Volume VI Part 14 (1/2)

I have seen what has been done by the West Indian a.s.semblies. It is arrant trifling. They have done little; and what they have done is good for nothing,--for it is totally dest.i.tute of an _executory_ principle.

This is the point to which I have applied my whole diligence. It is easy enough to say what shall be done: to cause it to be done,--_hic labor, hoc opus_.

I ought not to apologize for letting this scheme lie beyond the period of the Horatian keeping,--I ought much more to entreat an excuse for producing it now. Its whole value (if it has any) is the coherence and mutual dependency of parts in the scheme; separately they can be of little or no use.

I have the honor to be, with very great respect and regard,

Dear Sir,

Your most faithful and obedient humble servant,


BEACONSFIELD, Easter-Monday night, 1792.


This const.i.tution consists of four princ.i.p.al members.

I. The rules for qualifying a s.h.i.+p for the African trade.

II. The mode of carrying on the trade upon the coast of Africa, which includes a plan for introducing civilization in that part of the world.

III. What is to be observed from the time of s.h.i.+pping negroes to the sale in the West India islands.

IV. The regulations relative to the state and condition of slaves in the West Indies, their manumission, &c.

[Sidenote: PREAMBLE.]

Whereas it is expedient, and comformable to the principles of true religion and morality, and to the rules of sound policy, to put an end to all traffic in the persons of men, and to the detention of their said persons in a state of slavery, as soon as the same may be effected without producing great inconveniences in the sudden change of practices of such long standing, and during the time of the continuance of the said practices it is desirable and expedient by proper regulations to lessen the inconveniences and evils attendant on the said traffic and state of servitude, until both shall be gradually done away:

And whereas the objects of the said trade and consequential servitude, and the grievances resulting therefrom, come under the princ.i.p.al heads following, the regulations ought thereto to be severally applied: that is to say, that provision should be made by the said regulations,

1st, For duly qualifying s.h.i.+ps for the said traffic;

2nd, For the mode and conditions of permitting the said trade to be carried on upon the coast of Africa;

3rd, For the treatment of the negroes in their pa.s.sage to the West India islands;

4th, For the government of the negroes which are or shall be employed in his Majesty's colonies and plantations in the West Indies:

[Sidenote: s.h.i.+ps to be registered.]

Be it therefore enacted, that every s.h.i.+p or trading vessel which is intended for the negro trade, with the name of the owner or owners thereof, shall be entered and registered as s.h.i.+ps trading to the West Indies are by law to be registered, with the further provisions following:

[Sidenote: Measured and surveyed.]