Part 44 (1/2)
KIMBAY (CIMBAOTH). Irish king; reign of, and the founding of Emain Macha, 150; brother of Red Hugh and Dithorba, 151; compelled to wed Macha, 151
KING LEAR. Historia Regum Britani furnished the subject of, 337, 338
KINGSBOROUGH, LORD. Antiquities of Mexico, example of cup-and-ring markings reproduced in his book, 68
KNOWLEDGE. Nuts of, 256; the Salmon of, 256
KYMIDEU KYMEIN-VOLL. Wife of Lla.s.sar Llaesgyvnewid, 368
KYMON. A knight of Arthurs court; the adventure of, 394-399
KYNDDELIG. One of Arthurs servitors; accompanies Kilhwch on his quest for Olwen, 388-392
KYOT (GUIOT). Provenal poet; and Wolfram von Eschenbach, 408
LA TNE CULTURE. Relics found in Austria developed into, 29
LAEG (layg). Cuchulains friend and charioteer, 183; sent by Cuchulain to rouse men of Ulster, 213; visits Fairyland to report on Fand, 226; the Grey of Macha resists being harnessed by, 230; slain by Lewy, 232
LAERY (layry). 1. Son of King Ugainy the Great; treacherously slain by his brother Covac, 152.
2. The Triumphant; shrinks from test for the Champions.h.i.+p of Ireland, 196; mac Dathos boar and, 243.
3. Son of Neill; sees vision of Cuchulain, 239
LAIRGNEN (lerg-nen). Connacht chief, betrothed to Deoca; seizes the Children of Lir, 142
LAKE OF THE CAULDRON. Place where Matholwch met Lla.s.sar Llaesgyvnewid and his wife Kymideu Kymeinvoll, 367, 368
LAKE OF THE DRAGONS MOUTH. Resort of Caer, 121; Angus Og joins his love, Caer, at, 122
LAND OF THE DEAD. Spain a synonymous term, 130; the western extremity of Great Britain is, according to ancient writer cited by Plutarch, and also according to Procopius, 131
LAND OF THE LIVING. = Land of the Happy Dead, 96; gifts which Lugh brought from, 113
LAND OF SHADOWS. Dwelling-place of Skatha; Cuchulain at, 187-189
LAND OF THE WEE FOLK. See Wee Folk (otherwise, Faylinn), 246, &c.
LAND OF YOUTH. Identical with Land of the Dead, Land of the Living, _q.v._; See Mananan, 113, 125; Cleena once lived in, 127; Connlas Well in, visited by Sinend, 129; still lives in imagination of Irish peasant, 137; mystic country of People of Dana after their dispossession by Children of Miled, 156; pagan conception of, referred to, 161; lover from, visits Messbuachalla, to whom she bears Conary, 166, 167; Oisin sees wonders of, 272; Oisin returns from, 273; The Lady of the Fountain and the, 395, 396
LAYAMON. Translator. See Historia Regum Britani
LEGEND. The cycles of Irish, 95
LEINSTER. Book of, and de Jubainville, 24; ancient tract, the Dinnsenchus, preserved in, 85; traditional derivation of name, 154; men of, rally to Maevs foray against Ulster, 205; Mesroda, son of Datho, dwelt in province of, 241