Part 16 (1/2)

=Sanjan=, Bombay. 20N. 73E. Visited by Polish scholar, Hove, 1787. Taken by Portuguese, 1534.

=Sante Bennur=, Madras. 14N. 76E. Taken by Hyder Ali, 1761; by Mahrattas, 1791.

=Santipur=, Bengal. 23N. 88E. Res. of Chaitanya, and bp. of Adyaita.

=Sarafand=, Syria. 33N. 35E. Ancient city, known in the Bible as Zareptath. (See Thomson's 'Land and the Book.')

=Sardhana=, United Provs. 29N. 78E. Celebrated as res. of Begam Sumru.

=Sardis=, Asia Minor. 39N. 28E. Occupied by Cyrus, 548 B.C.; burned by Ionians, c. 409 B.C.; destroyed by Tamerlane, 1402. Mentioned by aeschylus and Herodotus; res. of Xerxes; contains ruins of temple of Cybele and tomb of Alyattes.

=Sa.s.seram= ('one thousand toys'), Bengal. 25N. 84E. Contains tombs of Sher Shah and his father.

=Satyamangalam=, Madras. 11N. 77E. Taken by Hyder Ali, 1768; by Tippoo Sahib, 1790.

=Savandurga=, Madras. 13N. 77E. Captured by Lord Cornwallis, 1791.

=Selefke=, Asiatic Turkey. 36N. 34E. F. by Seleucus Nicator; bp. of Xenarchus.

=Seleucia Pieria=, Asia Minor. 36N. 36E. F. by Seleucus Nicator; captured by Ptolemy Euergetes, 246 B.C.; by Antiochus the Great, 219 B.C.

=Seoul=, Korea. 38N. 127E. Capital of Korea since 1392. Contains fine temple of Confucius. (See Diosy's 'New Far East,' McKenzie's 'From Tokyo to Tiflis,' Little's 'Far East.')

=Sephora=, Palestine. 33N. 35E. Mentioned in the Bible; visited by Lamartine, 1832.

=Seringapatam= ('city of Vishnu'), Mysore. 12N. 77E. Besieged by Lord Cornwallis, 1792; taken by British and Tippoo Sahib killed, 1799.

Contains ancient temple of Vishnu, and tombs of Hyder Ali and Tippoo Sahib.

=Seroda=, Bombay. 15N. 74E. Res. of Sir R. Burton; described in 'Goa and the Blue Mountains.'

=Sha River=, Manchuria. 42N. 123E. Russians under General Kuropatkin conquered by j.a.panese, 1904.

=Shahabad=, United Provs. 28N. 80E. F. by Diler Khan, whose tomb is here, 1677; visited by Bishop Heber, 1824.

=Shang-hai= ('above the sea'), China. 31N. 121E. Taken by Triads, 1853; occupied by British and French, 1860. (See Little's 'Far East.')

=Shehr=, Arabia. 15N. 50E. City described in 'Travels of Marco Polo' as Escier.

=Shehr-i-Sebz=, Turkestan. 39N. 67E. F. on site of Kesh, bp. of Tamerlane.

=s.h.i.+moga=, Madras. 14N. 76E. Captured by Mahrattas, 1798; destroyed by Dhundia Wagh, 1799.

=s.h.i.+monosoki=, j.a.pan. 34N. 131E. Bombarded by American, British, Dutch, and French fleet, 1864; treaty signed here, 1895. (See McKenzie's 'From Tokyo to Tiflis,' Little's 'Far East.')

=s.h.i.+raz=, Persia. 30N. 53E. F. c. 697; capital of Persia, 1760. Near by are tombs of Saadi and Hafiz.

=s.h.i.+vner=, Bombay. 19N. 74E. Bp. of Sivaji.

=Sholapur=, Bombay. 18N. 76E. The Baji Rao suffered defeat at hands of British, 1818.

=Shwebo=, Upper Burma. 23N. 96E. Bp. of Maung Aung Zeya.