Part 11 (1/2)

”This is so exciting I can't even begin to tell you,” said Daniel, bouncing up and down with glee in Katy's car. ”I love, love, love surprises. You will tell me when I can take the blindfold off won't you?”

”Don't worry,” replied Katy. ”We're just arriving. You can take it off as soon as I've stopped the car. And it's not really a surprise. More a thank you for the wonderful baby shower you threw me.”

”See, I knew you'd come round in the end. It was marvellous wasn't it?” said Daniel. ”I bet I can guess where you're taking me. You've rung all my friends and gathered them for c.o.c.ktails at Norman's Bar. I'm right aren't I?”

”Not exactly,” said Katy as she parked the car. ”OK you can take it off now.”

Daniel peeked over the top of the blindfold. His excited grin faded as he yanked it off his head and recognised where he was.

”Hospital? What the h.e.l.l are we doing here?” he said, turning to look at Katy.

”Daniel, I knew you wouldn't come if I asked first, but this is serious. I need you to come to my last antenatal cla.s.s with me. You're the only person who knows what's going on and there is every chance that I might need you with me at the birth,” pleaded Katy.

”Are you out of your mind? You already have two possible fathers. To get me involved as well is just plain greedy Katy.”

To Katy's horror she started to cry.

”Are you crying?” asked Daniel.

Katy nodded whilst fumbling for a tissue in her bag.

”If you are pretend crying just to get me to go in there then it won't work Katy. You have been very cruel and brought me here under false pretences and I am n.o.body's fool.”

”Daniel, I need you OK? I need you to help me,” said Katy, tears coming thick and fast now.

”They are not pretend tears are they?”

”Of course they b.l.o.o.d.y aren't.”

”Oh Katy, I'm no use to you here. It's Ben you need, not me,” said Daniel taking Katy's hand in his.

”But he's not here is he. Since the dinner party, he's shut me out completely. I can't get a word out of him. He spends hardly any time in the flat. He goes out every night straight from school and comes home after I've gone to bed,” said Katy.

”You've got to talk to him Katy,” said Daniel.

”I know, I know. But he won't talk to me.”

They sat in silence for some time.

”Can I ask you something difficult?” Daniel finally said.

”Do you have to? My brain hurts as it is.”

”Well no of course not but as your friend and confidant on this matter I feel that now is probably the time to ask the difficult questions. You'll never have another chance.”

”What do you mean I'll never have another chance?”

”Well I have this theory. Only when things are really bad do you force yourself to ask the difficult questions. Well, I say questions, but I really mean one, since there is only one really, truly difficult question.”

He paused.

”Well, come on then, what is it?” asked Katy impatiently.

”The difficult question always is,” said Daniel, pausing again for dramatic effect. ”Do I really love him?”

”That's it. That's the one really, truly difficult question.”


They sat in silence again while they both considered Daniel's theory. When Katy failed to speak, Daniel decided to expand on his thoughts.

”You see when things are OK with a man, not fantastic but OK, the really truly difficult question hovers at the back of your mind and occasionally threatens to break through and present itself. But to try and answer it would inevitably drive change in the relations.h.i.+p which is too much effort so you don't answer it. Which is fine, but if everything continues as OK, not fantastic but OK, you could end up in a long-term relations.h.i.+p without ever tackling the really truly difficult question and therefore you could end up with someone you don't love. Are you with me so far?”

Katy nodded.

”So you see, you have to hope for a bad patch because then you are more open to answering the really truly difficult question as change can only be good. So in summary this trauma is great news because now you get to answer the really truly difficult question. Do you get it?”

”I think so,” sniffed Katy. ”The logic is a bit messy but I guess there is a point in there somewhere.”

”Good. So do you?”

”Do I what?”

”Have you been listening at all? Do you really love him?” urged Daniel.

”Which one?”

”You are kidding me right?”

”What? Oh stop it Daniel. I can't think straight,” said Katy, the tears starting to flow again.

”Are you trying to tell me it's not just your feelings for Ben that are in question here, that Matthew is also back on the dance floor?”

”No, of course not. Oh I don't know. It's just that... it's just that we were singing the Dirty Dancing soundtrack in my office last week...” Katy started to say.

”Which song?” Daniel interrupted.

”I've Had the Time of My Life, obviously” replied Katy.

”You disappoint me. Hungry Eyes is far superior.”

”I really don't think that's relevant at this point Daniel.”

”Sorry. Continue.”

”Well it's just that it all came flooding back, you know that first love feeling. When it's just so d.a.m.ned uncomplicated,” said Katy with a sigh.

”I'm not sure I agree with you there. I mean Baby really did think Johnny had got Penny pregnant. I wouldn't call that uncomplicated.”

”I don't mean Dirty Dancing,” said Katy, getting frustrated. ”I mean me and Matthew. I was in love with him once. And it was great. Really great. I thought he was the one Daniel, I really did. I thought I was going to be with him for the rest of my life. Then when we went for dinner and I saw him in his house, in his life, I couldn't help thinking that could have been me you know. With the gravel drive and the hanging baskets and the beautiful nursery and his and hers bathrooms and the G.o.dd.a.m.n wedding photos on the mantelpiece.” A fresh wave of tears came.