Volume VI Part 15 (1/2)
[Sidenote: Lands may be purchased.]
5. That the said African Company is hereby authorized to purchase, if the same may conveniently be done, with the consent of the Privy Council, any lands adjoining to the fort or princ.i.p.al mart aforesaid, not exceeding ---- acres, and to make allotments of the same; no allotment to one person to exceed (on pain of forfeiture) ---- acres.
[Sidenote: Churches and schoolhouses, and hospitals to be erected.]
[Sidenote: Chaplain and a.s.sistant.]
[Sidenote: Clerk and catechist.]
6. That the African Company shall, at each fort or mart, cause to be erected, in a convenient place, and at a moderate cost, the estimate of which shall be approved by the Treasury, one church, and one school-house, and one hospital; and shall appoint one princ.i.p.al chaplain, with a curate or a.s.sistant in holy orders, both of whom shall be recommended by the Lord Bishop of London; and the said chaplain or his a.s.sistant shall perform divine service, and administer the sacraments, according to the usage of the Church of England, or to such mode not contrary thereto as to the said bishop shall seem more suitable to the circ.u.mstances of the people. And the said princ.i.p.al chaplain shall be the third member in the council, and shall be ent.i.tled to receive from the directors of the said African Company a salary of ----, and his a.s.sistant a salary of ----, and he shall have power to appoint one sober and discreet person, white or black, to be his clerk and catechist, at a salary of ----.
[Sidenote: Schoolmaster.]
[Sidenote: Carpenter and blacksmith.]
[Sidenote: Native apprentices.]
[Sidenote: Surgeon and mate.]
[Sidenote: Native apprentice.]
7. And be it enacted, that the African Company shall appoint one sufficient schoolmaster, who shall be approved by the Bishop of London, and who shall be capable of teaching writing, arithmetic, surveying, and mensuration, at a salary of ----. And the said African Company is hereby authorized to provide for each settlement a carpenter and blacksmith, with such encouragement as to them shall seem expedient, who shall take each two apprentices from amongst the natives; to instruct them in the several trades, the African Company allowing them, as a fee for each apprentice, ----. And the said African Company shall appoint one surgeon and one surgeon's mate, who are to be approved on examination, at Surgeons' Hall, to each fort or mart, with a salary of ---- for the surgeon, and for his mate ----; and the said surgeon shall take one native apprentice, at a fee to be settled by the African Company.
[Sidenote: How removable.]
8. And be it enacted, that the said catechist, schoolmaster, surgeon, and surgeon's mate, as well as the tradesmen in the Company's service, shall be obedient to the orders they shall from time to time receive from the governor and council of each fort; and if they, or any of them, or any other person, in whatever station, shall appear, on complaint and proof to the majority of the commissioners, to lead a disorderly and debauched life, or use any profane or impious discourses, to the danger of defeating the purposes of this inst.i.tution, and to the scandal of the natives, who are to be led by all due means into a respect for our holy religion, and a desire of partaking of the benefits thereof, they are authorized and directed to suspend the said person from his office, or the exercise of his trade, and to send him to England (but without any hard confinement, except in case of resistance) with a complaint, with inquiry and proofs adjoined, to the African Company.
9. And be it enacted, that the Bishop of London for the time being shall have full authority to remove the said chaplain for such causes as to him shall seem reasonable.
[Sidenote: No public officer to be concerned in the negro trade.]
10. That no governor, counsellor, inspector, chaplain, surgeon, or schoolmaster shall be concerned, or have any share, directly or indirectly, in the negro trade, on pain of ----.
[Sidenote: Journals and letter-books to be kept and transmitted.]
11. Be it enacted, that the said governor and council shall keep a journal of all their proceedings, and a book in which copies of all their correspondence shall be entered, and they shall transmit copies of the said journals and letter-book, and their books of accounts, to the African Company, who, within ---- of their receipt thereof, shall communicate the same to one of his Majesty's princ.i.p.al secretaries of state.
[Sidenote: Chaplain to report to the Bishop of London.]
12. And be it enacted, that the said chaplain or princ.i.p.al minister, shall correspond with the Bishop of London, and faithfully and diligently transmit to him an account of whatever hath been done for the advancement of religion, morality, and learning amongst the natives.
[Sidenote: Negroes to be attested before sale.]
13. And be it enacted, that no negro shall be conclusively sold, until he shall be attested by the two inspectors and chaplain, or, in case of the illness of any of them, by one inspector, and the governor, or one of the council, who are hereby authorized and directed, by the best means in their power, to examine into the circ.u.mstances and condition of the persons exposed to sale.
[Sidenote: Causes for rejection.]
14. And for the better direction of the said inspectors, no persons are to be sold, who, to the best judgment of the said inspectors, shall be above thirty-five years of age, or who shall appear, on examination, stolen or carried away by the dealers by surprise; nor any person who is able to read in the Arabian or any other book; nor any woman who shall appear to be advanced three months in pregnancy; nor any person distorted or feeble, unless the said persons are consenting to such sale; or any person afflicted with a grievous or contagious distemper: but if any person so offered is only lightly disordered, the said person may be sold, but must be kept in the hospital of the mart, and shall not be s.h.i.+pped until completely cured.