affairs and other works are of much value.

=Wicklif, John.= 1324-1384. Reformer. Translator of the Bible. _See T.

Arnold's Select Eng. Works of 1871._ _See Biography, by Vaughan, 1853._ _Pub. Mac._

=Wilberforce, Robert Isaac.= 1802-1857. Theological writer. Son to W.


=Wilberforce, Samuel.= 1805-1873. Bp. Oxford. Son to W. W. Author Hist. P. E. Church in America, Sermons, Eucharistica, etc. _See Life, 1883._ _Pub. Ca. Dut._

=Wilberforce, Wm.= 1759-1833. Philanthropist. Author Practical View of Christianity, etc. _See Life, by his sons, 5 vols., London, 1838; also, Life, by John Stoughton._

=Wilde, Oscar.= 185 Irish poet. Charmides and Ave Imperatrix are among his finest poems. His verse is musical, but frequently erotic.

_See The Biograph, Aug. 1880._ _Pub. Rob._

=Wilkie, Wm.= 1721-1772. Scotch poet. Author of The Epigoniad.

=Wilkins, John.= 1614-1672. Bp. Chester. Of his many works, the chief is the Discovery of a New World, which attempts to prove the feasibility of a pa.s.sage from the earth to the moon.

=Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner.= 1797-1875. Egyptologist. Author Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, Architecture of Ancient Egypt, Modern Egypt, etc. _See Memoir, by his wife, 1876._ _Pub. Har. Lit._

=Wilkinson, John James Garth.= 181 Physician. Author Biography of Swedenborg, The Human Body, The Ministry of Health, etc. _Pub.


=Williams, Sir Chas. Hanbury.= 1709-1759. Satirist and poet.

=Williams, Helen Maria.= 1762-1827. Poet and political writer. Author of the familiar hymn beginning ”While Thee I seek, Protecting Power.”

=Williams, Monier.= 181 Sanskrit scholar. Author Eng. and Sanskrit Dict., and Sanskrit and Eng. Dict., etc. _Pub. Mac._

=Williams, Rowland.= 1817-1870. Welsh theologian. _See Life, by his wife, 1874._

=Wills, Wm. Gorman.= 182 Dramatist and novelist. Eugene Aram, Jane Sh.o.r.e, Charles I., and Mary Stuart are some of his plays. _Pub.


=Wills, Wm. Henry.= 1810-1880. Journalist and miscellaneous writer.

_Pub. Har._

=Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester.= 1647-1680. Poet. A writer of numerous gay, witty, but extremely licentious lyrics.

=Willmott, Robert Avis.= 1809-1863. Poet and biographer. Author Life of Jeremy Taylor, and editor of Herbert, Gray, Cowper, etc. _Pub.


=Wilson, Daniel.= 181 Miscellaneous writer. Author of Prehistoric Annals of Scotland, Prehistoric Man, Caliban the Missing Link, Chatterton: a Biographical Study, etc. _Pub. Mac._

=Wilson, George.= 1818-1859. Chemist and essayist. Author Five Gateways to Knowledge, Life Prof. Forbes, etc. _See Memoir, by his sister._ _Pub. Mac._

=Wilson, Horace Hayman.= 1788-1860. Sanskrit scholar. Author Hist.

Cashmere, translation of the Rig-Veda, etc.

=Wilson, John=, ”Christopher North.” 1785-1854. Poet and essayist.