49 Wrong Room (1/2)
Wu was driving very fastly. Xue got tensed and sat calmly on the back seat of the car. Tian Yu sat on the front and tried to call Ria.
Xue watched Yu and grabbed the phone from his hand.
Yu: ”Please give it to me.”
Xue threw the phone through the window.
Yu: ”Idiot, Why did you do this?” and hit Xue.
Wu: ”Stop that”
Yu: ”Stop the car. I need my phone.”
Wu stopped the car in the roadside. Yu came down from the car and walked towards the phone. But it got stuck in another car's tire and broke into pieces.
Wu and Xue watched that and got laughed.
Yu became mad and pulled Xue's collar started to fight. After a few seconds, everyone got laughed.
Yu: ”Great relief. No phone. No tension.”
Wu: ”Come on and get in the car.”
Xue: ”Where we go?”
Wu: ”Somewhere”
They reached the newly built apartment.
Yu: ”Bro, you got the condo.”
Wu: ”No, It belongs to Lei Wei.”
Xue: ”See, he is waiting for us.”
Lei Wei came, gave the condo key to Tian Wu.
Lei Wei: ”I bought some food for you. Please enjoy it.”
Wu: ”Thank you.”
Xue: ”Be sure, No one knows we are here.”
Lei Wei: ”Its new one, few condos are occupied. In the 8th floor, except for mine, all are vacant.”
Wu: ”Okay, We are leaving.”
Yu: ”Room No and door password.”
Lei Wei: ”Room is on the left side near the lift, and door number is 8888.”
He bowed and left that place.
Yu: ”I need wine or beer.”
Xue: ”I also.”
Wu: ”Go and buy.”
Yu: ”What? I go and buy.”
Wu: ”If you want, you go and buy.”
Yu: ”I am the laziest person.”
Xue: ”Okay, Yu, and I go to buy.”
Wu: ”I will go to the room, Which room?”
Yu: ”Right side near the elevator and password is 8888”. Both took the car to buy drinks.
Wu went to the 8th floor using the elevator. Elevator opened, he saw the right side of the room, using that passcode to open the door.
Meanwhile, Xue asked Yu, ”Why you said to Wu wrongly?”