48 Where is Gia? (1/2)

Lovable sisters aathinar 22650K 2022-07-22

In the evening, Biyu new home, Everyone was laughing out loud. Biyu shared everyone what happened today. Gee got tears of laughing. Gee said to Biyu, ”This is your house.” Biyu said, ”Nice house.”

Gee: ”Now on you live alone. If you want anything, just call me.”

Biyu got confused and asked, ”How I get the job?”

Gee: ”Now you are Lei Wei's niece. So Wu gave you a job because of Lei Wei.”

Lucy: ”Hide your real identity and continue to live Lei Wei.”

Biyu: ”If we caught”

Gee: ”Don't worry. Our main target is Tian Wu. If you marry him, they couldn't catch us.”

Lucy: ”If they caught us, nothing to lose.”

Bao: ”We lost everything.”

Biyu: ”I forgot to say, today they have family dinner. There is gossip around the office that they give the announcement tomorrow about marriage.”

Gee: ”Okay. We will see.”

Lucy: ”Biyu, We are leaving. Enjoy your life.”

Gee, Lucy, and Bao hugged her.

Gee: ”Be brave.”

Lucy: ”Enjoy your privacy”

They left the house. Biyu saw everything in the house. She went to the bedroom and laid on the bed.

”It's so comfortable.”

The same day, Tex company Chariman's villa. Tian Wu, Xue, and Yu came to meet their grandfather. Butler welcomed and asked to wait for him. In the study room, Wu saw the wardrobe; it contains full of books. He took one book and started to read. Xue and Yu came sat on the chair. Yu saw two of them and got pissed off.

Yu: ”Why both are you silent?”

Xue: ”I am in not a good mood.”

Wu: ”Something happened.”

Xue: ”...”

Yu: ”Your girlfriend dumped you?”

Xue: ”..Gee dumped me.”

Wu: ”What? When? ”

Yu: ”How?”

Wu and Yu controlled their laughing.

Yu started to ridicule and said, ”Always, You dumped girls. This time, the girl dumped you.”

Wu: ”When did you meet her? She released from Jail.”

Yu: ”What about her sister Gia?” and bite his teeth.

Wu looked to Tian Yu and asked, ”Why are you asking about her sister?”

Xue: ”You forgot that incident.”

Yu signaled to Xue, ”Don't tell him?”

Wu: ”Yeah, I remembered that girl. Three years ago, she came and said that she is pregnant.”

Xue: ”Yeah, Now he is the father of two years, baby.”

Wu: ”Where is your baby?”

Yu: ”She broke up with me and eloped with some other rich guy.”

Wu: ”She dumped you.”

Xue: ”Wait. How did you know about Gia is in another rich guy?”

Yu: ”Yeah, Ria showed me about some photos.”

Xue: ”Did you believe that?”

Yu got puzzled.

Wu: ”What?”

Xue: ”Gee cried a lot because of her sister.”

Wu: ”When”

Xue: ”Two days ago, She came and wished my birthday. We had dinner and went to the beach. Both slept in the car. Morning she left me without saying anything.”

Wu: ”she is in love with you?”

Yu: ”Why she left him?”

Wu: ”Because of her situation.”