Part 8 (1/2)

=Damalcheruvu Pa.s.s=, Madras. 13N. 79E. Mahrattas defeated and killed Nawab Dost Ali, 1740.

=Daman=, Bombay. 20N. 73E. Portuguese possession since 1531.

=Damascus=, Syria. 34N. 36E. Supposed to have been f. by Uz. Conquered by David, by Jeroboam II., Tiglath-Pileser, Sennacherib, and Nebuchadnezzar. Subdued by Pompey, 64 B.C.; by Mohammedans, 635; conquered by Nureddin, 1154; Saladin died here, 1193; Egyptians defeated by Tamerlane, 1401; taken from Turks by Selim I., 1516; captured by Ibrahim Pasha, 1832; ceded to Turkey, 1840. Ma.s.sacre of Jews, 1840; of Christians, 1860. The English historian Buckle died here. (See Kinglake's 'Eothen,' Burton's 'Wanderings in Three Continents,' Twain's 'New Pilgrim's Progress,' Lamartine's 'Voyage en Orient,' Hakluyt's 'Voyages,' Burckhardt's 'Travels in Syria and the Holy Land.')

=Daminya=, Bengal. 25N. 88E. Bp. of Mukunda Ram Chakrabarti.

=Daulatabad= ('abode of prosperity'), Haidarabad. 20N. 75E. F. by Bhillama I., c. 1187 A.D.; seized by Ala-ud-din Khilji, 1294; by Mohammedans, 1307, 1310; Rajah Harpal flayed alive, 1318; captured by Nijam Shakis from Bahmanis, 1526; from Emperor Akbar, 1595; taken by Malik Amber, 1607; by Shah Jahan, 1633; Abul Hasan imprisoned here by Aurungzebe, 1687.

=Dead Sea=, Palestine. 32N. 36E. Frequently mentioned in biblical history.

(See Kinglake's 'Eothen,' Lamartine's 'Voyage en Orient.')

=Deglur=, Haidarabad. 19N. 78E. Contains tomb of Shah Zia-ud-din Rifai.

=Delhi=, Punjab. 29N. 77E. Captured by Mohammedans, 1193; by Tamerlane, 1398; Sultan Baber established Mogol dynasty, 1526; burnt by Mahrattas, 1736; taken by Persians, who plundered it of treasures, including Koh-i-noor diamond, 1739; recaptured by Mahrattas, 1789; seized by Lord Lake, 1803; scene of terrible ma.s.sacre of British in Mutiny, 1857; Durbar of Edward VII. held here, 1903; of George V., 1911. (See Mrs. F.

A. Steel's 'On the Face of the Waters' and 'India through the Ages,'

Madhu Sudan Datta's 'Captive Ladie,' Moore's 'Lalla Rookh.')

=Deogarh=, United Provs. 25N. 78E. Contains carvings dating from 1097.

Captured by Colonel Baptiste, 1811.

=Deogurk=, Bengal. 25N. 87E. Contains many temples to Siva, and is famous place of pilgrimage.

=Deraiyeh=, Arabia. 25N. 46E. Ancient capital of Wahabis; destroyed by Egyptians under Ibrahim Pasha, 1818.

=Devanhalli=, Madras. 15N. 78E. F. in 1501; captured by Lord Cornwallis, 1791. Bp. of Tippoo Sahib.

=Devikottai=, Madras. 11N. 80E. Taken from Pratap Singh by British, 1749; occupied by British garrison, 1760.

=Dhampur=, United Provs. 29N. 79E. Captured by Dunde Khan, c. 1750; by Amir Khan, 1805.

=Dhar=, Central India. 23N. 75E. Destroyed by Jaya Sinha, 1020; yielded to Aurungzebe, 1658. Bp. of Baji Rao II., and contains mausoleum of Abdullah Shah Changal, Mohammedan saint.

=Dharapuram=, Madras. 11N. 78E. Taken by Colonel Wood, 1768; by Hyder Ali, 1768; by General Medows, 1790.

=Dharwar=, Bombay. 15N. 75E. Fort said to have been f. by Dhar Rao, 1403; captured by Ali Adil Shah, 1573; by Aurungzebe, 1685; by Hyder Ali, 1778; British possession, 1818.

=Dholka=, Bombay. 23N. 72E. Captured by Mahrattas, 1736; ceded to British, 1804.

=Dholpur= ('the town of Dholan'), Rajputana. 27N. 78E. Alleged to have been f. by Dholan Deo. Taken by Sikander Lodi, 1501; by Babar, 1526.

=Dhulia=, Bombay. 21N. 75E. Devastated by Holkar, 1803; British possession, 1818.

=Diarbekr=, Asiatic Turkey. 38N. 40E. F. on the site of ancient city of Amida. Fortified by Constantius, 340; captured by Persians, 502; by Arabs, 640; by Sultan Selim I., 1515.

=Dig=, Rajputana. 27N. 77E. Fell to Najaf Khan, 1776; General Frazer conquered Holkar in the vicinity, 1804.

=Dindigull=, Madras. 10N. 78E. Overcome by Rajah of Mysore, 1755; taken by British from Tippoo Sahib, 1783, but given back, 1784; ceded to British, 1792.

=Dipalpur=, Punjab. 31N. 74E. Conquered by Tamerlane, 1398; besieged by Babar, 1524; by Mahrattas, 1758.