Part 3 (1/2)

'How can you get them back? Czechoslovakia is a big place.'

'These men aren't necessarily in Czechoslovakia, although I admit the evidence points that way. This agent has a Czech, and the letter Ross received came from Prague, although no address was given.'

'Then how the deuce can you hope to find these fellows?'

'I can think of only one way,' answered Biggles gravely. 'Ross will have to help us.'

'Ross?' The Colonel stared. 'He doesn't know where they are.' 'He will, if he accepts the proposition that has been put up to him.'

The Colonel blinked. 'Great heavens, man! Are you suggesting that Ross goes off like the others?'

'It may come to that if all else fails.'

'It would be sending the man to certain death!'

'Possibly. But what is one life against seven a” that we know of? There may be other poor fools there, from other units. Naturally, before Ross takes another step he would have to be warned of his danger. In any case the decision would rest with him. I think he'

d do anything to save his chum, Macdonald, although I imagine the official view will not concern itself with individuals, who are deserters, anyway. Military Intelligence will be more anxious to know for what purpose these fellows are being used.'

'You think Ross might write and tell us where they all are, when he joins them?'

Biggles shook his head. 'I hardly think he'd be allowed to do that, sir.

The letter that Macdonald was alleged to have written was either a forgery or else it was produced under pressure. If Ross went I should follow him. But it hasn't come to that yet.'

'Sounds devilish dangerous to me.'

”Danger” is a word I didn't expect to hear used here.' The Colonel flushed.

'Let's take our fences as we come to them,' suggested Biggles. 'We may get the information we want without losing sight of Ross.' 'What do you propose?'

'I suggest that we put the matter fairly to Ross, pointing out which way his duty lies a”

although I think he knows that already. For the moment he can go on meeting the man at the caf, as if he is still unable to make up his mind. It would be something if he could learn how his comrades were got out of the country After all, it would be reasonable for him to ask questions before deciding on a step as irrevocable as desertion. If Ross fails to get any further information by these methods, we'll have to consider the next step.'

'Could we trust Ross to play the game? It's a big responsibility for a fellow of his age and experience.'

'I can see no alternative. If I'm any judge of a man, Ross is as sound as a bell. He'll do his best. After all he has a personal interest, in his friend Macdonald.'

'All right. Let's have him in and hear how he feels about it. I can put him on indefinite leave.'

'One more question,' said Biggles. 'Have the next-of-kin of these deserters been questioned, to find out if anything is known of their whereabouts?'

'We sent a military escort to the home of every man concerned, that being the most likely place to find him. In each case the escort returned saying that the man was not there, and nothing had been heard of him.'

'No letters?'

'Not a word. And that's probably true, because in some cases the mothers of these fellows were very upset.'

'Which confirms that they are not allowed to write letters, or one of them at least would have got in touch with his home.'

Ross was brought back into the room.

Biggles took up the conversation. 'Now I want you to listen to me very carefully, Ross,'

he began. 'The matter we have been discussing is far more serious than you may have supposed. Because I think you can help us, and those of your comrades, who, believe me, have practically thrown their lives away, I am going to take you fully into my confidence. But before I do that I want your word that, having started, you won't go back on us.'

'I willa”'

'Just a minute. What I am going to ask you to do is dangerous. One slip may cost you your life. The man you have met at the caf is one of the most ruthless spies in Europe.

He's a Prussian. And there are even more dangerous men behind him. They would think no more of killing you, if they thought you were working for me, than they would of swotting a fly. Now, what do you say? Are you prepared to work under my instructions?

There's no compulsion about it. You are within your rights to say no, if you'd rather keep out.'

'I'll do anything you say, sir.'

'Even though the business may cost you your life before we are through with it?'

'If I'd been afraid of dying I wouldn't have joined the army.'

'That's the way to talk. Now we've got that clear, I'll go on. What we've got to do is this.

We've got to find out where this fancy regiment is stationed, and bring our fellows back.

They'll be glad enough to come, I'll warrant. For the moment, we'll learn all we can, here.

I want you to go on seeing this man, behaving as though you can't make up your mind. In his attempts to win you over he may let one or two things drop. It would be natural for you to want to know just where you are going, and how you're going to get there. Pretend to be nervous about travelling abroad, to find out if you would go alone or with an escort.

See what I mean?'

'Yes, sir.'

'Just go on talking a” and listening. That's all I can tell you. You'll have to use your intelligence. I'll give you one tip. Don't on any account allow yourself to be persuaded to take strong drink. Alcohol loosens a man's tongue faster than anything a” and you might say too much.


'Yes, sir.'

'I shall be about. Tell the adjutant when you have anything to report, and he'll send for me. That's enough for now. It may be only a beginning.

Eventually you may have to accept this man's offer, in order to reach Macdonald. If so, I shan't be far away from you.

But we'll talk about that when the time comes. Meanwhile, this spy must suspect nothing.

Let's leave it like that.' Biggles turned to the Colonel. 'That's all, sir.'