Part 19 (1/2)

Braindead was silent at the end of the phone.

”Did you get that? Do you want me to say it again?” asked Daniel.

The next thing Daniel heard was Braindead literally shouting at Ben.

”Get your a.r.s.e out of this pub and back to Katy. This might be your son coming and he might play for England one day and I want you to get me tickets if that happens. So stop worrying about what he might not be and start worrying about what he might be and get yourself back there.”

”Come on Braindead, that's brilliant. I really like the shouting bit. Keep going,” urged Daniel.

”Keep going, I don't know what else to say.”

”You're doing great. Just tell him what you really think. Go on, speak from the heart, you know him best.”

”Right. OK,” said Braindead. There was a short silence before he spoke again. ”And Ben, listen. Katy's ace.”

”Beautiful, concise, to the point, wonderfully executed. Well done Braindead,” said Daniel raising his fist in victory.

”Is she really in labour?” suddenly Ben's voice came to the phone.

”Well if she's not she sure is doing a good impression. Look Ben, she knows what she did was wrong and she's feels awful but you have to get here and see this. Don't walk away now. Maybe later if you can't work it out but not now. Not now you have got this far. She needs you. The baby needs you.”

”I'm in Edinburgh.”


”In Edinburgh. Me and Braindead decided to throw a sickie and get up here early for a stag-do because I just couldn't face anything.”

”OK, keep calm. This is a minor blip we can overcome. Think Daniel, think. Right I don't think you'll get a flight this late so I'm just checking on my Blackberry for train times. Give me a sec. OK, there's a train at 12.30am and it gets into Leeds at...... just hang on. Jesus Christ, are you coming from the moon, it doesn't get you in until 8.30am. Right put Braindead back on.”


”Right I need you to listen carefully. You need to ask the barman to call a taxi firm and ask them if they'll drive you and Ben back to Leeds tonight. You have half an hour to try and get someone to drive you but if no-one will you need to get to the station and catch the 12.30am train. Have you got that?”

”Yeah, why me and Ben?”

”Because you need to get the father of the next England Striker back here to see his baby born.”

”Oh yeah.”

”Now, don't worry about the cost. We'll sort that out when you get here. Just get back as quick as you can by whatever means. Call me when you are in a taxi or on the train OK?”

”Got it Danno.”

”It's Daniel.”

”Yeah but I was being, you know, concise and to the point.”

”Just get him here and you can call me whatever you like.”

”What even something like Puff the Magic Danno?”

”Only if you're here in less than five hours.”

”Well now you've laid down the challenge, we'll see you in four.”

Chapter 21.

7.12am ”I can't believe you,” Katy said to Daniel through gritted teeth as she sat on a chair in the hall, her discomfort clearly visible via the white knuckles wrapped around the wooden arms.

”Shush, please don't talk too loud,” said Daniel, who was slumped on the floor, his head resting on Katy's hospital bag.

”Do you not think that I'm coping with enough without you having the mother of all hangovers?” said Katy, kicking the bag from under Daniel causing him to bang his head on the floor.

”Ow,” he yelled, pulling himself up and rubbing his head. ”Was that necessary? Do you really think I could get through an entire night of you screeching and wailing without some medicinal aid? It's hardly my fault that the only thing you had in the house was cheap brandy. And I'm telling you, when I see those b.i.t.c.hes who answer the phone at the labour ward, I'm going to give them a piece of my mind. What do you have to do to make them understand that we had a crisis going on here and needed to be in hospital?”

”It wasn't a crisis. Women go into labour every day,” said Katy, looking nervously at her watch.

”Not with me they don't. I even told them if they didn't help me I was a suicide risk, but they just laughed and told me to pull myself together.”

”Just go and take some paracetamol and while you're at it bring me some,” said Katy, sensing pain rapidly approaching.

”Paracetamol? I'm not really thinking suicide Katy. You and the world need me,” said Daniel sincerely.

”For your hangover you idiot,” said Katy. ”And for the torture I am going through. Go on quick; the taxi should be here any minute.”

7.30am ”Daniel, get out here now,” shouted Katy. ”The taxi is here.”

”After you, you lovely, charming lady,” said Daniel as he emerged from the bathroom.

”Bag. Carry. You,” said Katy before she took a deep breath and started her painful descent down the stairs.

”So you think you'll be in hospital a long time then?” Daniel asked from behind her.

”Hope not, why?” she puffed.

”This bag is b.l.o.o.d.y heavy. What the h.e.l.l have you got in it?”

”Clothes for me and the baby and stuff for clearing up mess in general. Nappies, wipes, cotton wool, sanitary towels, bra pads, you know, that sort of thing.”

”Why do you insist on making this as difficult as possible for me? Such items should never be spoken of within my earshot. Mess is just so unsettling.”

Katy stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned to face Daniel. ”You are about to witness me giving birth. The messiest, most disgusting process you could ever be part of. If you don't think you are man enough, let's halt this pretence now and you can go back to bed whilst I face the most important and most difficult moment of my life all alone.” She stopped and her face screwed up in pain. ”Aaaaaaaaaah. Christ another contraction. Aaaaaah, just get me into this d.a.m.n taxi. Aaaaaaaaaah, and then go.”

Daniel and the taxi driver stared helplessly as she writhed in pain, grasping the stair rail as if her life depended on it.

”You lad, in that taxi now,” said the taxi driver gruffly when Katy's contraction appeared to be calming down. ”Come on, get a move on. If you're man enough to do the necessary to make a baby, then you sure as h.e.l.l are man enough to be there when it arrives. You young lads think you can run around like rampant rabbits and never have to face the consequences. Well today is consequence day so stop your moaning and get in.”