Part 20 (1/2)

”Katy Chapman,” said Katy. ”Is the birthing pool room free? I'll try anything at this point and I promise to keep him under control.”

”Follow Nurse Brady here and she'll check for you. Enjoy,” she smiled sweetly at Daniel.

”Birthing pool? What do you mean birthing pool?” Daniel whispered loudly as they trotted after Nurse Brady.

”It's supposed to be good for pain relief,” replied Katy.

”Looks like you're in luck,” said Nurse Brady after she had peered round a door. ”Come on in.”

Daniel stood in the middle of the large, very well illuminated room and visibly paled.

”What is that? A baby elephant bath? Are we at the zoo?” he exclaimed.

”Daniel, just chill will you. That is hopefully going to stop me screaming blue murder every five minutes.”

”Why? Is it full of tequila?”

”You settle yourselves in,” said Nurse Brady. ”I'll be back in five minutes to do an internal and see how we are getting on.”

”Say why don't I go grab us some Starbucks whilst you get all the weird stuff over and done with,” said Daniel, already starting to feel a little faint. ”A latte will do you the world of good.”

”I don't think the Starbucks roll-out program has. .h.i.t hospitals yet Daniel.”

”I can but dream Katy, I can but dream. Dishwater in polystyrene it is then.”

”If you can find me a bacon b.u.t.ty I might let you look away during the gory bits.”

”Promises, promises. Now you keep an eye on that Nurse Brady, she looked a bit fresh to me. No probing for too long tell her.”

”You really know how to make this whole thing special, you know that Daniel?”

”Just trying to do my job girl. I'll be back in ten.”

8.15am ”Why are you here? Is Katy here? Daniel, wake up, wake up now?” said a far away voice.

”What the h.e.l.l. Where am I? What's going on?” mumbled Daniel, slowly raising his head from the cafeteria table that he had dozed off on.

”You're at the hospital and it's me Matthew. What are you doing here?” asked Matthew.

”Matthew? Matthew? Oh f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, Matthew. No it's not you is it? I'm still asleep and this is some kind of twisted nightmare.”

”No Daniel. It is me Matthew.”

”Who called you?”


”So why are you here?”

”Because Alison started to have some pains in the night. Not labour or anything but they want to keep her in on bed rest for a few days just to be sure.”

”I see. So no-one called you,” Daniel asked again.

”No, why would they? Are you awake yet? You're not making any sense?”

Daniel glanced at his watch.

”Is that the time? Must go,” he said, getting up from his chair.

”No stop, hold on a minute. You're here with Katy aren't you? Look just tell me she's alright, please?”

”She's fine but I've got to go, she's waiting for me.”

”Oh my G.o.d she's in labour isn't she?” said a shocked Matthew. ”But she's not due for another two weeks. Where is she? I have to see if she's alright. Tell me where she is?”

”No. You just stay right here,” said Daniel, suddenly fully awake.

”You don't understand, I've got to see her. I saw her yesterday and I need to explain. I need to sort things out with her.”

”Oh no you don't. She is going through enough right now without you complicating it yet again. Just drop it OK for everyone's sake.”

”I can't just drop it you idiot. It's Katy and she might be having my baby. How can you tell me to just drop it?”

”Because you're not going to be the one to be left to pick up the pieces when you screw it all up again. Listen to me. Let it go. It's what is best for everyone, you know that,” said Daniel.

”If you won't tell me where she is then I'll go and find her myself,” Matthew said as he turned and marched towards the door.

”f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k,” said Daniel, hitting his head on the table. He reached inside his pocket for Katy's phone and dialled Braindead's number.

”We're just coming into Leeds now. The relief crew is on its way,” came a too-cheerful voice.

”Look Braindead we have a potential hostile takeover emerging. The other father has arrived. When you get to the station get in a cab and tell him to drive very, very fast. Have you got that? I'll be waiting for you at the entrance. You have no time to lose,” said Daniel.

”Right you are. Don't you worry; no-one is taking our main player. Not without a fight.”

”That's the spirit. Now just get here as quick as you can.”

Chapter 22.

8.40am ”Just hold on a minute, we're nearly done,” came Katy's voice from behind a curtain as Matthew entered the room having already interrupted two other labouring women in his quest to find Katy.

”Looks like you won't have time to go home and get your swimming trunks, I'm eight centimetres already,” said Katy as the nurse threw back the dividing curtain.

”What the... oh G.o.d, here it comes again,” said Katy.

”It's OK love, just breathe easy,” said the nurse, putting the gas mask over her mouth before looking up to see Matthew hovering by the door. She did a double take.