Part 33 (1/2)

”Since my fathers and thy fathers spoke good things zealously, sending eagerly to make presents, and making friends-and did not they speak eagerly-lo! now my brother has sent two _manahs_ of gold as a present to me. Lo! there is much gold beside, which your father sent, and as this has increased beyond what your father gave, why should you send two _manahs_ of gold? Lo! I have received much, even very much gold, which remains in the temple. Enough gold has been sent. Why should you send two _manahs_ of gold? But as for thee, whatever is needed in thy land send for it, let it be taken of me for thee.

”In the time of _Curigalzu_(418) my father, all the Canaanites sent to him (saying) thus, 'What sayest thou as to the setting up of the land. It is weak. What sayest thou?'

”My father clave to thy (father). He sent to them thus, 'It has been sent to me as to your discontent. If you are foes with the King of _Egypt_ my brother, you must cleave to some other. Shall not I go out against you for this? Shall not I destroy you, as if you were discontented with me?' My father heard them not because of your father. Now behold _a.s.syria_ has arrayed against me. Did not I send to you, as to their thoughts about your land? Why do they send against me? If you have pity on me it will never be done. They will fail to win these things. I have sent to thee, as a present for thee, three _manahs_ of precious stones, fifteen pairs of horses for five wooden chariots.”

3 B. M.-The salutation is the same as in the preceding.

”Since the time of _Caraindas_, since your father's envoys to my father came to me, until now there has been good-will. Now I and thou are well with each other. Your envoys have come thrice to me, making also presents, whatever was sent. And I have sent to thee whatever present has been made.

As for me, is it not all an honor, and as for thee have not I honored thee in all? Your envoy whom you send, has not he paid the twenty _manahs_ of gold that he has brought? And as for the gifts that remainder, is not the amount five _manahs_ of gold.”

Five lines of the letter are here destroyed. On the back of the tablet it continues:

”... the forces of the land (of _Egypt?_) ... these let him gather within the year, which thy envoy says he has sent, and he shall cause the women of the princess to be guided to you, any time that you order. Let me ask for her that the speed may be greater; and having been delayed, when he has made speed let your envoy take (them), and he shall do more than they did before. So I have told my envoy _Sindisugab_ to say. So let them both station the chariots speedily. Let them come to me, and let them make proper arrangements; so let my envoy and your envoy come to me, speedily conveyed.

”As a present for thee I have sent thee two _manahs_ of precious stones; and (to enrich?) your daughter my son's wife(419) he gave a ... and (an amulet to cause safety?); and I have sent thee as a present precious stones to the number of one thousand forty and eight; and I sent, as your envoy was sent back with _Sindisugab_.”

4 B. M.-With the same salutation as before, is very much broken. It contains a list of presents sent in connection with the same royal marriage of a daughter of the King of Egypt to the Babylonian prince. The envoy's name was _Sutti_; the presents included a throne of strong wood, ivory, and gold, and another of wood and gold, with other objects of gold and strong wood.

6 B.-The salutation is the same, but the Kings' names are spelled ”_Nabkhururia_” and ”_Burnaburias_.” This tablet is very much injured. It refers to a daughter and a promise. It continues:

”He takes her people with (him in) seven chariots, with seven chariots which he took from me; all that belongs to her behold ... let me send her people to you. The Kings who ... of the daughter of the great King, in five chariots ... to your father ... three overseers ... us he (sent?)...”

About half the obverse of the letter is then lost, and about a quarter of the upper part of the back. It then continues:

”If (the arrangements) are already complete ... if there are no previous arrangements let ... to send _Zalmu_ for the Royal Princess, for _Zalmu_(420) was your envoy whom I sent out, let him (come) ... let him take back the soldiers whom he has sought of me, and let him (take?) ...

of the people of the neighborhood, who being speedily sent he may take back, and let them add as many as ...

