Part 15 (1/2)
=Perambakkam=, Madras. 13N. 80E. Hyder Ali overcame British, 1780.
=Petra=, Syria. 30N. 36E. Mentioned by Strabo and Pliny, and probably Sela of the Bible. (See Doughty's 'Travels in Arabia Deserta,' Whittier's '”The Rock” in El Ghor.')
=Petropavlovsk=, Kamtchatka. 53N. 159E. French and British allies engaged in naval battle with Russians under Muravieff, 1854.
=Phyeng-yang=, Korea. 39N. 126E. j.a.panese won a victory over Chinese, 1894. (See Diosy's 'New Far East,' McKenzie's 'From Tokyo to Tiflis.')
=Pinjaur=, Punjab. 31N. 77E. Besieged by Patiala, 1769; taken by Bourquin, 1793., Bengal. 24N. 88E. Siraj-ud-Daula suffered great defeat at hands of Clive, 1757. (See Malleson's 'Decisive Battles of India.')
=Pollanarrua=, Ceylon. 8N. 82E. Capital of Ceylon, 769; taken by Malabars, c. 1204.
=Pondicherri=, Madras. 12N. 80E. First French settlement, 1674; taken by Dutch, 1693; unsuccessfully besieged by Admiral Boscawen, 1748; taken by Eyre Coote, 1761; restored to French, 1763; recaptured by Sir Hector Monro, 1778; restored, 1783; retaken by British, 1793; finally restored to French, 1816.
=Poona=, Bombay. 19N. 74E. Destroyed by Nizam Ali, 1763; captured by British, 1818.
=Port Arthur=, Manchuria. 39N. 121E. Fortified by Chinese, 1891; seized by j.a.panese, 1894; leased to Russia, 1898; besieged during Russo-j.a.panese War, 1904; surrendered to j.a.panese, 1905. (See Diosy's 'New Far East.')
=Porto Novo=, Madras. 11N. 80E. Occupied by Danes and English, 1682; Sir Eyre Coote defeated Hyder Ali, 1781; ceded to British by Dutch, 1823.
(See Malleson's 'Decisive Battles of India.')
=Pratapgarh=, Bombay. 18N. 74E. Res. of Sivaji, and scene of his murder of Afzal Khan, 1659.
=Priene=, Asia Minor. 38N. 27E. One of twelve cities of Ionian League, supposed to have been f. by aepytus. Bp. of Bias and Achelaus.
=Prome=, Burma. 19N. 95E. Captured by British, 1825, 1852; partially destroyed by fire, 1856.
=Pulicat=, Madras. 13N. 80E. Occupied by Dutch, 1609; conquered by British, 1781; ceded to Dutch, 1818; to British, 1825.
=Punna=, Rajputana. 25N. 80E. Besieged by Sikander Lodi, 1494; taken by Ram Chandra Deo, 1563. Here Pran Nath is held sacred, and his tomb exists.
=Puri=, Bengal. 20N. 86E. Contained Gold Tooth of the Buddha for many centuries; now famous for the temple of Vishnu in his incarnation of Juggernaut.
=Quilon=, Madras. 9N. 77E. Visited by Marco Polo; Portuguese residents defeated by Dutch, 1662.
=Radhanagar=, Bengal. 23N. 88E. Bp. of Ram Mohan Rai, first writer of Bengali prose.
=Rahun=, Punjab. 31N. 76E. Believed to have been f. by Rajah Raghab. Taken by Tara Singh, 1759.
=Rajgir=, Bengal. 25N. 85E. Visited by Fa Hian and Hiuen Tsiang.
Identified with Rajagriha, res. of Buddha. (See Sir Edwin Arnold's 'Light of Asia.')
=Rajpur= ('the royal town'), United Provs. 30N. 78E. Scene of story ent.i.tled 'The Potter's Thumb,' by Mrs. Flora Annie Steel.
=Ramleh=, Syria. 32N. 35E. Visited by W. M. Thomson, and described in 'The Land and the Book.' (See Volney's 'Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte.')
=Ramnad=, Madras. 9N. 79E. Captured by British, 1772.