Part 4 (1/2)
Biggles c.o.c.ked an eye at Ginger. 'How did you know?'
'Because when I saw him, von Stalhein was wearing one a” possibly the one that would make up a dozen in the box. I noticed it particularly because I've never seen von Stalhein wear anything but a plain black tie.'
'We shall have to think about that,' said Biggles. 'Tell me, Inspector; what did our friend do at Caterham?'
'Same as before. He spoke to some soldiers and had a long talk with Ross.'
'His movements were the same as the last time we watched him.' The detective got up. '
That's the lot. I've still got a man on the job. I'll let you know any developments.' He went out.
Biggles sat staring at the others. 'Ginger, you might take a walk round the West End shops in the morning and see if you can find any black ties with red spots. If you do, buy one or two.'
Ginger's eyebrows went up. 'What for?'
'Just an idea,' murmured Biggles.
'I've got an idea, too,' put in Algy. 'Before a man can get out of this country and into another he needs a All these recruits of von Stalhein must have had one. Ross would need one if he went. How does von Stalhein get British pa.s.sports?'
'There wouldn't be much difficulty about that,' returned Biggles, 'These fellows could all travel on the same, if it comes to that. When it had served its purpose it could be sent back and used again. The photograph and the entries could be erased and fresh ones subst.i.tuted.
There are plenty of spare British pa.s.sports in Eastern Europe, anyway. In the Spanish Civil War, all the British contingent of the International Brigade had their pa.s.sports taken from them. They didn't get them back.
We know where they went.'
The telephone rang. Biggles picked up the receiver. 'Good. I'll be with you in half an hour,' he said, and hung up. 'That was the adjutant at Caterham,' he told the others. 'He's got Ross with him. Stick around till I get back.'
He was away for the best part of two hours.
'Now what?' inquired Ginger when he returned.
'We've made a little progress a” not much,' answered Biggles, dropping into his chair. '
Ross had a long talk with von Stalhein today a” we already knew that. I've just had a word with Ross. Under the pretence of being inclined to accept the offer, he's picked up a detail or two. When he is ready to go he is given a suit of civilian clothes, money, and an air ticket from London to a European airport.
There he will be met by a man who will tell him what to do next. was suggested as the best time to go, because on that day Ross can get a week-end pa.s.s. That gives him plenty of time to get clear. Ross says he tried hard to get more information, but there was nothing doing.
Which means that we shan't get any further along that particular line of inquiry.'
'Did you fix up with Ross to accept?' asked Algy.
'Not yet. He said he was willing to go. I told him to do nothing more until he hears from me again.'
'What's the next move?'
'I've decided to tell Raymond about it. This thing is too big for us to carry on our own hook. The Air Commodore will probably have gone home, in which case I'll go to his house. There's no need for you to stay. I shall probably be late. You needn't wait up for me unless you want to. I'll get along.'
The Air Commodore was not in his office. Biggles went to his home, and caught him just as he was leaving for the club, where he usually dined.
Aware that Biggles would not trouble him at such a late hour unless he had urgent news to impart, he asked him to join him. Biggles accepted, and over the meal, in a quiet corner of the dining-room, revealed the plot he had uncovered.
The Air Commodore's expression hardened as he listened to the story, but he said nothing until Biggles had finished. Even then it was a little while before he spoke. 'This is a pretty state of affairs,' he said bitterly. 'There was a time when our enemies were content to steal our secrets. Now they entice away our troops. What do you suggest doing about it?'
'I feel inclined to let Ross go, and follow him,' said Biggles. 'I can't see any other course.
For their sakes, as well as our own, we can't just abandon these fellows who have already taken the bait. Anyhow, we must find out where they are.'
'If Ross goes, he'll take his life in his hands.'
'So shall we all. Ross knows the danger.'
'Don't, for goodness sake, do anything to start a war.'
Biggles frowned. 'Surely that's what the other side is doing now? They can't expect us to sit back and do nothing about it. I doubt if any country implicated would kick up a fuss if we were caught in their territory, because if the thing became public it would mean exposing their own hand as well as ours.'
'How can you follow Ross without being seen yourself? Von Stalhein will not lose sight of him, you may be sure, until he's actually on his way.'
'That will have to be arranged. I think it could be managed.' 'You mean, as he will go by air, you'd follow in one of your machines?'
'What if it comes to night flying? You'd lose your man in the dark. Or, for that matter, suppose Ross, when he's abroad, is switched suddenly to surface travel a” a private car, for instance?'
'That'll be my worry,' said Biggles shortly. 'I can think of a score of unpleasant possibilities; but, as I said just now, what's the alternative?'
'We could pick up von Stalhein and so put an end to the business.'
'You might pick up von Stalhein, but how could you be sure that would end the business?
The chances are that he would simply be replaced by someone else. It's better to deal with a devil we know than one we don't know. Besides, to grab von Stalhein would tell the enemy we know what's going on. That would definitely mean saying goodbye to these silly fools who have already been hooked.'
Still the Air Commodore hesitated. He looked worried. 'I don't like it, Bigglesworth. It sounds too much like attempting the impossible. You might get behind the Iron Curtain by dropping in from an aircraft; but I can't see you getting out again. Without knowing the country you couldn't arrange for a machine to pick you up. You couldn't even get a message home to say where you were. Once in, you would probably disappear as completely as a stone dropped in the middle of the Atlantic. Every hand would be against you. Think of the language difficulties. You wouldn't be able to move about, get fooda”'
'Just a minute, sir,' broke in Biggles. 'I've taken all these things into account. I won't deny it's risky; but someone has to take risks. The biggest difficulty of all will be keeping Ross in sight. If I lose him, he's had it. He'd never get out on his own a” unless I could get in touch with him again.'
'How could you do that? Wander about Europe in the hope of meeting him?'
The Air Commodore was frankly sarcastic.
'No. There's only one way. We should have to decide on a rendezvous before the start. If I lost him, I should go there and wait. On the other hand, he could make for the same meeting place.'
'What meeting place?'
'That's where you'll have to help us.'