”_Khai_(421) your chief, whom you send, is given soldiers and a chariot of our ... and send plenty of soldiers with _Khai_, for the King's daughter ... and otherwise do not send the King's daughter to travel.... Do not delay; send speedily ... in the course of this year you shall send a chariot and soldiers, so gathering ... let them unite as many as he says (are necessary?).

”Your father sent much gold to _Curigalzu_ ... of _Curigalzu_, the quant.i.ty thereof increased in the palace ... so, because he heard the Kings (or great men) who gave advice, thus the gold ... the Kings, brotherhood, and good-will, peace, and fealty ... the ... increased the silver, increased the gold, increased....

”As thy present I have sent ... of precious stone. To the Lady of thy house twenty (?) of precious stones: so my wife causes me to send, because very greatly ... and as she desires shall it not be done, as I rejoiced being glad ... let them take of me much gold for thyself ... let them take of me according as I ... may it come quickly; and has not my lord ordered thus, that your envoy should bring to his brother much ... so let me send to thee...”

7 B.-The salutation from _Burnaburias_ is the same as in the preceding letters. The letter continues:

”On the day that my brother's envoy arrived, and brought me this message, his envoy (came) wearied to my presence: he had eaten no food, and (had drunk) no strong drink ... the envoy you send told me the news, that he had not brought to me the caravan(422) on account of (wicked men?) from whom it was not (safe?). So he has not brought to me the caravan. The explanation of the (head man?) was, because of fear of being destroyed, which my brother has (known of). Thus as I desired explanation, not ...

why the (chief?) did not ... his envoy, why he had not sent it, had not ... my brother's envoy he has caused to say this ... 'Is it not that the region was at strife?' thus ... your brother heard this. He has sent you salutation. Who is it that has told my brother thus that the land has risen? Your brother sends with speed to salute you, as wis.h.i.+ng to hear this. Does not he send his envoy to thee? I have told him then to say to my brother, 'A great mult.i.tude has arisen, and the land is at strife: the thing is true that thy envoy thus said. As thy brother heard not that the expedition has marched on thee, he has asked. Has not he sent to salute thee?' So as I asked my envoy he said, 'As the foe has arisen let him be destroyed.' My brother, have not I ordered this?(423) And so they told me all that has happened in my brother's country, and is not all this explanation necessary? And all has thus happened in my land, and as for me is it not all needful? 'The lawful command that was previously in the hands of our kingdom has been opposed,' he said. We have speedily sent salutation: an interchange of messages between us has been established ...

to your presence ...”

Several lines are here missing at the top of the tablet on the back, and the letter then continues:

”... my salutation ... and your salutation with ... Thou thyself behold hast (sent?) thy envoy, to make known this message. So I made him wait for this. I have sent my messenger with speed, when he has rested sixty-one days, and as he said to me this 'I saw the foes (but not) at all was I afraid.' And to-day he is ... I have sent to thee making many presents. I have sent to my brother's hands, as a present for thee, (eighty?) precious stones; and I have sent to my brother five yoke of horses, which are brought this day by my envoy. I desired to send, making many presents to be sent to my brother. And whatever notification (is) needful let this notification be sent, let them take it for me from their home. I have claimed delay that they may send presenting much gold. I send notice to my brother: truly on account of my delay he has remained. The gold I notify I have sent. I return explanation to your presence. Have not I despatched everything to my brother? Let him behold the notice: let him sign for whatever is sent ... I was anxious lest when I sent a notice my brother did not see (it) ... thus I have returned that which my brother signed, I have sent (it) for the gold that they brought me. As for the gifts I so despatch thou shalt thus (reply?); does not ...

”_Zalmu_ my envoy whom I send to you is responsible to us if ... have plundered. I have made _Biriyamaza_ responsible for ... (If) again they have plundered, I have made _Pamakhu_ responsible in part for ... to your land complete.

”... they have sworn ... let my envoy ... to the presence of my brother ... let him be sent back to me ... his message: let him salute ...”

8 B.-The same salutation from _Burnaburias_ to Amenophis IV. The letter continues: