Part 41 (2/2)
Make a good day, O holy father, Neferhotep, pure of hands!
No works of buildings in Egypt could avail, his resting-place is all his wealth ...(542) Let me return to know what remaineth of him!
Not the least moment could be added to his life, (when he went to) the realm of eternity.
Those who have magazines full of bread to spend, even they shall encounter the hour of a last end.
The moment of that day will diminish the valor of the rich ...(543)
Mind thee of the day, when thou too shalt start for the land, to which one goeth to return not thence.
Good for thee then will have been (an honest life,) therefore be just and hate transgressions, for he who loveth justice (will be blessed).
The coward and the bold, neither can fly, (the grave) the friendless and proud are alike ...
Then let thy bounty give abundantly, as is fit, (love) truth, and Isis shall bless the good, (and thou shalt attain a happy) old age.
Hymn To Amen-Ra
Translated by C. W. Goodwin, M.A.
This hymn is inscribed upon a hieratic papyrus, No. 17, in the collection of papyri at the Museum of Boulaq. A fac-simile of the papyrus has been published by M. Marriette (”_Les papyrus Egyptiens du Musee de Boulaq_,”
fo. Paris 1272, pls. 11-13). It is not a very long composition, being contained in eleven pages of moderate size, and consisting of only twenty verses. It has the advantage of being nearly perfect from beginning to end, written in a legible hand, and free from any great difficulties for the translator.
From the handwriting of the papyrus it may be judged to belong to the nineteenth dynasty, or about the fourteenth century B.C. It purports to be only a copy, and the composition itself may be very much earlier.
In the original the beginning of each verse is indicated by rubricated letters; each verse is also divided into short phrases by small red points; these are indicated in the translation by colons.
This translation has just been published with exegetical notes in the ”Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology,” vol. ii, p. 250.
1 Praise to Amen-Ra: the Bull in An(544) Chief of all G.o.ds: the good G.o.d beloved: giving life to all animated things: to all fair cattle: Hail to thee Amen-Ra, Lord of the thrones of the earth: Chief in Aptu:(545) the Bull of his mother in his field: turning his feet toward the land of the South: Lord of the heathen, Prince of Punt:(546) the Ancient of heaven, the Oldest of the earth: Lord of all existences, the Support of things, the Support of all things.
2 The ONE in his works, _single_ among the G.o.ds: the beautiful Bull of the cycle of G.o.ds: Chief of all the G.o.ds: Lord of truth, Father of the G.o.ds: Maker of men, Creator of beasts: Lord of existences, Creator of fruitful trees: Maker of herbs, Feeder of cattle: Good Being begotten of Ptah, beautiful youth beloved: to whom the G.o.ds give honor: Maker of things below and above, Enlightener of the earth: sailing in heaven in tranquillity: King Ra true speaker, Chief of the earth: Most glorious one, Lord of terror: Chief creator of the whole earth.
3 Supporter of affairs above every G.o.d: in whose goodness the G.o.ds rejoice: to whom adoration is paid in the great house: crowned in the house of flame: whose fragrance the G.o.ds love: when he comes from Arabia: Prince of the dew, traversing foreign lands: benignly approaching the Holy Land.(547)
4 The G.o.ds attend his feet: while they acknowledge his Majesty as their Lord: Lord of terror most awful: greatest of spirits, mighty in ...: bring offerings, make sacrifices: salutation to thee, Maker of the G.o.ds: Supporter of the heavens, Founder of the earth.
5 Awake in strength Min(548) Amen: Lord of eternity, Maker everlasting: Lord of adoration, Chief in ...: strong with beautiful horns: Lord of the crown high plumed: of the fair turban (wearing) the white crown: the coronet(549) and the diadem(550) are the ornaments of his face: he is invested with _Ami-ha_: the double crown is his head-gear, (he wears) the red crown: benignly he receives the Atef-crown: on whose south and on whose north is love: the Lord of life receives the sceptre: Lord _of the breastplate_ armed with the whip.
6 Gracious ruler crowned with the white crown: Lord of beams, Maker of light: to whom the G.o.ds give praises: who stretches forth his arms at his pleasure: consuming his enemies with flame: whose eye subdues the wicked:(551) sending forth its dart to the roof of the firmament: sending its _arrows_ against Naka to consume him.
7 Hail to thee Ra Lord of truth: whose command the G.o.ds were made: Athom Maker of men: supporting their works, giving them life: distinguis.h.i.+ng the color of one from another: listening to the poor who is in distress: gentle of heart when one cries unto him.
8 Deliverer of the timid man from the violent: judging the poor, the poor and the oppressed: Lord of wisdom whose precepts are wise: at whose pleasure the Nile overflows: Lord of mercy most loving: at whose coming men live: opener of every eye: proceeding from the firmament: causer of pleasure and light: at whose goodness the G.o.ds rejoice: their hearts revive when they see him.
9 O Ra adored in Aptu:(552) high-crowned in the house of the obelisk:(553) King (Ani) Lord of the New-moon festival: to whom the sixth and seventh days are sacred: Sovereign of life health and strength, Lord of all the G.o.ds: who art visible in the midst of heaven: ruler of men ...: whose name is hidden from his creatures: in his name which is Amen.(554)