Part 46 (1/2)

MERCURY. Regarded as chief of the G.o.ds by Gauls, 87; Lugh Lamfada identified with, 113

MERLIN. See Myrddin.

Reference to his magical arts, 337; equivalent Myrddin, 354; believed by Geoffrey of Monmouth to have erected Stonehenge, 354; the abode of, described, 354-356

MESGEDRA. The vengeance of, fulfilled, 241

MESRODA, MAC DATHO. Son of Datho, 241; the carving of the boar of, 241-244; Conor and Maev both send to purchase his hound, 241

MESSBUACHALLA (mess-boohala). Only daughter of Etain Oig, 166; significance, the cowherds foster-child, 166; King Eterskels promised son and, 166; visited by a Danaan lover, and birth of Conary, 166, 167

MEXICO. Cup-and-ring marking in, 68; symbol of the feet found in, 77; the cross-legged Buddha, frequent occurrence in religious art of, 87

MIDIR THE PROUD (mideer). A son of the Dagda; a type of splendour, 124; his appearance to King Eochy, 124; Fuamnach, wife of, 156; Etain, second bride of, 156; recovers his wife from Eochy, 160-163; yields up Etain, 163


1. Sons of; conquer the People of Dana, 100; the coming of, to displace rule in Ireland of Danaans, 130; Bregon, son of, 130; Amergin, son of, 133; begin conquest of Ireland on May-day, 133, 134.

2. A G.o.d, represented as, in a Celtic inscription from Hungary, son of Bil, 130.

3. Children of; resolve to take vengeance for Iths slaying, 133; enter upon the sovranty of Ireland, 136

MILESIAN-S. See Sons of Miled, 130; myth, meaning of, 138-145; the early kings, 146-148

MINORCA. a.n.a.logous structures (to represent s.h.i.+ps) to those in Ireland found in, 76

MOCHAEN (mo-chayn). Hill of, and Lughs eric, 115

MODRED. King Arthurs nephew; usurps his uncles crown and weds his wife Guanhumara, 337; Arthur defeats and slays, 337, 338

MONGAN. Irish chieftain, reincarnation of Finn; wager as to place of death of King Fothad, 81

MONTELIUS, DR. OSCAR. And the s.h.i.+p symbol, 72

MOONREMUR. A lord of Ulster; mac Dathos boar and, 243

MORANN. Druid; prophecy of, concerning Cuchulain, 183

MORC. Fomorian king, 101

MORDA. A blind man, set by Ceridwen to keep fire under the magic cauldron, 413

MORIATH. Daughter of Scoriath, the King of Feramore; her love for Maon and her device to win him back to Ireland, 153, 154; curious tale regarding his hair, 154

MORNA. Father of Goll, 257

MORRIGAN, THE. Extraordinary G.o.ddess, embodying all that is perverse and horrible among supernatural powers, 126; her love and friends.h.i.+p for Cuchulain, 126; her visit to Conary Mor at Hostel of Da Derga, 172; appears to Cuchulain and offers her love, 212; her threat to be about his feet in bottom of the Ford, 212; attacks Cuchulain, and is wounded by him, 213; croaks of war and slaughter before Cuchulain, 230; settles on the dead Cuchulains shoulder as a crow, 233

MOUNTAINS OF MOURNE. Cuchulain on, 193

MOYRATH. Battle of, ended resistance of Celtic chiefs to Christianity, 51

MOYSLAUGHT (The Plain of Adoration).