Part 33 (2/2)

”For this also my brother we speak with good-will eagerly, and we cause this to be said thus with eagerness (or speed) in reply. As for us we have been troubled indeed. Lo! the merchants who have returned with a charge, from the land of Canaan, have spoken in my hearing. They were anxious on account of the charge from my brother's presence, as _Sumatta_(424) the son of _Malumme_ from the city of _Khinnatunu_,(425) in the land of _Canaan_, and _Sutatna_ son of _Sarratu_ of the city of _Acca_(426) sent their soldiers: they perceived my merchants, and they spoiled our ... I sent to you ... let him tell you.

”The _Canaanites_ in your country, and the Kings ... in your country have violently cut off ... the silver that they carried-a present ... And the men who are my servants ... has smitten them. He destroyed our (wealth?); and as these chiefs he has caused to be slain, it is clear that the man is, indeed, my foe. And, indeed, they are slaying a chief of your envoys: when he was an envoy between us he was slain, and his people have been hostile to you, and the chief my foe, _Sumatta_, his steps, caused him to be slain; he saw him and slew him. And the other chief _Sutatna_ the _Acchoite_ (though at first they repelled him?) sent his chiefs against him ... he said thus. Behold this ... ask as to this, truly you know ... I have sent thee as a present one _manah_ of precious stones ...

my envoy speedily ... truly my brother has known ... do not (blame?) my envoy ... let him be speedily sent...”

These two last letters of Burnaburias are important as showing the disturbances in Syria, also mentioned by Dusratta (23 B.) early in the reign of Amenophis IV.

28 B.-A very broken tablet containing a long list of presents supposed to have been sent by Burnaburias, and consisting mainly of gold and gems.


7 B. M.-”To the King of _Egypt_ my brother by letter, thus the King of the Land of _Alasyia_(427) thy brother. I am at peace. Peace be to my brother.

May there be much peace to his house, to his wives, to his son, to his horses, his chariots, and in his land. My brother's present (is) fifty (pounds of bronze?) five yoke of horses. I have sent my brother's present (and) my brother's envoy with speed, and let my brother despatch my messenger again with speed, and let me ask a gift which ... and.... In his letter it is directed what to send. He has sent silver. Let him send, not refusing the explanation of my envoy ... _Cuniea_, _Ebiluna_, _Sirumma_, _Usbarra_, _Belraam_,(428) the explanation which ... these things which are with ... my...”

12 B.-The salutation is the same, mentioning only one son of the King of Egypt.

”My brother has speedily sent my envoys (under escort?), and I heard your salutation. The chief (and) my merchants my brother has despatched speedily (under escort?): has not your chief approached with my merchants and my fleet (or s.h.i.+p)?”

15 B.-A much broken letter from the same, referring to the sending of copper. The last words appear to be ”let him come returning year by year.”

11 B.-The salutation is the same, including ”thy house, thy concubines,(429) thy sons,” etc. This is a very difficult letter, but appears to read: ”Why, my brother, do you utter this message to me? My brother has known nothing at all that I have not done. As for me, behold the Chiefs of the land of the Lucci(430) whom you confounded in my land, I (was) glad should be conquered.”

”My brother you say to me, 'Lo the Chiefs of thy land are with them,' but I (say) my brother has not known this that they are with them; (or) if they are Chiefs of my land. But send thou to me and do as I wish.

”Do not you know the Chiefs of my land? Do not make this message (even) if they are Chiefs of my land. But do as you wish.

”Lo! my brother, as you do not send my envoy, this letter will speak for me as a brother of the King. It is brought by your envoy.

”Moreover, I have perceived neither hinderance nor evil in what was done, and lo! my brother, are not you at rest in your heart?”

5 B. M.-The salutation is in the fullest form-nine lines. The letter is almost perfect, and continues:

”Lo I have sent to thy presence five hundred pieces of copper (or bronze) as a present for my brother; as brother, little copper is found (is it not so) in your midst. When the power of _An-Amar-ut_(431) my Lord smote the whole of the men of my land, and none made bronze, also my brother it has not been found in thy midst.

”Your envoy with my envoy I hope to despatch, and whatever my brother requires of copper I also have sent thee. A Brother thou art to me. Much gold and silver he has sent to me. My brother, G.o.d (_Elohim_) gives me also gold. And to my brother's presence I have sent thee whatever my brother desires. Moreover, my brother, do not you desire my envoy? And my brother has given me also men of his bosom. My brother has sent me two (precious vases?) and has despatched to me one of the Chiefs of ill.u.s.trious birth.(432)

”Moreover, my brother, the Chiefs of my land say to me, that they have walked for me according to the letters of the King of Egypt; and, my brother, the decrees also, and the ...

”Moreover, as a Chief of the land of _Alasiya_ has died in the land of Egypt, and his possessions are in your land, and his son and his wife are with me; and, my brother, the possessions of the Chiefs of _Alasiya_ are ... Give them also, my brother, into the hands of my envoy. My brother, has not he abode in your midst, as your envoy abode three years in my land, because the power of _An-Amar-ut_ is in my land; and with my family (and) my wife, is the son of him who has died even now, my brother. I hope to despatch (under escort?) your envoy with my envoy; and I have sent a present to thee, my brother. Moreover, my brother has sent the gold that I desired of thee-much gold, my brother. And let my brother send the possessions that I ask of thee. And, whatever were the messages, my brother has done all, and as for thee whatever messages you utter to me, I also have done. With the King of the _Hitt.i.tes_, and with the King of _s.h.i.+nar_, with these I am not familiar. Whatever gifts they have sent to me, and I have rendered twice the amount to thee. Thy envoy has been sent to me to serve, and my envoy has been sent to thee to serve.”

6 B. M.-”Thus the King of _Alasiya_ to the King of _Egypt_ my brother. Let him learn: behold I have been at peace, and my land is mighty; and because of your salutation peace be to you, peace be to your house, your sons, your wives, your horses, your chariots, your land. May there be much peace forever, my brother.

”Lo! you shall send to me. Why do not you send your envoy to my city again; and I heard not. Lo! how much you afflict me, and I am not made acquainted with all in your midst, and I wonder at this. And now I have despatched my envoy to your city, and I have also despatched to you, by the hands of my envoy for you, one hundred (pounds?) of bronze again. And your envoy carries now gifts-a couch of strong wood, enriched with gold, and chariots enriched with gold, and two horses, and forty-two (vases?), and fifty gold (vases?), and two cups, and fourteen pieces of strong wood, and seventeen large vessels of good make ... from the (?); four (vases?), and four gold (vases?) ... the gifts of which none ...”

The next thirteen lines are almost entirely destroyed. The letter continues on the back of the tablet:

”... _Alasiya_ my merchants with thy merchants, and ... with them; and truly there is good faith ... and my envoy will go to your city, and your envoy shall go to my city. Moreover, why will you not despatch for me (unguents and vases?) I (say), and I will order what you wish, and that which is useful (serving well?) in fulfilment of the decree, I order to be given thee. Behold you sit on the throne of your Kingdom.”

13 B.-A short fragment, too broken to read, includes the names of the countries of _Egypt_ and of _Alasiya_, with salutations. It includes a reference to merchants, and apparently to presents, nine lines in all.
