Part 17 (1/2)

=Susa=, Persia. 32N. 48E. Capital of Elamite kingdom, c. 2280 B.C.; conquered by a.s.syrians, 645 B.C. Contains tomb alleged to be of Daniel.

=Tabariah=, Syria. 33N. 36E. F. by Herod Antipas, c. 16; Saladin defeated Christians, 1187; given to France, 1240; taken by Mussulmans, 1247.

Mentioned by Josephus; contains tomb of Arabian philosopher Lokman; Mishna compiled here, 190, and part of Talmud. (See Burckhardt's 'Travels in Syria and the Holy Land.')

=Tabor=, Mount, Palestine. 33N. 35E. Scene of a.s.sembly of army of Barak and Deborah against Sisera; alleged scene of Christ's Transfiguration.

Gabinius overcame Jews, 53 B.C.; fortified by Malik-el-Adil, 1212; French victory over British and Turks, 1799. (See Burckhardt's 'Travels in Syria and the Holy Land.')

=Tabreez=, Persia. 38N. 46E. Foundation attributed to Zobeida, wife of Haroun-al-Raschid, 791. Destroyed by Tamerlane, 1392; taken from Turks by Nadir Shah, 1730; by Russians, 1827. The Bab here put to death, 1850.

=Taif=, Arabia. 22N. 41E. Visited by Burckhardt, and described in 'Travels in Arabia.'

=Talwaudy=, Punjab. 32N. 75E. Village near Lah.o.r.e which is bp. of Nanek, founder of Sikh religion.

=Tanjore=, Madras. 11N. 79E. Unsuccessfully attacked by Lally, 1758; taken by British, 1773; under British control, 1799.

=Tarsus=, Asia Minor. 37N. 35E. Traditionally f. by Sennacherib.

Meeting-place of Mark Antony and Cleopatra, 38 B.C. Contains tomb of Sardanapalus, and is bp. of St. Paul, Athenodorus, and Hermogenes.

=Tchesme=, Asia Minor. 38N. 27E. Turkish fleet defeated by Russian under Orloff and Elphinstowe, 1770.

=Teheran=, Persia. 36N. 51E. Treaty signed between British and Persians, 1857. Near city are ruins of Rhages, bp. of Haroun-al-Raschid.

=Teima=, Arabia. 28N. 39E. The Tema of the Bible. Visited by C. M.

Doughty, and described in 'Travels in Arabia Deserta.'

=Tekrit=, Asiatic Turkey. 35N. 44E. Bp. of Saladin.

=Tiberias, Sea of=, Palestine. 33N. 36E. Frequently mentioned in the Bible as Lake of Galilee or Gennesaret, and by Josephus. Bp. of disciples Simon, Andrew, James the Great, and John. Visited by Lamartine, 1832.

(See Kinglake's 'Eothen,' Twain's 'New Pilgrim's Progress,' 'Purchas His Pilgrimes,' Adam Smith's 'Historical Geography of the Holy Land,'

Thomson's 'Land and the Book,' Burckhardt's 'Travels in Syria and the Holy Land.')

=Tien-tsin= ('Heaven's ford'), China. 39N. 117E. Besieged by Taiping rebels, 1853; treaty signed with French and British, 1858; occupied by French and British, 1860; foreign inhabitants murdered, 1870; res. of Li Hung-Chang for 20 years, 1874.

=Tokat=, Asiatic Turkey. 40N. 37E. Severely damaged by earthquake, 1825; ma.s.sacre of Armenians, 1895.

=Tokio=, j.a.pan. 36N. 140E. Seat of government for Tokugawa Ieyasu, 1603; eastern capital of j.a.pan, 1868; opened to foreign res., 1869. (See Diosy's 'New Far East,' McKenzie's 'From Tokyo to Tiflis.')

=Tomsk=, Siberia. 56N. 85E. F. in 1604; capital of Tomsk. Contains university f. in 1888. (See Fraser's 'Real Siberia,' Tolstoi's 'Resurrection.')

=Tortosa=, Syria. 35N. 36E. Ceded to Templars, c. 1161; taken by Saladin, 1188; by Mussulmans, 1291.

=Tottori=, j.a.pan. 36N. 134E. Visited by Lafcadio Hearn, and described in 'Glimpses of Unfamiliar j.a.pan.'

=Tranquebar=, Madras. 11N. 80E. Bought by Dutch, 1620; taken by British, 1787; sold to British, 1845.

=Trebizond= ('a table'), Asiatic Turkey. 41N. 40E. F. by Greeks from Sinope, 700 B.C.; scene of Xenophon's retreat with ten thousand; capital of empire of Trebizond under Alexius Comnenus, 1204; taken by Mohammed II., 1461.