Part 45 (1/2)

LOUGHCREW. Great tumulus at, supposed burying-place of Ollav Fola, 150

LOURDES. Cult of waters of, 66, 67

LUCAN. Triad of deities mentioned by, 86

LUCHAD (loo-chad). Father of Luchta, 112

LUCHTA (looch-ta). Son of Luchad, 112; the carpenter of the Danaans, 117

LUDGATE. For derivation see Nudd

LUGH (loo), or LUGUS.

1. See Apollo, 58; the G.o.d of Light, in Gaul and Ireland, as, 88; 2. Son of Kian, the Sun-G.o.d _par excellence_ of all Celtica, the coming of, 109-113; other names, Ildnach (The All-Craftsman) and Lugh Lamfada (Lugh of the Long Arm), 113, 123; his eric from sons of Turenn for murder of his father, Kian, 115-116; slays Balor and is enthroned in his stead, 117; fiery spear of, 121; his wors.h.i.+p widely spread over Continental Celtica, 123; father, by Dectera, of Cuchulain, 123, 182; Cymric deity Llew Llaw Gyffes corresponds with, 347, 348


Invincible sword of, 105, 106; Bres, son of Balor, and, 123; husband of Dectera and father of Cuchulain, 182; appears to Cuchulain and protects the Ford while his son rests, 214; fights by his sons side, 215; Cymric hero Llew Llaw Gyfles corresponds with, 347, 348

LUNED. Maiden who rescued Owain, 397; Owain rescues her, 398, 399


MABINOGION, THE (singular, _Mabinogi_).

Reference to story of Kilhwch and Olwen in, 343; The Red Book of Hergest, the main source of the tales of, 344; Math Son of Mathonwy, tale in, 347; Mr. Alfred Nutts edition, 356; Four Branches of the Mabinogi form most important part of, 384; Peredurs story in, and French version, 406; the tale of Taliesin and, 412

MABON. Son of Modron, released by Arthur, 391, 392

MACCECHT. Danaan king, husband of Fohla, 132; member of Conarys retinue at Da Dergas Hostel, 175; his search for water, 175, 176

MACCUILL (quill). Danaan king, husband of Banba, 132; at fortress of Aileach, 132

MACGREN. Danaan king, husband of Eriu, 132; mythical name Son of the Sun, 132

MAC INDOC, THE PLAIN OF. Laery and St. Benen on, 239

MACKERVAL, DERMOT. Rule of, in Ireland, and the cursing of Tara, 47, 48.

See Dermot

MACPHERSON. Pseudo-Ossian poetry of, 238 MAC ROTH. Maevs steward, named, and the Brown Bull of Quelgny, 202; sent to view host of Ulster men, 223

MACEDON. Attacked by Thracian and Illyrian hordes, 23

MACHA. Daughter of Red Hugh, 151; slays Dithorba and compels Kimbay to wed her, 151; captures five sons of Dithorba, 151, 152; forms an instance of the intermingling of the attributes of the Danaan with the human race, 152; a super-natural being, 178; goes to dwell with Crundchu, 178; her race against Ultonian horses, 179; gives birth to twins and curses the Ultonians, 180; her curse on men of Ulster, 203-221; the curse removed from men of Ulster, 222

MAELDUN. Son of Ailill Edge-of-Battle, 310; departs to his own kindred, 311; sets out on his wonderful voyage, 311-331

MAELDUN, VOYAGE OF (mayl-doon). Found in MS. ent.i.tled Book of the Dun Cow, 309; reference to Dr. Whitley Stokes translation in the Revue Celtique, 309; theme of Tennysons Voyage of Maeldune furnished by Joyces version in Old Celtic Romances, 309; narrative of, 311-331

MAEN TYRIAWC (maen tyri-awc). Burial-place of Pryderi, 379