Part 2 (1/2)
'May I suggest that, as I know the details of the case, you allow me to ask the questions a” in the first instance, anyhow?'
'As you wish,' agreed the Colonel stiffly. He turned to the adjutant: 'Where is Ross now?'
'He should be on the square, sir.'
'Send for him.'
'Yes, sir.' The adjutant pressed his bell and pa.s.sed the order to the sergeant.
Five minutes later the man concerned was marched in. 'You needn't wait,'
the Colonel told his escort.
The young Guardsman, a tall, fair, good-looking lad, who looked even younger than his years, stood rigid. His face was slightly pale. 'Stand at ease,' rapped out the Colonel.
The soldier complied. His blue eyes stared straight ahead.
'Now, Ross, I have here an officer from Scotland Yard. He wants to ask you a few questions,' said the Colonel sternly. 'The matter is serious and you would be well advised to speak the truth and the whole truth.' He made a sign for Biggles to begin.
The soldier did not move, except to moisten his lips nervously. Biggles'
eyes were on his face. 'Would you mind looking at me while I am talking to you?' he requested.
The eyes switched. Biggles caught them with his own and held them. 'Thank you,' he said softly, and continued. 'You are in the habit of visiting a caf in this town called the ”
Stand Easy.” Is that correct?'
'Yes, sir.'
'You have met there a civilian who speaks with a slight foreign accent.
He wears a monocle and smokes his cigarettes in a long holder. He stood you a cup of coffee yesterday. You know the man I mean?'
'Yes, sir.'
'Do you know anything about him?'
Not much, sir.'
'A little?'
'Yes, sir. Only what he told me.'
'Did he tell you his nationality?'
'Yes, sir.'
'What did he say it was?'
'He told me he was a Czech, sir. Said he fought in the war.'
'He didn't tell you which side he fought on, I imagine?' said Biggles dryly.
'No, sir.'
'Yesterday was not the first time you have spoken, I fancy?' 'No, sir.'
'How many times have you spoken to him? Or put it the other way. How many times has he got into conversation with you?' 'Yesterday was the third time, sir.'
'What did you talk about?'
A pink stain crept into the soldier's cheeks. 'We talked about the army, sir.'
'I see. You talked about the army?'
'Yes, sir.'
'What had this man to say about the army?'
'He said soldiering was a fine life, sir.'
'And you agreed?'
'Yes, sir.'
'What was this man's interest in the army? Did he tell you that?'
The pulses between the soldier's ears and eyes could be seen beating. The tip of his nose was chalk white. These signs were not lost on Biggles.
'Remember what the Colonel told you at the beginning,'
he said quietly. 'You would be foolish, Ross, to try to hide anything.
The truth will come out, if not from you.'
The man told me he was recruiting for another army, sir. A better one than ours, he said.
The pay was twice as much as we get here, with plenty of leave, and sport, and so on. He said the regiment was a sort of International Brigade, like the French Foreign Legion.'
Biggles drew a deep breath. 'I see,' he said softly. 'Did this man happen to mention where this unit was based?'
'He said it was in Czechoslovakia, sir.'
'Did you believe this fairy tale?'
'No, sir. Well, not altogether, sir.'
'But you were interested?'
'Well, I a” era”' The man faltered.