Part 15 (2/2)

CELIA. ”Elsie Hardiman to Alfred Bryce.” (_All give tremendous sigh of relief. Looking up_) Why didn't somebody tell me Elsie Hardiman was engaged?

FARADAY. (_Comes to chair_ R. _of_ L. _table and lays m.u.f.f down on book rack_) I wouldn't go into that, Celia. I wouldn't pursue _that_ line of inquiry any further if I were _you_, my dear. (_Tries to take paper_.)

CELIA. (_Retaining her hold on paper_) I just want to see if anybody is dead, Father. (_Puts out a hand surrept.i.tiously and pulls_ AUNT IDA _near her. They all watch her with tragic anxiety. She sees notice, reads it, and utters a long, low cry of grief, then lets paper drop on table and with another long moan, rises and buries her face in_ AUNT IDA'S _shoulder_.)

(TARVER _curls up in chair extreme_ R., _pulling his moustache_.)

PHYLLIS. (_Making sympathetic motion forward_) Celia--darling.

AUNT IDA. (_Waving her handkerchief up and down_) Sh--sh--sh--s.h.!.+

(_They stand in grief-stricken att.i.tudes, contemplating her_.)

FARADAY. (_Brokenly_) Celia--my child----

AUNT IDA. (_Waving her handkerchief up and down_) Sh--sh--sh--s.h.!.+

EVELYN. _Poor Celia!_

AUNT IDA. Sh--sh--sh--s.h.!.+ (_Pause_.) I think--she will--say something soon.

CELIA. (_Raising a flushed, quivering face from_ AUNT IDA'S _shoulder_) So you were all--trying to keep this--from me?

GRICE. (_Coming down_ R.) G.o.d help us, we were. (_Takes off his and wipes his eyes_.)

PHYLLIS. Ah--Celia.

AUNT IDA. (_In same queer, choked way_) Wouldn't it be better if you all left her alone--with me?

FARADAY. (_Much relieved_) Quite so. Quite so. Come, children.

(_Crosses a few steps up and right. The girls, with_ PHYLLIS _first_, MADGE, _then_ EVELYN, _form a line and, with bowed heads and folded hands, walk across the morning room door_. TARVER _rises and walks mournfully up to door_.) Come, Admiral.

GRICE. (_Crossing up_ R.) No, Faraday. I'll take my leave from this house of grief. (_Exits through card room_.)

CELIA. (_Comes_ L.C.) Wait, Father. (_The girls halt in doorway_, TARVER _above sofa_) I only want to say that I don't intend to let this news make any difference--outwardly. You see you never knew what I knew--about him, so I can't expect you to realize all that I've lost. I don't see what's to be gained by any parade of grief, so I'll go to this dinner party to-night and try to act as though nothing whatever had happened.

TARVER. (_Beaming_) That's splendid of you, Celia. It's much the wisest not to give way to sorrow. But you will get those votes you promised me, won't you?

FARADAY. Take him away. Take him away.

(EVELYN _whirls_ TARVER _around and hands him unceremoniously off the stage_. FARADAY _exits. There is a pause, then_ AUNT IDA _and_ CELIA _burst into hearty laughter_. AUNT IDA _crosses to table_ R., _sits, and_ CELIA _sits on the arm of her chair_.)

CELIA. Oh, Aunt Ida. Didn't we get through that splendidly?
